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Any health insurance coverage (original)


HCOVANY2, an original and incompletely edited variable, indicates whether persons had any health insurance coverage at the time of interview, as measured by employer-provided insurance(HINSEMP2), privately purchased insurance (HINSPUR2), Medicare (HINSCARE2), Medicaid or other governmental insurance (HINSCAID2), TRICARE or other military care (HINSTRI2), or Veterans Administration-provided insurance (HINSVA2). The Census Bureau does not consider respondents to have coverage if their only coverage is from Indian Health Services (HINSIHS2), as IHS policies are not always comprehensive.

User Note: HCOVANY2 is not fully edited. It is provided so that users can replicate analyses that use original ACS data. For a fully edited and fully harmonized analogue that can be used to analyze change over time, see HCOVANY. See the IPUMS health insurance page for a summary of health insurance variables in the ACS/PRCS.