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Standardized enumeration district, alphanumeric string


STDED is a string variable indicating the census enumeration district. Enumeration districts are small geographic units created by the Census Bureau that prior to 1990 were assigned to individual enumerators for data collection and were used for data tabulation and reporting.

STDED only exists in the 1940 1% sample. The original geographic strings that were entered for 1940 are often inconsistent and sometimes unclear as to which places they are specifying. Standardized geographic place names were created for consistency using an auxiliary dictionary of 1940 census geography compiled by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). NARA created this dictionary when they digitized original enumeration sheets from the 1940 census. The standardized geography string variables included in the 1940 file are: STDED, STDTRACT, STDWARD, STDMCD, STDCITY and STDCNTY. These standardized string variables also correspond to the published population reports from the 1940 census.


This variable is only available in the 1940 1% file. STDED is a 10-character alphabetic string variable which reports the census enumeration district. Enumeration districts are small geographic units created by the Census Bureau that prior to 1990 were assigned to individual enumerators for data collection and were used for data tabulation and reporting. The original geographic strings that were entered for 1940 are often inconsistent and sometimes unclear as to which places they are specifying. Standardized geographic place names were created for consistency using an auxiliary dictionary of 1940 census geography compiled by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). NARA created this dictionary when they digitized original enumeration sheets from the 1940 census. STDED specific variable codes for missing, edited, or unidentified observations, observations not applicable (N/A), observations not in universe (NIU), top and bottom value coding, etc. are provided below if applicable by Census year (and data sample if specified).

STDED Specific Variable Codes


STDED is available only in the 1940 1% file.


  • 1940: All households and group quarters.


United States
  • 2022: --
  • 2021: --
  • 2020: --
  • 2019: --
  • 2018: --
  • 2017: --
  • 2016: --
  • 2015: --
  • 2014: --
  • 2013: --
  • 2012: --
  • 2011: --
  • 2010: --
  • 2009: --
  • 2008: --
  • 2007: --
  • 2006: --
  • 2005: --
  • 2004: --
  • 2003: --
  • 2002: --
  • 2001: --
  • 2000: --
  • 1990: --
  • 1980: --
  • 1970: --
  • 1960: --
  • 1950: --
  • 1940: 1%
  • 1930: --
  • 1920: --
  • 1910: --
  • 1900: --
  • 1880: --
  • 1870: --
  • 1860: --
  • 1850: --
Puerto Rico
  • 2022: --
  • 2021: --
  • 2020: --
  • 2019: --
  • 2018: --
  • 2017: --
  • 2016: --
  • 2015: --
  • 2014: --
  • 2013: --
  • 2012: --
  • 2011: --
  • 2010: --
  • 2009: --
  • 2008: --
  • 2007: --
  • 2006: --
  • 2005: --
  • 2000: --
  • 1990: --
  • 1980: --
  • 1970: --
  • 1930: --
  • 1920: --
  • 1910: --


This variable has no flags.

Editing Procedure

There is no editing procedure available for this variable.