- Description
- Codes
- Comparability
- Universe
- Availability
- Questionnaire Text
- Flags
- Source Variables
- Editing Procedure
CHBORN reports the number of children ever born to each woman. Women were to report all live births by all fathers, whether or not the children were still living; they were to exclude stillbirths, adopted children, and stepchildren.
User Note:
After removing the "not applicable" category (coded 00), to get the actual number of children ever born, users must subtract 1 from the value of CHBORN.
Codes and Frequencies
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
The universe shifted considerably over time and between the U.S and Puerto Rican censuses. A comparable universe of ever-married females age 15+ can be created by using the AGE and MARST variables. Samples from 1900 and 1910 contain a related variable, CHSURV (Children surviving).
Universe differences for the 1900 files stem from differences in input data availability. Data on unmarried females was collected by enumerators but is only available in the IPUMS 5% and 100% data files.
The universe in 1940 is limited to ever-married sample-line women. In 1950, the universe includes only ever-married 1-in-6 sample-line women. Exceptions for 1950 are Hawaii where the questions was asked of all ever-married women, and Alaska where no sample-line questions were fielded. (Note: CHBORN is not available for Hawaii at this time, but will be included in a future release.)
- 1900 5%, 1900 100%: Females, age 12+. Not available in Alaska.
- 1900 1%, 1900 1.2%: Ever-married females, age 12+. Not available in Alaska.
- 1910 1%, 1910 1.4%, 1910 100%: Ever-married females, age 12+.
- 1910 Puerto Rico: Females, age 14+, regardless of marital status.
- 1940 100%: Ever-married sample-line females.
- 1940 1%: Ever-married sample-line females, age 14+.
- 1950: Ever-married 1-in-6 sample-line (3.30% sample) females age 14+; not available in Alaska or Hawaii.
- 1960: Ever-married females, age 14+.
- 1970: Females, age 14+.
- 1980-1990: Females, age 15+
- 2023: --
- 2022: --
- 2021: --
- 2020: --
- 2019: --
- 2018: --
- 2017: --
- 2016: --
- 2015: --
- 2014: --
- 2013: --
- 2012: --
- 2011: --
- 2010: --
- 2009: --
- 2008: --
- 2007: --
- 2006: --
- 2005: --
- 2004: --
- 2003: --
- 2002: --
- 2001: --
- 2000: --
- 1990: All samples
- 1980: All samples
- 1970: All samples
- 1960: All samples
- 1950: All samples
- 1940: All samples
- 1930: --
- 1920: --
- 1910: All samples
- 1900: All samples
- 1880: --
- 1870: --
- 1860: --
- 1850: --
- 2023: --
- 2022: --
- 2021: --
- 2020: --
- 2019: --
- 2018: --
- 2017: --
- 2016: --
- 2015: --
- 2014: --
- 2013: --
- 2012: --
- 2011: --
- 2010: --
- 2009: --
- 2008: --
- 2007: --
- 2006: --
- 2005: --
- 2000: --
- 1990: All samples
- 1980: All samples
- 1970: All samples
- 1930: --
- 1920: --
- 1910: All samples
QCHBORNEditing Procedure
There is no editing procedure available for this variable.
