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Migration state and PUMA

Questionnaire Text

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14a. Did this person live in this house or apartment 5 years ago (on April 1, 1985)?
Mark Yes if this person lived in this same house or apartment on April 1, 1985, even if he/she moved away and came back since then. Mark No if this person lived in the same building but in a different apartment (or in the same mobile home or trailer but on a different lot or trailer site).

[] Born after April 1, 1985 - Go to questions for the next person
[] Yes - Skip to 15a
[] No

b. Where did this person live 5 years ago (on April 1, 1985)?

If this person lived in a different house or apartment on April 1, 1985, give the location of this person?s usual home at that time.
(1) Name of U.S. State or foreign country

(If outside U.S., print answer above and skip to 15a.)

If the person lived in the United States on April 1, 1985, print the name of the State (or District of Columbia) where he or she lived. Continue with parts (2) through (4). If the person lived in a U.S. territory or commonwealth, print the name of the territory or commonwealth, such as Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, or Northern Marianas. Then go to question 15a. If the person lived outside the United States, print the name of the foreign country or area where he or she lived. Specify whether Northern Ireland or the Republic of Ireland (Eire); East or West Germany; North or South Korea; England, Scotland or Wales (not Great Britain or United Kingdom). Specify the particular country or island in the Caribbean (not, for example, West Indies). Then go to question 15a.
(2) Name of county in the U.S.


If the person lived in Louisiana, print the parish name. If the person lived in Alaska, print the borough name. If the person lived in New York city and the county name is not known, print the borough name. If the person lived in an independent city (not in any county) or in Washington, D.C. , leave blank and enter the city name in part (3).
(3) Name of city or town in the U.S.


If the person lived in New England, print the name of the town rather than the village name, unless the name of the town is not known. If the person lived outside the limits or boundaries of any city or town, print the name of the post office or the nearest town and mark No, lived outside the city/town limits in part (4).
(4) Did this person live inside the city or town limits?

[] Yes
[] No, lived outside the city/town limits

Mark Yes if the location is now inside the city/town limits even if it was not inside the limits on April 1, 1985; that is, if the area was annexed by the city/town since that time.