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Questionnaire Text

1950 1%
1910 1%
1900 1%
1880 1%
1870 1%
1950 1%
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11. How old was he on his last birthday? (If under one year of age, enter month of birth as April, May, Dec., etc.)
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Item 11. Age last birthday

122. Item l l. Age at last birthday.-Enter the age of the person at his last birthday as of the date of your call. For persons 1 year old and over, this question calls for the age in completed years at last birthday.

123. Ages of infants.-The entry for children less than a year old should indicate the month of birth. For example, the entry for a child born in March, 1950, should be "March." It is permissible to abbreviate where necessary in entering the name of the month, for example "Dec." for December.

1910 1%

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

1900 1%
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7. Date of birth: month, year.
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133. Endeavor to ascertain in each case the month and year of birth called for in column 7, but where this is impossible get as nearly as possible the exact years of age. An answer given in round numbers, such as "about 30," "about 45," is likely to be wrong. In such cases endeavor to get the exact age.

1880 1%
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Ages.?The exact age in figures will be inserted in column 6 whenever the same can be obtained; otherwise, the nearest approximation thereto. Children who, on the 1st day of June, 1880, were less than a year old, will have their age stated by the fractional part of the year, as (one month), 1/12; (three months), 3/12; (nine months), 9/12, etc. In all other cases months will be omitted.

1870 1%
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
4. Age at last birthday. If under 1 year, give months in fractions, thus, 3/12.
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Ages.?The exact age, in figures, will be inserted in column 4, wherever the same can be obtained; otherwise, the nearest approximation thereto. Where the age is a matter of considerable doubt, the assistant marshal may make a note to that effect. Children, who, on the 1st of June, 1870, were less than a year old, will have their age stated by the fractional part of the year, as (one month) 1-12, (three months) 3-12, (nine months) 9-12, etc. In all other cases, months will be omitted. The age taken is the age at last birthday.