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Household/family type (includes cohabiting)

Codes and Frequencies


BBN/A (GQ/vacant)279,245
1Married couple household with children of the householder less than 18213,675
2Married couple household, no children of the householder less than 18433,779
3Cohabiting couple household with children of the householder less than 1823,445
4Cohabiting couple household, no children of the householder less than 1858,561
5Female householder, no spouse/partner present, living alone204,308
6Female householder, no spouse/partner present, with children of the householder less than 1846,643
7Female householder, no spouse/partner present, with relatives, no children of the householder less than 1873,400
8Female householder, no spouse/partner present, only nonrelatives present13,820
9Male householder, no spouse/partner present, living alone155,163
10Male householder, no spouse/partner present, with children of the householder less than 1812,415
11Male householder, no spouse/partner present, with relatives, no children of the householder less than 1830,130
12Male householder, no spouse/partner present, only nonrelatives present15,671