1930 1% |
1920 1% |
1910 1% |
1900 1% |
1880 1% |
1870 1% |
1860 1% |
1850 1% |
164. For a blind person, write "Yes" if he could read and write in any language before becoming blind or, if, being born blind, he has been taught to read and write in any language.
182. For a person reported as "blind" (column 31), write "Yes" if he could read any language before becoming blind or, if born blind, if he has been taught to read any language.
183. Column 24. Whether able to write.?Write "Yes" for all persons 10 years of age and over who can write any language, whether English or some other, and "No" for all such persons who can not write any language. For persons under 10 years of age, leave the column blank.
184. For a person reported as "blind" (column 31), write "Yes" if he could write any language before becoming blind or, if born blind, if he has been taught to write any language.
Education.?It will not do to assume that, because a person can read, he can, therefore, write. The inquiries contained in columns 16 and 17 must be made separately. Very many persons who will claim to be able to read, though they really do so in the most defective manner, will frankly admit that they can not write. These inquiries will not be asked of children under 10 years of age. In regard to all persons above that age, children or adults, male and female, the information will be obtained.