Questionnaire formview entire document:
23. LAST WEEK, did this person do ANY work for either pay or profit?
Mark (X) the "Yes" box even if the person worked only 1 hour, or helped without pay in a family business or farm for 15 hours or more, or was on active duty in the Armed Forces
[ ] Yes
[ ] No -> SKIP to question 29
Questionnaire instructionsview entire document:
23.Count as work - Mark the "Yes" box if this person performed:
Work for someone else for wages, salary, piece rate, commission, tips, or payments "in kind" (for example, food or lodging received as payment for work performed).
Work in own business, professional practice, or farm.
Any work in a family business or farm, paid or not.
Any part-time work including babysitting, paper routes, etc.
Active duty in the Armed Forces.
Do not count as work - Mark the "No" box if this person performed: