Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
1 | Yes, has stove or range, refrigerator, and sink with a faucet | 1,288,062 |
2 | No | 35,088 |
B | N/A (GQ) | 162,142 |
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Questionnaire Text
Questionnaire form
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8. Does this house, apartment, or mobile home have --
d) a sink with a faucet?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
[ ] No
e) a stove or range?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
[ ] No
f) a refrigerator?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
[ ] No
Questionnaire instructions
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8e. Mark "Yes" to "a stove or range" if the stove or range is inside the house, apartment, or mobile home. Portable cooking equipment is not considered a stove or range.
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