Year of naturalization write-in
Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
1925 | 1925 or earlier (Bottom-coded) | 89 |
1926 | 1926 - 1930 | 134 |
1931 | 1931 - 1935 | 135 |
1936 | 1936 - 1940 | 198 |
1941 | 1941 or 1942 | 127 |
1943 | 1943 | 110 |
1944 | 1944 | 87 |
1945 | 1945 | 114 |
1946 | 1946 | 150 |
1947 | 1947 | 101 |
1948 | 1948 | 188 |
1949 | 1949 | 153 |
1950 | 1950 | 324 |
1951 | 1951 | 198 |
1952 | 1952 | 353 |
1953 | 1953 | 327 |
1954 | 1954 | 475 |
1955 | 1955 | 611 |
1956 | 1956 | 568 |
1957 | 1957 | 574 |
1958 | 1958 | 621 |
1959 | 1959 | 524 |
1960 | 1960 | 971 |
1961 | 1961 | 679 |
1962 | 1962 | 808 |
Code | Label |
1963 | 1963 | 795 |
1964 | 1964 | 772 |
1965 | 1965 | 1,014 |
1966 | 1966 | 654 |
1967 | 1967 | 843 |
1968 | 1968 | 972 |
1969 | 1969 | 924 |
1970 | 1970 | 1,516 |
1971 | 1971 | 970 |
1972 | 1972 | 1,268 |
1973 | 1973 | 1,061 |
1974 | 1974 | 1,177 |
1975 | 1975 | 1,746 |
1976 | 1976 | 1,864 |
1977 | 1977 | 1,286 |
1978 | 1978 | 1,657 |
1979 | 1979 | 1,400 |
1980 | 1980 | 3,102 |
1981 | 1981 | 1,582 |
1982 | 1982 | 1,922 |
1983 | 1983 | 1,784 |
1984 | 1984 | 2,296 |
1985 | 1985 | 3,612 |
1986 | 1986 | 3,007 |
1987 | 1987 | 2,530 |
Code | Label |
1988 | 1988 | 2,363 |
1989 | 1989 | 2,592 |
1990 | 1990 | 4,030 |
1991 | 1991 | 2,834 |
1992 | 1992 | 2,723 |
1993 | 1993 | 2,995 |
1994 | 1994 | 3,508 |
1995 | 1995 | 5,824 |
1996 | 1996 | 6,807 |
1997 | 1997 | 4,439 |
1998 | 1998 | 4,961 |
1999 | 1999 | 5,771 |
2000 | 2000 | 8,215 |
2001 | 2001 | 6,244 |
2002 | 2002 | 4,804 |
2003 | 2003 | 4,636 |
2004 | 2004 | 5,028 |
2005 | 2005 | 6,779 |
2006 | 2006 | 6,607 |
2007 | 2007 | 6,442 |
2008 | 2008 | 8,317 |
2009 | 2009 | 6,955 |
2010 | 2010 | 6,903 |
2011 | 2011 | 3,865 |
BBBB | Born in the US | 2,940,002 |
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Questionnaire Text
Questionnaire form
view entire document:
8. Is this person a citizen of the United States?
[ ] Yes, born in the United States -> SKIP to 10a
[ ] Yes, born in Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas
[ ] Yes, born abroad of U.S. citizen parent or parents
[ ] Yes, U.S. citizen by naturalization --> Print year of naturalization --> [ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ] No, not a U.S. citizen
[ ] Yes, born in Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas
[ ] Yes, born abroad of U.S. citizen parent or parents
[ ] Yes, U.S. citizen by naturalization --> Print year of naturalization --> [ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ] No, not a U.S. citizen
Questionnaire instructions
view entire document:
8. If the person was born in the United States (50 states and the District of Columbia), mark the "Yes, born in the United States" box. If the person was born in Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas, mark the "Yes, born in Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas" box. If the person was born outside the United States (50 states and the District of Columbia) or at sea and had at least one parent who was a U.S. citizen at the time of the person's birth, mark the "Yes, born abroad of U.S. citizen parent or parents" box. Mark the "Yes, U.S. citizen by naturalization" box only if this person was born outside the United States (50 states and the District of Columbia) and has completed the naturalization process and is now a United States citizen. In the boxes below "Print year of naturalization," print the four-digit year this person completed the formal naturalization process. If this person is not a U.S. citizen, mark the "No, not a U.S. citizen" box. Legal Permanent Residents (LPRs) or "green card" holders, or other non-naturalized immigrants or visitors to the U.S. are not citizens of the United States and therefore should mark the "No, not a U.S. citizen" box.
Integrated variables
Editing Procedure
There is no editing procedure available for this variable.