- Description
- Codes
- Comparability
- Universe
- Availability
- Questionnaire Text
- Flags
- Source Variables
- Editing Procedure
WARD is an un-recoded variable that identifies the political ward where the household was enumerated, if the household was located in an area (usually a large city) that was divided into wards. Households not located within an identifiable ward are coded "000."
There are three major problems with this variable. First, enumerators often neglected to note ward locations, so in many cases the ward could only be inferred by the appearance of a household record among a large number of records from the same ward. Second, ward sizes and shapes vary considerably, both from city to city and over time. Third, the Census Bureau did not publish maps of wards, so users must consult local records for this information.
WARD is a 3-digit un-recoded numeric variable which identifies the political ward where the household was enumerated, if the household was located in an area (usually a large city) that was divided into wards. Households not located within an identifiable ward are coded "000."
There are three major problems with this variable:
Enumerators often neglected to note ward locations, so in many cases the ward could only be inferred by the appearance of a household record among a large number of records from the same ward.
Ward sizes and shapes vary considerably, both from city to city and over time.
The Census Bureau did not publish maps of wards, so users must consult local records for this information.
WARD specific variable codes for missing, edited, or unidentified observations, observations not applicable (N/A), observations not in universe (NIU), top and bottom value coding, etc. are provided below if applicable by Census year (and data sample if specified).
WARD Specific Variable Codes
000 = No ward given
998 = Illegible or un-interpretable
999 = Alphabetic or 4+ digits (1900-1940)
No information available.Universe
- 1850-1940: All households and group quarters.
- 2023: --
- 2022: --
- 2021: --
- 2020: --
- 2019: --
- 2018: --
- 2017: --
- 2016: --
- 2015: --
- 2014: --
- 2013: --
- 2012: --
- 2011: --
- 2010: --
- 2009: --
- 2008: --
- 2007: --
- 2006: --
- 2005: --
- 2004: --
- 2003: --
- 2002: --
- 2001: --
- 2000: --
- 1990: --
- 1980: --
- 1970: --
- 1960: --
- 1950: --
- 1940: 100%
- 1930: 1%; 5%
- 1920: All samples
- 1910: 1%; 1.4% ovrsmp
- 1900: 5%; 1%; 1.2% ovrsmp
- 1880: --
- 1870: 1%; 1.2%
- 1860: 1%; 1.2%
- 1850: 100%
- 2023: --
- 2022: --
- 2021: --
- 2020: --
- 2019: --
- 2018: --
- 2017: --
- 2016: --
- 2015: --
- 2014: --
- 2013: --
- 2012: --
- 2011: --
- 2010: --
- 2009: --
- 2008: --
- 2007: --
- 2006: --
- 2005: --
- 2000: --
- 1990: --
- 1980: --
- 1970: --
- 1930: --
- 1920: --
- 1910: --

This variable has no flags.Editing Procedure
There is no editing procedure available for this variable.