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Questionnaire Text

1990 1%
1980 1%
1970 Form 2 Metro
1960 1%
1990 1%
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
H15. Do you get water from -
[] A public system such as a city water department, or private company?
[] An individual drilled well?
[] An individual dug well?
[] Some other source such as a spring, creek, river, cistern, etc.?

"If a well provides water for five or more houses, apartments, or mobile homes, mark A public system. If a well provides water for four or fewer houses, apartments, or mobile homes, fill one of the circles for Individual well. Drilled wells, or small diameter wells, are usually less than 1 1/2; feet in diameter. Dug wells are generally hand dug and are larger than 1 1/2; feet wide."

1980 1%
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

H16. Do you get water from -
[] A public system (city water department, etc.)
or private company?
[] An individual drilled well?
[] An individual dug well?
[] Some other source (a spring, creek, river, cistern, etc.)?

"If a well provides water for six or more houses or apartments, mark A public system. If a well provides water for five or fewer houses or apartments, mark one of the categories for individual well. Drilled wells, or small diameter wells, are usually less than 1 1/2 feet in diameter. Dug wells are generally hand dug and are wider."

1970 Form 2 Metro
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[Only on Form 2]
H19. Do you get water from --
[] A public system (city water department, etc.)or private company?
[] An individual well?
[] Some other source (a spring, creek, river, cistern, etc.)?
"If a well provides water for six or more houses or apartments, mark a public system. If a well provides water for five or fewer houses or apartments, mark an individual well."

1960 1%
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
[PH-3, 20%]
H31. Do you get water from:
[] a public system (or private company)?
[] an individual well?
[] some other source?