1970 Census: Instructions to Respondents
[The following description of 1970 enumeration procedure is from Bureau of the Census publication 1970 Census of Population and Housing, Data Collection Forms and Procedures, page 3]
"In the major urban areas and some adjacent counties [which included about 60 percent of the housing units], a mail-out/mail-back method was used for the first time in a population and housing census. Preaddressed census questionnaires were delivered to most housing units on March 28, 1970, and householders were asked to fill in their questionnaires and mail them to the local census office on Census Day (April 1, 1970). Census personnel then telephoned or visited those who did not respond, or who returned a questionnaire with incomplete or obviously inconsistent answers, and attempted to obtain complete information or resolve inconsistencies. Vacant housing units were also visited by enumerators, who attempted to obtain answers to housing questions either by interviewing neighbors, landlords, or other knowledgeable persons, or by personal inspection. In the remainder of the country, questionnaires were delivered to each housing unit, but respondents were told to complete their questionnaires and retain them to be collected by enumerators during a house-to-house canvass. ...
"(T)he 1970 census questionnaires were designed to allow respondents to record their own answers by filling small FOSDIC1 circles for most items.
"(R)elatively few questions were asked of all persons and housing units. ... Longer questionnaires were employed to obtain answers to questions asked of only a sample of the population and the housing units. ... Some questions were asked of a 15-percent sample, and other inquiries were directed to a 5-percent sample. Certain questions were included in both the 15-percent and 5-percent samples, thereby constituting a 20-percent sample."
The 1970 PUMS is composed entirely of households contained in the 5- and 15-percent samples; half of the records are from the 5-percent sample, and the other half are from the 15-percent sample. In our list of questionnaire items (below), we indicate in brackets the sample universe for each item as follows:
[Only on Form 1]: Item asked only of 5-percent sample households/persons (comprising one half of the PUMS).
[Only on Form 2]: Item asked only of 15-percent sample households/persons (comprising the other half of the PUMS).
In addition to the FOSDIC questionnaires, which consisted of brief questions followed by a series of possible answers and FOSDIC circles, households received a separate sheet containing more detailed instructions for each question. In order to minimize cross-referencing, we have combined these below. For each item, we reproduce the question as asked on the FOSDIC questionnaire, followed by any additional instructions contained on the separate instruction sheet. The additional instructions appear in quotation marks.
1970 Population questions [All]
who was living here on Wednesday, April 1, 1970 or who was staying or visiting here and had no other home?
Wife of head
Unmarried children, oldest first
Married children and their families
Other relatives of the head
Persons not related to the head
Last name
First name Middle Initial
"In Question 1 ... please list each person who was living here on Wednesday, April 1, 1970, or who was staying or visiting here and had no other home.
"LIST IN QUESTION 1: Family members living here, including babies still in the hospital; Relatives living here; Lodgers or boarders living here; Servants or hired hands living here; Other persons living here; College students who stay here while attending college, even if their parents live elsewhere; Persons who usually live here but are temporarily away (including children in boarding school below the college level); Persons with a home elsewhere but who stay here most of the week while working.
"DO NOT LIST IN QUESTION 1: Any person away from here in the Armed Forces; Any college student who stays somewhere else while attending college; Any person who usually stays somewhere else most of the week while working there; Any person away from here in an institution such as a home for the aged or mental hospital; Any person staying or visiting here who has a usual home elsewhere.
"Note: If everyone here is staying only temporarily and has a usual home elsewhere, please fill this circle [] and give their names ... in the space for question 12. [Questions 9 to 12 were asked to ensure a complete count. We omit them below.] Do not answer any other questions. Mail back the form on Wednesday, April 1."
If "Other relative of head," also give exact relationship, for example, mother-in-law, brother, niece, grandson, etc.
If "Other not related to head," also give exact relationship, for example, partner, maid, etc.
[] Head of household
[] Wife of head
[] Son or daughter of head
[] Other relative of head - Print exact relationship _____________
[] Roomer, boarder, lodger
[] Patient or inmate
[] Other not related to head - Print exact relationship
"If two or more unrelated people live together and share the rent, mark the first one you list Head of household. Mark the rest Other not related to head and print "partner" in the space. A stepchild or legally adopted child of the head should be marked Son or daughter."
[] Female
If "Indian (American)," also give tribe.
If "Other," also give race.
[] White
[] Negro or Black
[] Indian (Amer.) Print tribe__________________
[] Japanese
[] Chinese
[] Filipino
[] Hawaiian
[] Korean
[] Other - Print race______________________
[On the questionnaires used in Alaska, the categories "Aleut" and "Eskimo" were substituted for "Hawaiian" and "Korean" in question 4.]
5. Month and year of birth and age last birthday
Year ____________
Age ____________
"If the month or year of birth, or the age, is not known, give your best estimate."
6. Month of birth
Fill one circle
[] Apr. - June
[] July - Sept.
[] Oct. - Dec.
[] 186-
[] 187-
[] 188-
[] 189-
[] 190-
[] 191-
[] 192-
[] 193-
[] 194-
[] 195-
[] 196-
[] 197-
Fill one circle for last number
[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
[] Now married
[] Widowed
[] Divorced
[] Separated
[] Never married
"If the person's only marriage was annulled, mark Never married."
13a. Where was this person born? If born in hospital, give State or country where mother lived. If born outside U.S., see instruction sheet; distinguish Northern Ireland from Ireland (Eire).
OR _____________________________________________________
(Name of State or foreign country; or Puerto Rico, Guam, etc.)
"Mark the circle for This State if he now lives in the same State as he was born in. If born in a different State, print name of State. If born outside U.S., print name of country, U.S. possession, etc. Use international boundaries as now recognized by the U.S."
[Only on Form 1]
b. Is this person's origin or descent - (Fill one circle)
[] Central or South American
[] Puerto Rican
[] Other Spanish
[] Cuban
[] No, none of these
[Only on Form 2]
14. What country was his father born in?
OR ______________________________________________
(Name of foreign country; or Puerto Rico, Guam, etc.)
[Only on Form 2]
15. What country was his mother born in?
OR ______________________________________________
(Name of foreign country; or Puerto Rico, Guam, etc.)
[Only on Form 1]
16. For persons born in a foreign country -
a. Is this person naturalized?
[] No, alien
[] Born abroad of American parents
b. When did he come to the United States to stay?
[] 1960 to 64 [] 1945 to 49 [] 1915 to 24
[] 1955 to 59 [] 1935 to 44 [] Before 1915
"Mark one circle in part a and one circle in part b for persons born outside the 50 States, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Canal Zone, Guam, or Virgin Islands of U.S."
[Only on Form 2]
17. What language, other than English, was spoken in this person's home when he was a child? Fill one circle.
[] Other -
[] French Specify________
[] German
[] None, English only
"If more than one language other than English was spoken, mark principal language."
[Only on Form 2]
18. When did this person move into this house (or apartment)?
[] 1969 or 70
[] 1968
[] 1967
[] 1965 or 66
[] 1960 to 64
[] 1950 to 59
[] 1949 or earlier
[] Always lived in this house or apartment
"Mark the date for the last time he moved into this particular house or apartment."
[Only on Form 2]
19a. Did he live in this house on April 1, 1965? If in college or Armed Forces in April 1965, report place of residence there.
[] Yes, this house .............. } Skip to 20
[] No, different house
"Mark Yes if he lived in this same house or apartment on April 1, 1965, even if he moved away and came back between then and now. Mark No if he lived in the same building but in a different apartment on April 1, 1965."
b. Where did he live on April 1, 1965?
(2) County __________
(3) Inside the limits of a city, town, village, etc.?
[] No
(4) If "Yes," name of city, town, village, etc. __________
"If he lived somewhere else on April 1, 1965, give the address of his usual residence at that time.
For addresses in Louisiana, print the parish name.
For addresses in Alaska, print the borough name.
For addresses in independent cities, print the name of the city and word "city," for example "Baltimore city."
Part (3)
Mark Yes if you know that the address is now inside the limits of a city, town, village, or other incorporated place, even if it was not inside the limits on April 1, 1965."
[Only on Form 2]
20. Since February 1, 1970, has this person attended regular school or college at any time? Count nursery school, kindergarten, and schooling which leads to an elementary school certificate, high school diploma, or college degree.
[] Yes, public
[] Yes, parochial
[] Yes, other private
"Do not count trade or business school, company training, or tutoring unless you think he could get credit for it at a regular school or college."
21. What is the highest grade (or year) of regular school he has ever attended?
[] Never attended school - Skip to 23
[] Nursery school
[] Kindergarten
Elementary through high school (grade or year)
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
College (academic year)
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6 or more
"Mark the highest grade he attended even if he did not finish it. If he is still in school, mark the grade he is in now. If he skipped or repeated grades, mark the highest grade ever attended, regardless of how long it took to get there. If he finished high school, but did not go to college, mark 12. For college, mark the highest academic year attended."
22. Did he finish the highest grade (or year) he attended?
[] Finished this grade (or year)
[] Did not finish this grade (or year)
"Mark Finished this grade (or year) only if he finished the entire grade or year shown in question 21."
23. When was this person born?
[] Born April 1956 or later - Please omit questions 24 through 41 and go to the next page for the next person.
[Only on Form 1]
24. If this person has ever been married -
a. Has this person been married more than once?
[] More than once
b. When did he get married? When did he get married for the first time?
Month Year Month Year
"If exact dates of marriage are unknown, estimate as closely as possible."
c. If married more than once - Did the first marriage end because of the death of the husband (or wife)?
[] No
25. If this is a girl or a woman - How many babies has she ever had, not counting stillbirths?Do not count her stepchildren or children she has adopted.
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
[] 10
[] 11
[] 12 or more
[] None
"Count all the children the girl or woman has ever had, even if some of them have died or no longer live with her."
[Only on Form 2]
26. If this is a man -
a. Has he ever served in the Army, Navy, or other Armed Forces of the United States?
[] No
"Mark Yes if he was ever on active duty in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard, no matter how short a time he served. Count only active duty in National Guard or Reserves. Mark No if he had only civilian duty in the Armed Forces or merchant marine. Mark No if he was in the National Guard or Reserves, but was not called to active duty. Mark No if his only military service in the Armed Forces of another country."
b. Was it during - (Fill the circle for each period of service.)
[] Korean War (June 1950 to Jan. 1955)
[] World War II (Sept. 1940 to July 1947)
[] World War I (April 1917 to Nov. 1918)
[] Any other time
[Only on Form 1]
27a. Has this person ever completed a vocational training program?
For example, in high school; as apprentice; in school of business, nursing or trades; technical institute; or Armed Forces schools.
[] No - Skip to 28
"Count only programs that he finished. Do not count courses which are not part of an organized program of study. Do not count training he got on-the-job, in company schools, in college after the second year, or by correspondence."
b. What was his main field of vocational training? Fill one circle.
[] Nursing, other health fields
[] Trades and crafts (mechanic, electrician, beautician, etc.)
[] Engineering or science technician; draftsman
[] Agriculture or home economics
[] Other field - Specify________________
[Only on Form 1]
28a. Does this person have a health or physical condition which limits the kind or amount of work he can do at a job?
[] No
[] No
[] 3 to 4 years
[] 6 to 11 months
[] 5 to 9 years
[] 1 to 2 years
[] 10 years or more
29a. Did this person work at any time last week?
[] No - Fill this circle if this person did not work, or did only own housework, school work, or volunteer work. Skip to 30
"Mark Yes if he worked on any day Sunday through Saturday of last week.
Count as work
Work for someone else for wages, salary, piece rate, commission, tips, or payment "in kind"
Work in own business, professional practice, or farm
Any work in a family business or farm, paid or not
Any part-time work
Active duty in the Armed Forces
Do not count as work
Housework or yard work at own home
Unpaid volunteer work.
Work done as an inmate of an institution."
b. How many hours did he work last week (at all jobs)?
Subtract any time off and add overtime or extra hours worked.
[] 15 to 29 hours
[] 30 to 34 hours
[] 35 to 39 hours
[] 40 hours
[] 41 to 48 hours
[] 49 to 59 hours
[] 60 hours or more
"Give the actual number of hours he worked at all jobs last week, even if that was more or fewer hours than he usually works."
[Only on Form 2]
c. Where did he work last week?
If he travels about in his work or if the place does not have a numbered address, see instruction sheet.
(1) Address (Number and street name)______________
(2) Name of city, town, village, etc.
(3) Inside the limits of this city, town, village, etc.?
[] No
(5) State ______________________
(6) Zip Code ____________________
"For a person who travels about in his work or who works in more than one place -- If he usually checks in or out at the same place every day, give the address of that place. If he does not check in or out at the same place, give the address of the place where he worked the most hours last week.
"Give the exact address of the location or branch where he works if his employer operates in more than one location (such as a grocery store chain or public school system). When you cannot give the number or street name, print the name of the building, if any, or the name of the company for which he works."
d. How did he get to work last week Fill one circle for chief means used on the last day he worked at the address given in 29c.
[] Taxicab
[] Passenger, private auto
[] Walked only
[] Bus or streetcar
[] Worked at home
[] Subway or elevated
[] Other means -- Specify
[] Elevated ______
"Mark Worked at home for a person who worked on a farm where he lives or in an office or shop in his home."
30. Does this person have a job or business from which he was temporarily absent or on layoff last week?
[] Yes, on vacation, temporary illness, labor dispute, etc.
[] No
31a. Has he been looking for work during the past 4 weeks?
[] No - Skip to 32
"Mark Yes if he tried to get a job or to start a business or profession at any time in the past four weeks; for example, if he registered at an employment office, went for a job interview, or did anything toward starting a business. Mark Yes if he was waiting to hear from places he had applied to or registered with within the past four weeks."
b. Was there any reason why he could not take a job last week?
[] Yes, because of this person's temporary illness
[] Yes, for other reasons (in school, etc.)
[] No, could have taken a job
32. When did he last work at all, even for a few days?
[] In 1969 [] 1960 to 1963 [] Never worked to 36
[] In 1968
33-35. Current or most recent job activity
Describe clearly this person's chief job activity or business last week, if any. If he had more than one job, describe the one at which he worked the most hours. If this person had no job or business last week, give information for last job or business since 1960.
33. Industry
a. For whom did he work? If now on active duty in the Armed Forces, print "AF" and skip to question 36.
(Name of company, business, organization, or other employer)
"If he worked for company, business, or government agency, print the name of the company, not the name of his supervisor. If he worked for a person or a small business that has no company name, print the name of the person he worked for."
b. What kind of business or industry was this?
Describe activity at location where employed.
(For example: Junior high school, retail supermarket, dairy farm, TV and radio service, auto assembly plant, road construction)
"Write two or more words to tell what the business, industry, or person named in 33a does. Write what it makes or what it sells or what service it gives. Some examples of acceptable answers are shown on the Census form and here."
Cattle ranch Ranch
Wholesale grocery store Grocery store
Retail gas station Oil company
Metal furniture manufacturing Furniture company
c. Is this mainly - (Fill one circle)
[] Retail trade
[] Wholesale trade
[] Other (agriculture, construction, service, government, etc.)
34. Occupation
a. What kind of work was he doing?
(For example: TV repairman, sewing machine operator, spray painter, civil engineer, farm operator, farm hand, junior high English teacher)
"Write two or more words to tell the kind of work he does. If he is a trainee, apprentice, or helper, write that down too. See examples of acceptable answers on the Census form and here.
Sales clerk Clerk
Carpenter's helper Helper
Practical nurse Nurse
b. What were his most important activities or duties?
(For example: Types, keeps account books, files, sells cars, operates printing press, cleans buildings, finishes concrete)
"Write the most important things that he does on the job. Some examples are shown on the Census form."
"Print his job title (what his employer calls his job). If he has no job title, print None."
35. Was this person - (Fill one circle)
[] Federal government employee
[] State government employee
[] Local government employee (city, county, etc.)
[] Self-employed in own business, professional practice, or farm
[] Own business not incorporated
[] Own business incorporated
[] Working without pay in family business or farm
[Only on Form 1]
36. In April 1965, what State did this person live in?
OR ____________
(Name of State or foreign country; or Puerto Rico, etc.)
"Mark This State if he now lives in the same State as he did in April 1965."
37. In April 1965, was this person - (Fill three circles)
[] No
[] No
[] No
[Only on Form 1]
38. If "Yes" for "Working at a job or business" in question 37 -
Describe this person's chief activity or business in April 1965.
Self-employed or unpaid family worker ................................. []
39a. Last year (1969), did this person work at all, even for a few days?
[] No - Skip to 41
[] 13 weeks or less
[] 14 to 26 weeks
[] 40 to 47 weeks
[] 48 to 49 weeks
[] 50 to 52 weeks
"Look at the instruction for question 29a to see what work means. Count every week in which he did any work at all, even for a few hours."
40. Earnings in 1969 - Fill parts a, b, and c for everyone who worked any time in 1969 even if he had no income. (If exact amount is not known, give best estimate.)
(Dollars only)
[] None
(Dollars only)
[] None
(Dollars only)
[] None
41. Income other than earnings in 1969 - Fill in parts a, b, and c. (If exact amount is not known, give best estimate.) "Enter the amount or fill the None circle in a, b, and c."
(Dollars only)
[] None
Include aid for dependent children, old age assistance, general assistance, aid to the blind or totally disabled. Exclude separate payments for hospital or other medical care.
(Dollars only)
[] None
Include interest, dividends, veterans' payments, pensions, and other regular payments.
(See instruction sheet.)
(Dollars only)
[] None
Veterans' payments - include money paid for service-connected disabilities, to survivors of deceased veterans, for education and on-the-job training subsistence allowances, and for 'refunds' on 'GI' insurance premiums.
Retirement pensions - include amounts paid by former private employers and by unions, and amounts paid by Federal, State, county, or other governmental agencies.
Other regular payments - include such periodic income as net rental income, unemployment insurance benefits, workmen's compensation, private welfare payments, alimony or child support, Armed Forces allotments, and regular contributions from persons who are not members of your household.
Exclude receipts from the sale or personal property, capital gains, lump-sum insurance or inheritance payments, or pay 'in kind.'"
"If you live in an apartment building and you do not know the answers to questions H14, H15, H16, and H25, ask the person who runs your building (for example, the manager, rental agent, superintendent, janitor, etc.).
A. How many living quarters, occupied and vacant, are at this address?
[] 2 apartments or living quarters
[] 3 apartments or living quarters
[] 4 apartments or living quarters
[] 5 apartments or living quarters
[] 6 apartments or living quarters
[] 7 apartments or living quarters
[] 8 apartments or living quarters
[] 9 apartments or living quarters
[] 10 or more apartments or living quarters
[] This is a mobile home or trailer
[All -- this question filled out by enumerators, not respondents; for IPUMS purposes, the only significant distinctions are between occupied, vacant, and group quarters units.]
B. Type of unit or quarters
[] Continuation
[] Usual residence elsewhere
[] Continuation
[All -- this question filled out by enumerators, not respondents]
C. Vacancy status
[] For rent
[] For sale only
[] Rented or sold, not occupied
[] Held for occasional use
[] Other vacant
[] Seasonal
[] Migratory
[All -- this question filled out by enumerators, not respondents]
D. Months vacant
[] 1 up to 2 months
[] 2 up to 6 months
[] 6 up to 12 months
[] 1 year up to 2 years
[] 2 years or more
H1. Is there a telephone on which people in your living quarters can be called?
[] No Phone number
H2. Do you enter your living quarters --
[] Through someone else's living quarters?
H3. Do you have complete kitchen facilities?
Complete kitchen facilities are a sink with piped water, a range or cook stove, and a refrigerator.
[] Yes, but also used by another household
[] No complete kitchen facilities for this household
H4. How many rooms do you have in your living quarters?
Do not count bathrooms, porches, balconies, foyers, halls, or half-rooms.
[] 2 rooms
[] 3 rooms
[] 4 rooms
[] 5 rooms
[] 6 rooms
[] 7 rooms
[] 8 rooms
[] 9 rooms or more
H5. Is there hot and cold piped water in this building?
[] No, only cold piped water in this building
[] No piped water in this building
H6. Do you have a flush toilet?
[] Yes, but also used by another household
[] No flush toilet
H7. Do you have a bathtub or shower?
[] Yes, but also used by another household
[] No bathtub or shower
H8. Is there a basement in this building?
[] No, build on a concrete slab
[] No, build in another way (include mobile homes and trailers)
H9. Are your living quarters -
[] A cooperative or condominium which is owned or being bought by you or by someone else in your household?
[] Rented for cash rent?
[] Occupied without payment of cash rent?
H10a. Is this building a one-family house?
[] No, a building for 2 or more families or a mobile home or trailer
b. If "Yes" -- Is this house on a place of 10 acres or more, or is any part of this property used as a commercial establishment or medical office?
[] Yes, commercial establishment or medical office
[] No, none of the above
H11. If you live in a one-family house which you own or are buying --
What is the value of this property; that is, how much do you think this property (house and lot) would sell for if it were for sale?
If this house is on a place of 10 acres or more, or if any part of this property is used as a commercial establishment or medical office, do not answer this question.
[] $5,000 to $7,499
[] $7,500 to $9,999
[] $10,000 to $12,499
[] $12,500 to $14,999
[] $15,000 to $17,499
[] $17,500 to $19,999
[] $20,000 to $24,999
[] $25,000 to $34,999
[] $35,000 to $49,999
[] $50,000 or more
H12. Answer this question if you pay rent for your living quarters.
"Report the rent agreed to or contracted for, even if the furnishings, utilities, or services are included."
What is the monthly rent?
Write amount here $ ____________.00 (Nearest dollar)
and Fill one circle
[] $30 to $39
[] $40 to $49
[] $50 to $59
[] $60 to $69
[] $70 to $79
[] $80 to $89
[] $90 to $99
[] $100 to $119
[] $120 to $149
[] $150 to $199
[] $200 to $249
[] $250 to $299
[] $300 or more
$ ____________.00 per ______________________________
(Nearest dollar) (Week, half-month, year, etc.)
H13. Answer question H13 if you pay rent for your living quarters.
"If exact costs are not known, estimate as closely as possible. Report amounts even if bills are unpaid or are paid by someone else. If the bills include utilities or fuel used also by another apartment or a business establishment, estimate the amounts for your own living quarters. If gas and electricity are billed together, enter the combined amount on the electricity line and bracket ({) the two utilities."
a. Electricity?
[] No, included in rent Average monthly cost
[] No, electricity not used
[] No, included in rent Average monthly cost
[] No, gas not used
[] No, included in rent or no charge (Yearly cost)
[] No, included in rent (Yearly cost)
[] No, these fuels not used
H14. How are your living quarters heated?
[] Central warm air furnace with ducts to the individual rooms, or central heat pump
[] Built-in electric units (permanently installed in wall, ceiling, or baseboard)
[] Floor, wall, or pipeless furnace
[] Room heaters with flue or vent, burning gas, oil, or kerosene
[] Room heaters without flue or vent, burning gas, oil, or kerosene (not portable)
[] Fireplaces, stoves, or portable room heaters of any kind
In some other way--Describe ____________________
[] None, unit has no heating equipment
H15. About when was this building originally built?
[] 1965 to 1968 [] 1940 to 1949
[] 1960 or 1964 [] 1939 or earlier
H16. Which best describes this building?
[] A one-family house attached to one or more houses
[] A building for 2 families
[] A building for 3 or 4 families
[] A building for 5 to 9 families
[] A building for 10 to 19 families
[] A building for 20 to 49 families
[] A building for 50 or more families
[] A mobile home or trailer
Other -- Describe____________________
H17. Is this building --
[] On a place of less than 10 acres?
[] On a place of 10 acres or more?
H18. Last year, 1969, did sales of crops, livestock, and other farm products from this place amount to --
[] $50 to $249
[] $250 to $2,499
[] $2,500 to $4,999
[] $5,000 to $9,999
[] $10,000 or more
[Only on Form 2]
H19. Do you get water from --
[] An individual well?
[] Some other source (a spring, creek, river, cistern, etc.)?
[Only on Form 2]
H20. Is this building connected to a public sewer?
[] No, connected to septic tank or cesspool
[] No, use other means
[Only on Form 2]
H21. How many bathrooms do you have?
A half bathroom has at least a flush toilet or bathtub or shower, but does not have all the facilities for a complete bathroom.
[] 1 complete bathroom
[] 1 complete bathroom, plus half bath(s)
[] 2 complete bathrooms
[] 2 complete bathrooms, plus half bath(s)
[] 3 or more complete bathrooms
[Only on Form 2]
H22. Do you have air-conditioning?
[] Yes, 2 or more individual room units
[] Yes, a central air-conditioning system
[] No
[Only on Form 2]
H23. How many passenger automobiles are owned or regularly used by members of your household?
[] 1 automobile
[] 2 automobiles
[] 3 automobiles or more
[Only on Form 1]
H24a. How many stories (floors) are in this building?
[] 4 to 6 stories
[] 7 to 12 stories
[] 13 stories or more
Is there a passenger elevator in this building?
[] No
[Only on Form 1]
" H25. Gas from underground pipes is piped in from a central system such as a public utility company or a municipal government. Bottled, tank, or LP gas is stored in tanks which are refilled or exchanged when empty. Other fuel includes any fuel not separately listed, for example, purchased steam, fuel briquettes, waste material, etc."
[] Bottled, tank, or LP
[] Fuel oil, kerosene, etc.
[] Coal or coke
[] Wood
[] Other fuel
[] No fuel used
[] Bottled, tank, or LP
[] Fuel oil, kerosene, etc.
[] Coal or coke
[] Wood
[] Other fuel
[] No fuel used
[] Bottled, tank, or LP
[] Fuel oil, kerosene, etc.
[] Coal or coke
[] Wood
[] Other fuel
[] No fuel used
[Only on Form 1]
H26. How many bedrooms do you have?
[] 1 bedroom
[] 2 bedrooms
[] 3 bedrooms
[] 4 bedrooms
[] 5 bedrooms or more
[Only on Form 1]
"Mark the Yes circle whether you own the appliance or it is provided as part of the equipment in your living quarters. Do not count coin-operated equipment or appliances in storage."
[] Yes, wringer or separate spinner
[] No
[] Yes, gas heated
[] No
[] No
[] No
[Only on Form 1]
H28a. Do you have a television set? Count only sets in working order.
[] Yes, two or more sets
[] No
b. If "Yes" -- Is any set equipped to receive UHF broadcasts, that is, channels 14 to 83?
[] No
[Only on Form 1]
H29. Do you have a battery-operated radio?
Count car radios, transistors, and other battery-operated sets in working order or needing only a new battery for operation.
[] No
[Only on Form 1]
H30. Do you (or any member of your household) own a second home or other living quarters which you occupy sometime during the year?
[] No