- Description
- Codes
- Comparability
- Universe
- Availability
- Questionnaire Text
- Flags
- Source Variables
- Editing Procedure
In December 2010, the Census Bureau released revised data for several years of the ACS due to errors in the AGE variable. As part of this release, VET01LTR also changed. We provide VET01LTRORIG so that users can analyze the differences in the revisions or replicate previous analyses. However, we recommend that users analyze the revised variable VET01LTR in their research.
Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
0 | N/A | X | X | X | X | X | X |
1 | No | X | X | X | X | X | X |
2 | Yes, served this period | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
This variable is available only in the 2003-2006 ACS and the 2005-2007 multiyear ACS, the years for which VET01LTR was revised.
- ACS, PRCS: Persons age 17+, currently or formerly in the armed forces.
- 2023: All samples
- 2022: All samples
- 2021: All samples
- 2020: All samples
- 2019: All samples
- 2018: All samples
- 2017: All samples
- 2016: All samples
- 2015: All samples
- 2014: All samples
- 2013: All samples
- 2012: All samples
- 2011: All samples
- 2010: ACS; ACS 3yr; ACS 5yr
- 2009: All samples
- 2008: All samples
- 2007: All samples
- 2006: All samples
- 2005: All samples
- 2004: All samples
- 2003: All samples
- 2002: --
- 2001: --
- 2000: --
- 1990: --
- 1980: --
- 1970: --
- 1960: --
- 1950: --
- 1940: --
- 1930: --
- 1920: --
- 1910: --
- 1900: --
- 1880: --
- 1870: --
- 1860: --
- 1850: --
- 2023: All samples
- 2022: All samples
- 2021: All samples
- 2020: All samples
- 2019: All samples
- 2018: All samples
- 2017: All samples
- 2016: All samples
- 2015: All samples
- 2014: All samples
- 2013: All samples
- 2012: All samples
- 2011: All samples
- 2010: PRCS; PRCS 3yr; PRCS 5yr
- 2009: All samples
- 2008: All samples
- 2007: All samples
- 2006: All samples
- 2005: All samples
- 2000: --
- 1990: --
- 1980: --
- 1970: --
- 1930: --
- 1920: --
- 1910: --
Source Variables
Some unharmonized variables may not be available.
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Codes | Sample | |
US2006A_VET01LTR | Veteran, 2001 or later | P | codes | 2006 ACS | |
US2011A_MLPA | Served September 2001 or later | P | codes | 2011 ACS | |
US2016A_MLPA | Serviced September 2001 or later | P | codes | 2016 ACS | |
US2021A_MLPA | Served September 2001 or later | P | codes | 2021 ACS | |
US2022A_MLPA | Served September 2001 or later | P | codes | 2022 ACS | |
US2023A_MLPA | Served September 2001 or later | P | codes | 2023 ACS |
Editing Procedure
VETSTAT (Veteran status)
VETYRS (Years of active-duty military service)
ACS Years: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
ACS editing procedure:
Note: VETYRS was not asked after 2007.
If a person is under 17, all veteran related questions will be replaced with "Not in Universe."
If a person's age (AGE) is greater than the survey year-1926 (this implies the person was born prior to 1926; this is likely a typo and the edit may actually apply to those born after 1926), and they state that they never served in the military (VETSTAT) and all periods of service are "No" except "Active duty 11/41 or earlier" is "Yes" and years of active duty service (VETYRS) is less than 2 or missing, this service period will be replaced with "No."
If a person over 66 (AGE), reports being on active duty during the last 12 months but not now, VETSTAT will be replaced with "On active duty in the past, but not during the past 12 months." Prior to 2008, VET90X01 will also be set to "No."
In 2006 and 2007, if a person who is 17 reports being "On active duty in the past, but not in the last 12 months" VETSTAT will be replaced with "On active duty in the past 12 months, but not now." In 2008 and later, if a person who is 18 or younger reports being "On active duty in the past, but not in the last 12 months" VETSTAT will be replaced with "On active duty in the past 12 months, but not now."
If a person is 17 or older and has "Armed Forces" as their employment status (EMPSTAT) and VETSTAT indicates they are on active duty without specifying more details, VETSTAT will be replaced with "Yes, now on active duty." If a person is 17 or older and has "Armed Forces" as their employment status (EMPSTAT) and VETSTAT indicates they are not on active duty, VETSTAT will be replaced with "No, training for Reserves or National Guard only."
If a person is 17 or older and has "Armed Forces" as their employment status (EMPSTAT) and VETSTAT indicates "Yes, on active duty during the last 12 months, but not now" or "Yes, on active duty in past, but not during the last 12 months" and Industry Code (IND) is not Military Reserves or National Guard, VETSTAT will be replaced with "Yes, now on active duty." In 2008 and later, if the person does report IND as being in the Military Reserves or National Guard, VETSTAT will be replaced with "No, training for Reserves or National Guard only."
Prior to 2008, if a person is 17 or older and has "Armed Forces" as their employment status (EMPSTAT) and VETSTAT is blank, don't know, refused, or bad value, VETSTAT will be replaced with "Yes, now on active duty."
If a person is 17 or older is in universe for EMPSTAT and does not have "Armed Forces" as their employment status, VETSTAT is "No, unspecified", VETSTAT will be replaced with "No, never served in the military."
If a person is 17 or older is in universe for EMPSTAT and does not have "Armed Forces" as their employment status, VETSTAT is "Yes, now on active duty", VETSTAT will be replaced with a missing value.
For survey years prior to 2008:
If a person is 17 or older and has "Armed Forces" as their employment status (EMPSTAT), VET01LTR is "No" and only one other period of service, except 11/41 or earlier, is "Yes", and that period falls between 5/1975 and 8/1980, and years on active duty is 2 or more years, VET80X90, VET90X01, and VET01LTR will be replaced with "Yes"
If a person is 17 or older and has "Armed Forces" as their employment status (EMPSTAT), VET01LTR is "No" and only one other period of service, except 11/41 or earlier, is "Yes", and that period falls between 9/1980 and 7/1990, and years on active duty is 2 or more year, VET90X01 and VET01LTR will be replaced with "Yes"
If a person is 17 or older and has "Armed Forces" as their employment status (EMPSTAT), VET01LTR is "No" and only one other period of service, except 11/41 or earlier, is "Yes", and that period falls between 9/1990 and 8/2001, and years on active duty is 2 or more year, VET01LTR will be replaced with "Yes"
If a person is 17 or older and has "Armed Forces" as their employment status (EMPSTAT) and VETSTAT is "No, training for Reserves or National Guard only," all periods of service variables will be replaced with "Not in Universe."
If a person is 17 or older is in universe for EMPSTAT and does not have "Armed Forces" as their employment status, VETSTAT is "Yes, now on active duty," and at least one veteran period is selected or AGE is less than 21, VETSTAT will be replaced with "Yes, on active duty in the past 12 months by not now."
If a person is 17 or older is in universe for EMPSTAT and does not have "Armed Forces" as their employment status, VETSTAT is "Yes, now on active duty," and no veteran periods are selected and AGE is 21 or greater, VETSTAT will be replaced with "Yes, on active duty in the past, but not during the past 12 months."
If a person is 17 or older is in universe for EMPSTAT and does not have "Armed Forces" as their employment status, VETSTAT is "No, training for Reserves or National Guard only", VETYRS and all veteran periods will be replaced with "Not in Universe"
If a person 17 or older reports "Yes, on active duty during the last 12 months but not now" or "Yes, on active duty in the past, but not during the past 12 months" for VETSTAT, but VETYRS is blank, and all periods of service are "No" or blank, the value of VETYRS and periods of service will be allocated. This will also occur is VETYRS is positive, but all periods of service are "No" or blank. The allocated values of VETYRS and periods of service are drawn from another person with a similar value for VETSTAT, AGE, RACE, and SEX.
If a person 17 or older reports "No active duty service" for VETSTAT and all periods of service are "No" or blank and IND is not "Active Duty Military or Military Reserves or National Guard", VETYRS and all periods of service will be made "Not in Universe."
If a person 17 or older has a blank value for VETSTAT, all periods of service are "No" or blank, VETYRS is blank, and IND is not "Active Duty Military or Military Reserves or National Guard," the values of VETSTAT will be allocated. The allocated value will be drawn from a person with a similar value for AGE, SEX, and RACE. If the allocated value is "Yes, on active duty during the last 12 months but not now" or "Yes, on active duty in the past, but not during the past 12 months," VETYRS and periods of service will be allocated from another person with a similar value for VETSTAT, AGE, RACE, and SEX.
If a person 17 or older reports "Yes, on active duty" "On active duty during the last 12 months, but not now" or "On active duty in the past, but not during the last 12 months" (VETSTAT) but VETYRS is blank, it will be allocated from someone else with a similar value for VETSTAT, AGE, RACE, and SEX.
If a person 17 or older reports being on active duty (VETSTAT) but VET01LTR is not "Yes," it will be replaced with "Yes."
If a person under 19 reports being on active duty for more than two years (VETYRS), VETYRS will be replaced with "Less than 2 years."
For survey years 2008 to 2012:
If a person 17 or older has a missing value for VETSTATand has a "Yes" for any veteran period, VETSTAT will be replaced with "On active duty in the last 12 months, but not now."
If a person who is 17 or older has a VETSTAT value of "No, training for Reserves or National Guard only" or "No, never served in the military," all periods of service will be made "Not in universe."
If a person who is 17 or older has "Armed Forces" as their employment status (EMPSTAT), reports being on active duty (VETSTAT), and VET01LTR is not "Yes," VET01LTR will be replaced with "Yes." If the other veteran periods are blank, they will be replaced with "No."
If a person reports serving a in a period where they are too young, that service period will be replaced with a "No." This applies in the following situations:
- A person born after 1986 reports serving between 8/1990 and 8/2001
- A person born after 1975 reports serving between 9/1980 and 7/1990
- A person born after 1965 reports serving between 5/1975 and 8/1980
- A person born after 1960 reports serving between 8/1964 and 4/1975
- A person born after 1949 reports serving between 3/1961 and 7/1964
- A person born after 1946 reports serving between 2/1955 and 2/1961
- A person born after 1940 reports serving between 7/1950 and 1/1955
- A person born after 1935 reports serving between 1/1947 and 6/1950
- A person born after 1931 reports serving between 12/1941 and 12/1946
- A person born after 1926 reports serving before 11/1941
If a person reports serving a in a period where they are too old, that service period will be replaced with a "No." This applies in the following situations:
- A person born before 1937 reports serving 09/2001 or later
- A person born before 1926 reports serving between 8/1990 and 8/2001
- A person born before 1916 reports serving between 9/1980 and 7/1990
- A person born before 1911 reports serving between 5/1975 and 8/1980
If a person reports their first period of service in a period where they are too old, that service period will be replaced with a "No." This applies in the following situations:
- A person born after 1955 reports first serving between 09/2011 or later
- A person born after 1944 reports first serving between 8/1990 and 8/2001
- A person born after 1934 reports first serving between 9/1980 and 7/1990
- A person born after 1929 reports first serving between 5/1975 and 8/1980
- A person born after 1918 reports first serving between 8/1964 and 4/1975
If a person reports gaps in their service periods, all service periods will be replaced with a "No." This applies in the following situations:
- Active duty 09/2001 and later is "Yes", active duty between 9/1980 and 8/2001 is "No" but an earlier period is "Yes."
- Active duty 09/2001 and later or active duty 8/1990-8/2001 is "Yes", active duty between 4/1975 and 7/1990 is "No," but an earlier period is "Yes."
- A period of active duty between 9/1980 and 2001 or later is "Yes," active duty between 7/1964 and 8/1980 is "No," but an earlier period is "Yes."
- A period of active duty between 5/1975 and 2001 or later is "Yes," active duty between 2/1955 and 4/1975 is "No," but an earlier period is "Yes."
- A period of active duty between 8/1964 and 2001 or later is "Yes," active duty between 12/1941 and 7/1964 is "No," but an earlier period is "Yes."
- Active duty between 8/1964 and 4/1975 is "Yes," active duty 7/1950 to 1/1955 is "No," but active duty 12/1941 to 12/1946 is "Yes."
If a person 18 or older who does not have "Armed Forces" as their employment status (EMPSTAT) and reports VETSTAT as "On active duty during the last 12 months, but not now" but then does not report active duty in 09/2001 and later, VETSTAT will be replaced with "On active duty in the past, but not during the last 12 months."
If a person 17 or older who does not have "Armed Forces" as their employment status (EMPSTAT) and reports VETSTAT as "Yes, unspecified" and reports active duty in 09/2001 and later, VETSTAT will be replaced with "On active duty during the last 12 months, but not now." If they do not report active duty in 09/2001 and later but do in an earlier period, VETSTAT will be replaced with "On active duty in the past, but not during the last 12 months."
If a person does not have "Armed Forces" as their employment status (EMPSTAT) and reports VETSTAT as "Yes, unspecified" and does not report any periods of active duty, and is 17 to 21, VETSTAT will be replaced with "On active duty during the last 12 months, but not now." If they are over 21, VETSTAT will be replaced with "On active duty in the past, but not during the last 12 months."
If a person is 17 or older and has a missing value for VETSTAT, VETSTAT will be allocated. The allocated value will be drawn from a person with a similar value for AGE, SEX, and RACE. If the allocated value is "Yes, on active duty during the last 12 months but not now" or "Yes, on active duty in the past, but not during the past 12 months," periods of service will be allocated from another person with a similar value for VETSTAT, AGE, RACE, and SEX.
If a person is 17 or older and reports being on active duty or having been on active duty in the past (VETSTAT) and has no "Yes" for periods any service, the periods of service will be allocated from another person with a similar value for VETSTAT, AGE, RACE, and SEX.
If a person 17 or older reports being on active duty, and have a "Yes" for active duty in 9/2001 or later, reports a "No" for active duty between 8/1990 and 8/2001, and a "Yes" for some previous period, the periods of service will be allocated from another person with a similar value for VETSTAT, AGE, RACE, and SEX.
For survey year 2013:
In 2013, VETSTAT collapsed "On active duty during the last 12 months, but not now" and "On active duty in the past, but not during the last 12 months" into "On active duty in the past, but not now." Some of the veteran periods were also collapsed. For example, February 1955 to February 1961 and March 1961 to July 1964 were combined into one period. The editing described above apply in the same manner, to these collapsed categories.
Internal ACS variable : MIL, MILP, MILY