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County of residence 5 years ago (FIPS code)


For respondents who lived in a different residence 5 years before the census, MIGCOUNTY5 identifies the county (or county equivalent) where the respondent lived at that time, if the prior residence was in an identifiable county.

MIGCOUNTY5 uses the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) coding scheme, as is used by COUNTYFIP. FIPS county codes are state-dependent, so MIGCOUNTY5 must be combined with state codes (see MIGPLAC5) to distinguish counties located in different states.

MIGCOUNTY1 provides analogous information for 2005 and later ACS and PRCS samples, using a 1-year rather than a 5-year reference period.

MIGCOUNTYICP5 provides analogous information for 1940 full-count microdata, using ICPSR county codes (as used by COUNTYICP) rather than FIPS codes.

The source PUMS files do not directly identify the county of prior residence. IPUMS instead identifies counties, where possible, from Migration PUMAs (MIGPUMA5).

MIGCOUNTY5 identifies a county if and only if:

  • it was coterminous with a single Migration PUMA; or
  • it contained multiple Migration PUMAs, none of which extended into other counties.

For a listing of the counties that MIGCOUNTY5 identifies, see the "MIG-PW" sheets in this Excel document: