Name of State or foreign country; or Puerto Rico, Guam, etc. "For persons born in the United States:Print the name of the State in which this person's mother was living when this person was born. For persons born in a hospital, do not give the State in which the hospital was located unless the hospital and the mother's home were in the same State or the location of the mother's home is not known. For example, if a person was born in a hospital in Washington D.C., but the mother's home was in Virginia at the time of the person's birth, enter "Virginia."
"For persons born outside the United States:
Print the full name of the foreign country or Puerto Rico, Guam, etc., where the person was born. Use international boundaries as now recognized by the United States. Specify whether Northern Ireland or Ireland (Eire); East or West Germany; England, Scotland or Wales (notGreat Britain or United Kingdom). Specify the particular island in the Caribbean, not, for example West Indies."