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1960 Census: Instructions to Respondents

The 1960 census was the first to employ a form of self-enumeration. The Census Bureau mailed each householder an "Advance Census Report" form that they were to fill out without the aid of census employees. Census takers (enumerators) later collected these forms in person and transferred the information they contained onto permanent FOSDIC census forms that computers read to derive the official tabulations. If a household failed to complete its advance report form, or filled it out incorrectly, the census taker interviewed that household and copied the answers directly to the permanent forms. (A few of the housing items were completed by the enumerators without consulting the respondents.)
One-fourth (25 percent) of the households later received a second questionnaire containing additional "sample" questions, and census takers transferred the answers from these to permanent FOSDIC forms just as they did with the basic Advanced Census Reports. The 1960 PUMS was created from the FOSDIC forms for these sample households and the persons living in them. However, since the respondents originally answered the Advanced Census Reports and sample questionnaires, it is the questions from these that are reproduced below.

The questions are presented in two sections, "Population questions" and "Housing questions." All persons contained in the PUMS answered all of the population questions listed below, but not all households answered the same housing questions:

a. Households in cities with populations of 50,000 or more were asked some additional housing questions not asked in other areas, while households outside of those cities received a different set of additional housing questions. Those questions asked only inside the 50,000+ population cities are marked PH-4" below, while those asked only outside of those cities are marked "PH-3." (The terms are derived from the names of the two FOSDIC forms to which census takers copied the information.)

b. The FOSDIC forms used to record the 25 percent sample all contained the same population questions, but recorded two slightly different sets of housing questions. Most of the housing questions did appear on both of the forms, but some appeared on only four-fifths of them, while the rest appeared on the other one-fifth of the sample forms.

The 25 percent sample can therefore be thought of as two separate samples: a 20 percent sample (comprising four-fifths of all sample households) and a 5 percent sample (comprising the remaining sample households).

The following codes are used to identify which housing questions were asked of which households:

[All] = Question asked of all households in the sample.
[PH-4] = Question asked only in cities with populations of 50,000+.
[PH-3] = Question asked only of households not contained in PH-4 universe.
[20%] = Response recorded only for 20 percent sample households (whether inside cities or not).
[5%] = Response recorded only for 5 percent sample households (whether inside cities or not).

For full information, see U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1960 Censuses of Population and Housing: Procedural History, Washington D.C., 1966, and Principle Data-Collection Forms and Procedures, Washington D.C., 1961.] [This is the cover page to all preliminary "Advance Census Report" forms. Note that it mentions the possibility that the household might be issued a "sample" form in the future.]


Dear Householder:
This Government report form is for you to fill out before the Census Taker calls to take the 1960 Census of Population and Housing. The enclosed example will serve as a guide to help you put down the required answers for each member of your household.
If you will have the form ready for the Census Taker by April 1, you can help speed up the Census and reduce costs. In order to make the results more accurate, you are asked to consult other members of your household, if necessary, to get the dates of birth and other facts. Any visitors who stayed overnight in your home on Thursday, March 31, 1960 should be listed in Section C of the report.
As provided in the Constitution, the Census count will determine the number of seats in Congress to be apportioned to each State. The information which you give will also help Government and business in developing their plans, which may affect all of us.
In one out of every four homes, extra questions will be asked. That home is picked by chance, so that no one knows in advance whether it will be yours or your neighbor's. When the Census Taker comes, he will tell you if your household has been chosen.
The information that you are required to furnish is held confidential by law. Your Census report cannot be used for purposes of taxation, investigation, or regulations.
Sincerely yours,


Bureau of the Census


CONFIDENTIAL - The Census is required by the United States Constitution and further authorized by 13 U.S.C. 5, 9, 141, 221-4. The law requires that the inquiries be answered completely and accurately, and guarantees that the information furnished will be accorded confidential treatment. The Census report cannot be used for purposes of taxation, investigation, or regulation.
[The header to all sample questionnaires, whether 20% or 5%.]


Dear Householder:

Thank you for your cooperation in providing the information you have already given the Census Taker. This questionnaire covers the additional items needed to complete the Census.
You will see that questions about your dwelling are on the next page and that questions concerning yourself and each other person in your household are on the following pages. Please study the enclosed example before you start to fill in the form.
Never skip a question just because it does not seem to apply. For instance, an answer of "No" to the question, "Did this person work at any time last week?" is just as important as an answer of "Yes." Whenever you do not know the exact answer (such as the cost of utilities or the amount of wages last year) make a reasonable estimate. After you complete the form, please check it over to make sure you have not missed anything.
Federal law states that Census employees must hold all information which you give them in strictest confidence. The statistics published from this Census will not reveal any individual information.
Please mail the completed questionnaire within 3 days in the addressed envelope which the Census Taker has left with you. It requires no postage. Your prompt attention to this request will be appreciated.
Sincerely yours,

Bureau of the Census

This is an official document of the United States Government.

CONFIDENTIAL - The Census is required by the United States Constitution and further authorized by 13 U.S.C. 5, 9, 141, 221-4. The law requires that the inquiries be answered completely and accurately, and guarantees that the information furnished will be accorded confidential treatment. The Census report cannot be used for purposes of taxation, investigation, or regulation.

1960 Population questions

[These were asked of persons in all 1960 PUMS households.]

SECTION A - In this section list:

1. Everyone who usually lives here, whether related to you or not.

2. All persons staying here who have no other home.

All members of your family living with you, including babies.
All other relatives living here.
Lodgers and boarders living here.
Servants, hired hands, others not related to you who are living here.
Any one else staying here but who has no other home.

Persons who usually live here but who are away temporarily on business, on vacation, or in a general hospital.

College students who are away at college (or who are here only on vacation).
Persons stationed away from here in the Armed Forces.
Persons away in institutions, such as a sanitarium, nursing home, home for the aged, mental hospital.
They will be counted there.


Write names in this order
Head of household on first line
Wife of head
Unmarried children, oldest first
Married children and their families
Other relatives
Others not related to head of household


Last name

First Name

Middle initial

(P3) What is the relationship of each person to the head of this household? (For example, wife, son, daughter, grandson, mother-in-law, lodger, lodger's wife)


(P4) Male or Female (M or F)


(P5) Is this person - White, Negro, American Indian, Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, Hawaiian, Part Hawaiian, Aleut, Eskimo, (etc.)?


(P6) When was this person born?

Month ______________

Year ________________

(P7) Is this person - Married, Widowed, Divorced, Separated, Single (never married)? (Leave blank for children born after March 31, 1946)


P8. Where was this person born? (If born in hospital, give residence of mother, not location of hospital)

If born in the United States, write name of State. If born outside the United States, write name of country, U.S. possession, etc. Use international boundaries as now recognized by the U.S. Distinguish Northern Ireland from Ireland (Eire).

(State, foreign country, U.S. possession, etc.)

P9. If this person was born outside the U.S. - What language was spoken in his home before he came to the United States?


P10. What country was his father born in?

[] United States...
(Name of foreign country; or Puerto Rico, Guam, etc.)

P11. What country was his mother born in?

[] United States...
(Name of foreign country; or Puerto Rico, Guam, etc.)

P12. When did this person move into this house (or apartment)? (Check date of last move)

[] In 1959 or 1960
[] In 1958
[] In 1957
[] April 1955 to Dec. 1956
[] Jan. 1954 to March 1955
[] 1950 to 1953
[] 1940 to 1949
[] Always lived here

P13. Did he live in this house on April 1, 1955? (Answer 1, 2, or 3)

[] 1. Born April 1955 or later
[] 2. Yes, this house
[] 3. No, different house

Where did he live on April 1, 1955?

a. City or town ____________________
b. If city or town - Did he live inside the city limits? Yes... [] No.... []
c. County ____________________
AND State, foreign country, U.S. possession, etc. ___________________

P14. What is the highest grade (or year) of regular school this person has ever attended? (Check one box) If now attending a regular school or college, check the grade (or year) he is in. If it is in junior high school, check the box that stand for that grade (or year).

[] Never attended school
[] Kindergarten
Elementary school (Grade)
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
High school (Year)
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
College (Year)
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6 or more

P15. Did he finish the highest grade (or year) he attended?

[] Finished this grade
[] Did not finish this grade
[] Never attended school

P16. Has he attended regular school or college at any time since February 1, 1960? If he has attended only nursery school, business or trade school, or adult education classes, check "No".

[] Yes
[] No

P17. Is it a public school or a private school?

[] Public school
[] Private or parochial school

P18. If this person has ever been married - Has this person been married more than once?

[] Once
[] More than once

P19. When did he get married? When did he get married for the first time?

Month __________ Month __________
Year ____________ Year ___________

P20. If this is a woman who has ever been married - How many babies has she ever had, not counting stillbirths? Do not count her stepchildren or adopted children.



[] None

P21. When was this person born?

[] Born before April 1946
Please go on with questions P22 to P35. Answer the questions regardless of whether the person is a housewife, student, or retired person, or a part-time or full-time worker.
[] Born April 1946 or later
Please omit questions P22 to P35 and turn the page to the next person.

Space for any notes about the entries for this person.

P22. Did this person work at any time last week?
Include part-time work such as a Saturday job, delivering papers, or helping without pay in a family business or farm. Do not count own housework.

[] Yes
[] No

P23. How many hours did he work last week (at all jobs)? (If exact figure not know, give best estimate)

[] 1 to 14 hours
[] 15 to 29 hours
[] 30 to 34 hours
[] 35 to 39 hours
[] 40 hours
[] 41 to 48 hours
[] 49 to 59 hour
[] 60 hours or more.

P24. Was this person looking for work or on layoff from a job?

[] Yes
[] No

P25. Does he have a job or business from which he was temporarily absent all last week because of illness, vacations, or other reasons?

[] Yes
[] No

P26. When did he last work at all, even for a few days? (Check one box)

[] Working now
[] In 1960
[] In 1959
[] 1955 to 1958
[] 1950 to 1954
[] 1949 or earlier
[] Never worked

P27. Occupation (Answer 1, 2, or 3)
Describe this person's job or business last week, if any, and write in name of employer. If this person had no job or business last week, give information for last job or business since 1950.


[] This person last worked in 1949 or earlier
[] This person has never worked


[] On active duty in the Armed Forces now


[] Worked in 1950 or later. Answer a to e, below.

a. For whom did he work?
(Name of company, business, organization, or other employer)

b. What kind of business or industry was this? Describe activity at location where employed.

(For example: County junior high school, auto assembly plant, TV and radio service, retail supermarket, road construction, farm)

c. Is this primarily:
[] Manufacturing
[] Wholesale trade
[] Retail trade
[] Other (services, agriculture, government, construction, etc.)

d. What kind of work was he doing?

(For example: 8th grade English teacher, paint sprayer, repairs TV sets, grocery checker, civil engineer, farmer, farm hand)

e. Was this person: (Check one box)
[] Employee of private company, business, or individual, for wages, salary, or commissions
[] Government employee (Federal, State, county, or local
[] Self-employed in own business, professional practice, or farm
[] Working without pay in a family business or farm

If this person worked last week, answer questions P28 and P29.

P28. What city and county did he work in last week? If he worked in more than one city or county, give place where he worked most last week.

a. City or town ____________________

b. If city or town - Did he work inside the city limits?
[] Yes
[] No

c. County ____________________ State ____________________

P29. How did he get to work last week? (Check one box for principal means used last week)

[] Railroad
[] Subway or elevated
[] Bus or streetcar
[] Taxicab
[] Private auto or car pool
[] Walk only
[] Worked at home
[] Other means - Write in:____________________

P30. Last year (1959), did this person work at all, even for a few days?

[] Yes
[] No

P31. How many weeks did he work in 1959, either full-time or part-time? Count paid vacation, paid sick leave, and military service as weeks worked. (If exact figure not known, give best estimate)

[] 13 weeks or less
[] 14 to 26 weeks
[] 27 to 39 weeks
[] 40 to 47 weeks
[] 48 to 49 weeks
[] 50 to 52 weeks

P32. How much did this person earn in 1959 in wages, salary, commissions, or tips from all jobs? Before deductions for taxes, bonds, dues, or other items. (Enter amount or check "None." If exact figure not known, give best estimate.)

(Dollars only)
[] None

P33. How much did he earn in 1959 in profits or fees from working in his own business, professional practice, partnership, or farm? Net income after business expenses. (Enter amount or check "None." If exact figure not known, give lest estimate. If business or farm lost money, write "Loss" after amount.)

(Dollars only)
[] None

P34. Last year (1959), did this person receive any income from:

Social security
Veteran's payments
Rent (minus expenses)
Interest or dividends
Unemployment insurance
Welfare payments
Any other source not already entered
[] Yes
[] No

What is the amount he received from these sources in 1959?
(If exact figure not known, give best estimate.)
(Dollars only)

P35. If this is a man - Has he ever served in the Army, Navy, or other Armed Forces of the United States?

[] Yes
[] No
(Check one box on each line) Was it during:
Korean War (June 1950 to Jan. 1955)
[] Yes
[] No
World War II (Sept. 1940 to July 1947)
[] Yes
[] No
World War I (April 1917 to Nov. 1918)
[] Yes
[] No
Any other time, including present service
[] Yes
[] No


Name of person(s) who filled this form:



Date filled: ____________________

If it is necessary for the Census Taker to get in touch with you, the best time usually is: (Check one box)

[] 8 to 12 a.m.
[] 12 to 6 p.m.
[] 6 to 9 p.m.

[Section B and C contain questions designed to ensure a complete count.]

SECTION B - NEXT: Please answer the questions in this section to help the Census Taker count your household correctly.
1. Does more than one family live in this home?

[] Yes
[] No
If "Yes," do they live and eat with your family?
[] Yes
[] No
Be sure they are listed in Section 1, above.

2. Is there anyone left out of Section A because you were not sure whether he should be listed - for example, a new baby still in the hospital, or a lodger who also has another home?

[] Yes
[] No

If "Yes," write name(s) here: ____________________

3. Is there anyone listed in Section A who is away from home now?

[] Yes
[] No

If "Yes," write name(s) here: ____________________

SECTION C - List below all persons who were staying here overnight on Thursday, March 31, 1960, except those you have already listed in Section A. Give their home addresses so that the Census Bureau can make sure it counts these people.

(1) Name of visitor (If there are more than 2 names use an additional sheet)


(2) What is the relationship of this person to the head of the household where he usually lives?


(3) Male or Female (M or F)


(4) Is this person - White, Negro, (etc.)?


(5) When was this person born?

Month ____________________

Year ____________________

(6) Is this person - Married, Widowed, Divorced, Separated, Single (never married)? (Leave blank for children born after March 31, 1946)


(7) Home house number and street


(8) Home city or town and postal zone


(9) Home State


(10) If visitor's home is in a rural area - Box No., Rural Route No., and full description of location


(11) Is there anyone there to report this person?

[] Yes
[] No

1960 Housing questions:

[All] = Question asked of all sample households.
[PH-4] = Question asked only in cities with populations of 50,000+.
[PH-3] = Question asked only of households not contained in PH-4 universe.
[20%] = Response recorded only for 20% sample households (whether inside cities or not).
[5%] = Response recorded only for 5% sample households (whether inside cities or not).

SECTION D - These questions are about the place where you and the people you listed in Section A live. They refer to your house or the part of the house which you occupy, or to the apartment, flat, or rooms in which you live.

[H1, H3, H4, H6, and H7 appeared only on FOSDIC forms, not on the questionnaires. They were filled in by the enumerator, not the respondent.]

[All. Determines whether housing unit was group quarters.]
H1. Sample key

[] A
[] GQ
(If GQ, fill H17-H18 and omit remaining "H" items)

[All. Only on FOSDIC form; filled in by enumerator, not respondent]
H3. Type

[] House, apt., flat
[] Trailer

[All. Only on FOSDIC form; filled in by enumerator, not respondent]
H4. Access

[] Direct from outside or common hall
[] Through another unit

[All] H5. Do you have a kitchen or cooking equipment: (Check one)

[] For use of the people in your household only (those you listed in Section A)?
[] Shared with another household or no cooking equipment?

[All. Only on FOSDIC form; filled in by enumerator, not respondent]
H6. Condition [of housing]

[] Sound
[] Deteriorating
[] Dilapidated

[All. Only on FOSDIC form; filled in by enumerator, not respondent]
H7. Occupancy

[] Occupied
[] Vacant:
[] Year-round
[] Migratory wkr
[] Seasonal

H8. How many rooms are in your house or apartment? (Count a kitchen as a room but do not count bathrooms)

Number of rooms ____________________

H9. Is there hot and cold running water in this house or building? (Check one)

[] Hot and cold running water inside the house or building
[] Only cold running water inside
[] Running water on property but not inside building
[] No running water

H10. Is there a flush toilet in this house or building? (Check one)

[] Yes, for the use of this household only
[] Yes, but shared with another household
[] No flush toilet for the use of this household

H11. Is there a bathtub or shower in this house or building? (Check one)

[] Yes, for the use of this household only
[] Yes, but shared with another household
[] No bathtub or shower for the use of this household

H12. Is the house, part of the house, or apartment in which you live: (Check one)

[] Owned or being bought by you or someone else in your household?
[] Rented for cash?
[] Occupied without payment of cash rent?

H12. Is the house, part of the house, or apartment in which you live: (Check one)

[] Owned or being bought by you or someone else in your household?
Answer question H15 and fill Section E
[] Rented for cash?

Answer question H16 and fill Section E

[] Occupied without payment of cash rent?
Skip to Section E

[All. Only on FOSDIC form; filled in by enumerator, not respondent.]
H13. Vacancy status

[] For rent
[] For sale only
[] Rented or sold not occupied
[] For occasional use
[] Other vacant

[PH-4. Filled in by enumerator, not respondent. This is the FOSDIC version; see also H39.]
H14. Description of property

[] 1 unit, no business
[] 1 unit, with business
[] 2 or more units

[PH-4; see also H40.]
H15. About how much do you think this property would sell for on today's market? (Check one)

[] $15,000 to $17,400
[] $17,500 to $19,900
[] $20,000 to $24,900
[] $25,000 to $34,000
[] $35,000 or more

[PH-4; see also H41.]
H16. If you pay your rent by the month-

What is your monthly rent? $_________________.00
(Nearest dollar)
If you pay rent by the week or some other period of time-
What is your rent and what period does it cover?
$_________________.00 per ____________________
(Nearest dollar), (Week, year, etc.)

[Sections E and F omitted] Fill Inside Page for Population Census

The term "house" or "apartment" covers your house or part of the house you occupy, or the apartment, flat, or rooms in which you live. Most of these questions refer to your own house or apartment but note that questions H20, H33, and H34 are about the whole building in which you live.

The term "house" or "apartment" covers your house or part of the house you occupy, or the apartment, flat, or rooms in which you live. Most of these questions refer to your own house or apartment but note that questions H20, H32, and H33 are about the whole building in which you live. Questions H17 and H18 refer to the whole place on which you live; if your house is on land which is only part of a larger property, answer questions about the whole place.

H17 and H18. Is this house:

[] On a city lot (or is this an apartment building)?
[] On a place of less than 10 acres?

Last year (1959), did sales of crops, livestock, and other farm products from this place amount to $250 or more?
[] $250 or more
[] Less than $250 or none

On a place of 10 or more acres?
Last year (1959), did sales of crops, livestock, and other farm products from this place amount to $50 or more?
[] $50 or more
[] Less than $50 or none

H19. How many bedrooms are in your house or apartment? Count rooms whose main use is as bedrooms even if they are occasionally used for other purposes. If you live in a one-room apartment without a separate bedroom, check "No bedroom.

[] No bedroom
[] 1 bedroom
[] 2 bedrooms
[] 3 bedrooms
[] 4 bedrooms or more

H20. About when was this house originally built?

[] In 1959 or 1960
[] 1955 to 1958
[] 1950 to 1954
[] 1940 to 1949
[] 1930 to 1939
[] 1929 or earlier

H21. How is your house or apartment heated? Check ONLY the kind of heat you use the most.

Heated by
[] Steam or hot water
[] Warm air furnace with individual room registers
[] Floor, wall, or pipeless furnace
[] Built-in electric units
[] Room heater(s) connected to chimney or flue
[] Room heater(s) not connected to chimney or flue
[] Other method - Write in: ____________________

[] Not heated

H22. Here is a list of fuels. In the first column, check which one is used most for heating. In the second column, check the one used most for cooking. In the third column, check the fuel used most for heating water. (Check one in each column)

House heating fuel:
[] Coal or coke
[] Wood
[] Utility gas from underground pipes serving the neighborhood
[] Bottled, tank, or LP gas
[] Electricity
[] Fuel oil, kerosene, etc.
[] Other fuel
[] No fuel used

Cooking fuel
[] Coal or coke
[] Wood
[] Utility gas from underground pipes serving the neighborhood
[] Bottled, tank, or LP gas
[] Electricity
[] Fuel oil, kerosene, etc.
[] Other fuel
[] No fuel used

Water heating fuel
[] Coal or coke
[] Wood
[] Utility gas from underground pipes serving the neighborhood
[] Bottled, tank, or LP gas
[] Electricity
[] Fuel oil, kerosene, etc.
[] Other fuel
[] No fuel used

H23. Do you have a clothes washing machine? Do not count machines shared with any other household in this building.

[] Machine with wringer or separate spinner
[] Automatic or semi-automatic machine
[] Washer-dryer combination (single unit)
[] No washing machine

H24. Do you have an electric or gas clothes dryer? Do not count dryers shared with any other household in this building.

[] Electrically heated dryer
[] Gas heated dryer
[] No dryer

H25. Do you have any television sets? Count only sets in working order. Count floor, table, and portable television sets as well as combinations

[] 1 set
[] 2 sets or more
[] No television sets

H26. Do you have any radios? Count only sets in working order. Count floor, table, and portable radios as well as radio combinations. Do not count automobile radios.

[] 1 radio
[] 2 radios or more
[] No radios

H27. Do you have any air conditioning? Count only equipment which cools the air by refrigeration.

[] Room unit - 1 only
[] Room units - 2 or more
[] Central air conditioning system
[] No air conditioning

H28. Do you have a home food freezer which is separate from your refrigerator?

[] Yes
[] No

[20% -- filled in by enumerator, not respondent]
H29. Number of units in structure

[] 1, detached
[] 1, attached
[] 2
[] 3-4
[] 5-9...................... If 5 or more -
[] 10-19.................. Fill items H20,
[] 20-49.................. H21, H22A, and
[] 50 or more.......... H22C in Questionnaire

H30. How many bathrooms are in your house or apartment? A complete bathroom has both flush toilet and bathing facilities (bathtub or shower). A partial bathroom has a flush toilet or bathing facilities, but not bath.

[] No bathroom, or only a partial bathroom
[] 1 complete bathroom
[] 1 complete bathroom, plus partial bathroom(s)
[] 2 or more complete bathrooms

[PH-3, 20%]
H31. Do you get water from:

[] a public system (or private company)?
[] an individual well?
[] some other source?

[PH-3, 20%]
H32. Is this house connected to a public sewer?

[] Yes, connected to a public sewer
[] No, has septic tank or cesspool
[] No, has other means of sewage of disposal

H33. Is this house built:

[] with a basement?
[] on a concrete slab?
[] in another way?

[PH-4, 20%]
H34. Does this building have:

[] 3 stories or less?
[] 4 stories or more
[] with elevator?
[] walk-up?

H35. Is there a telephone on which people who live here can be called?

[] Yes
What is the telephone number?____________________

[] No

[PH-3, 5%, or PH-4, 20%]
H36. How many passenger automobiles are owned or regularly used by people who live here? Count company cars kept at home

[] No automobile
[] 1 automobile
[] 2 automobiles
[] 3 automobiles or more

H37. If you live in a trailer, is it:

[] mobile (on wheels, or can easily be put on wheels)?
[] on a permanent foundation?

[All. Only on FOSDIC form; filled in by enumerator, not respondent.]
H38. How many months has this unit been vacant?

[] Up to 1 month
[] 1 up to 2
[] 2 up to 4
[] 4 up to 6
[] 6 or more

[PH-3 -- Filled in by enumerator, not respondent. This is the FOSDIC version.]
If "OWNED OR BEING BOUGHT" OR "VACANT--FOR SALE ONLY" (Omit if 10 acres or more)
H39. (H14) Description of property (from back page of questionnaire)

[] 1 unit, no business
[] 1 unit, with business
[] 2 or more units

H40. About how much do you think this property would sell for on today's market? Do not answer if your home is on a place of 10 or more acres.

[] Less than $5,000
[] $5,000 to $7,400
[] $7,500 to $9,900
[] $10,000 to $12,400
[] $12,5000 to $14,900
[] $15,000 to $17,400
[] $17,500 to $19,900
[] $20,000 to $24,400
[] $25,000 to $34,900
[] $35,000 or more

[PH-3; see also H16]
H41. If you pay your rent by the month - What is your monthly rent?

(Nearest dollar)
If you pay your rent by the week or some other period of time -
What is your rent and what period does it cover?

$_________________.00 per ____________________
(Nearest dollar) (Week, year, etc.)

H42. Does you rent include any land used for farming (or ranching)?

[] Yes
[] No

H43 and H44. In addition to rent, do you also pay for:

Electricity? (Check one box)
[] Yes What is the average monthly cost for electricity? $_________________.00 (See instructions below)
[] No

Gas? (Check one box)
[] Yes. What is the average monthly cost for gas? $_________________.00 (See instructions below)
[] No

Water? (Check one box)
[] Yes...What is the average monthly cost for water? $_________________.00 (See instructions below)
[] No

H45 and H46. In addition to rent, do you also pay for oil, coal, kerosene, or wood?

[] Yes.. About how much do you pay for such fuel per year? $_________________.00 (See instructions below)
[] No

Enter the cost to the nearest dollar


If you don't know exactly how much you have spent and if you don't have records, put down the approximate costs.


If you don't know how fuels cost per year, one of the following methods may help you figure the approximate costs:
Fuel used: Method

Coal: Multiply number of tons used per year by the cost per ton

Oil or kerosene: Multiply number of gallons used per year; by the cost per gallon; OR multiply number of deliveries by average cost per delivery.

Wood: Multiply number of cords (or loads) used per year by cost per cord (or load).

NOTE: If you buy fuel in small quantities (such as kerosene by the can or coal by the bag), it may be easier to figure about how much you spend for fuel per week, and multiply by the number of weeks during which it is used.

Space for any notes about the housing entries.


  • FILL THE FOLLOWING PAGES FOR PERSONS WHOSE NAMES HAVE BEEN WRITTEN IN BY THE CENSUS TAKER. [Note: We recorded person (or population) questions in the above section.]
  • INCLUDE THE COMPLETED "EXTRA PERSON" QUESTIONNAIRES IN THE FAMILY'S ENVELOPE WHEN THIS FORM IS MAILED TO THE CENSUS OFFICE. Sheets filled by household members not related to the head may first be enclosed in the special smaller envelopes left for these persons.