This is a 5-character string variable.
Questionnaire Text
15a. Did this person live in this house five years ago (April 1, 1975)?
If in college or Armed Force in April 1975, report place of residence there.
[] Yes, this house - Skip to 16
[] No, different house
"Mark Yes, this house if this person lived in this same house or apartment on April 1, 1975, but moved away and came back between then and now. Mark No, different house if this person lived in the same building but in a different apartment (or in the same mobile home or trailer but on a different trailer site)."
b. Where did this person live five years ago (April 1, 1975)?
(2) County: __________________________________________________________
(3) City, town, village, etc.: _______________________________________
(4) Inside the incorporated (legal) limits of that city, town, village, etc.? [] Yes [] No, in unincorporated area
"If this person lived in a different house or apartment on April 1, 1975, give the location of this person's usual home at that time.
Part (1) If the person was living in the United States on April 1, 1975, print the name of the State. If the person did not live in the United States on April 1, 1975, print the full name of the foreign country or Puerto Rico, Guam, etc.
Part (2) If in Louisiana, print the parish name. If in Alaska, print the borough name. If in New York City - print the borough name if the county name is not known. If an independent city, leave blank.
Part (3) If in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island or Vermont, print the name of the town rather than the name of the village or city, unless the name of the town is unknown.
Part (4) Mark Yes if you know that the location is now
inside the limits of a city, town, village or other incorporated place, even if it was not inside the limits on April 1, 1975."
Integrated variables
Editing Procedure
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