- Description
- Codes
- Comparability
- Universe
- Availability
- Questionnaire Text
- Flags
- Source Variables
- Editing Procedure
FWAGE2 reports the total pre-tax wage and salary income, for the previous calendar year, of all age 14+ members of the household head's family, excluding the household head. (The household head's wage and salary income is reported in the person-record variable INCWAGE.)
FWAGE2 does not include wage and salary income of family members who were part of the household during the previous calendar year but who were no longer present by census time.
This variable is only available for 1950. FWAGE2 is a 5-digit numeric code which reports the previous calendar year's total pre-tax wage and salary income of all age 14+ members of the household head's family, excluding the household head (The household head's wage and salary income is reported in the person-record variable INCWAGE). FWAGE2 does not include wage and salary income of family members who were part of the household during the previous calendar year but who were no longer present by census time. FWAGE2 specific variable codes for missing, edited, or unidentified observations, observations not applicable (N/A), observations not in universe (NIU), top and bottom value coding, etc. are provided below by Census year (and data sample if specified).
FWAGE2 Specific Variable Codes
10000 = $10,000 or more (Topcode)
99998 = Not ascertained
99999 = N/A
This variable is only available for 1950. Only in that year did the census gather information on business and farm income for a collective group-the relatives of each household head-rather than for each person individually. FWAGE2 is one of the components of total family income, which is given for 1950 and subsequent years in FTOTINC (see the variable description for FTOTINC for further discussion.)
User note:
FWAGE2 is only available for households with sample-line heads. Researchers must apply the person-record variable SLWT (sample-line weight) to produce representative statistics for FWAGE2.
- Primary family members in households where the sample-line person was the household head.
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- 1950: 1%
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Questionnaire Text
1950 1% |
229. Item 31a. Entry for each sample person 14 years old or over.-There must be an entry of an amount or a check in the "None" box for each person 14 years of age or over who is on a sample line. The amount must be entered to the nearest whole dollar, not in dollars and cents. Enter " 10,000 + " if amount received was more than $10,000. Accept the respondent's best estimate if he does not know the exact amount.
230. Time period covered by item 31a.-January 1, 1949, through December 31, 1949.
231. General definition of wages or salary.-The total amount of money earned by a person for all work done as an employee. This may have been earned on more than one job during the year. X age and salary income includes "take-home" pay plus all deductions and contributions such as deductions for withholding tax, Social Security, etc. It also includes receipts from the following sources-tips, piece-rate payments, nonmilitary cash bonuses, a share of the profits if received by an employee in addition to wages or salary, armed forces pay. National Guard pay, and cash pay received by a farm laborer or manager.
232. "Take-home" pay is not total wages or salary.-The respondent may often report the "take-home" pay, that is, wages or salary minus deductions for withholding tax, retirement pay, union dues, war bonds, etc. If "take-home" pay is reported, the deductions should be added to it and the total counted as wage or salary income. If the respondent knows only the amount of "take-home" pay, it may be necessary to itemize the deductions in order to get an estimate of the total before deductions.
233. Some specific types of wages and salaries:
Military bonuses are "other income," not wages and salary, and should be entered in item 31c.
234. Receipts not counted as wages or salary:
b. Reimbursement for travel and other expenses. Such receipts are merely repayment for expenses incurred in connection with the job; they are not income.
c. Pay "in kind" (food, lodging, etc. given to an employee) even though received as payment for work performed and considered work for purposes of items 15 and 16. Pay "in kind" is not counted as income; items 31 and 32 refer only to money income.
235. Use of Federal income tax form.-The tax form may contain the combined wages or salaries of husband and wife. If so find out what share was received by each. Wages and salaries are reported on income tax forms as follows:
Form 1040A (Short form)
You should not ask the respondent to refer to income tax forms, but if he does so voluntarily, make use of the information.
QFWAGE2Editing Procedure
There is no editing procedure available for this variable.