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Data quality flag for all variables in household record.

In some years, the census PUMS differentiated between two types of editing processes: allocations and substitutions. Allocation was the method used to create QAUGMENH and its person-level counterpart, QAUGMENT. In 2000, the only year that QAUGMENH is available, the exact allocation processes used by the census are not differentiated from one another and thus allocations in QAUGMENH may be the result of one of four types: pre-edits, consistency edits, hot deck allocations and cold deck allocations.

The variable, QSUBSTIH, which is available in 1970 and 2000, is a data quality flag for all variables in the household record, which identifies edits made through the substitution process. The exact method used for this substitution is not fully clear, though it is similar to the hot deck allocation method, and was administered through a computer editing process. In 2000, users may want to use QAUGMENH in combination with QSUBSTIH.

0 - Unaltered case.
4 - Allocated (method not specified)


No information available.


  • All variables on the household record.


United States
  • 2022: --
  • 2021: --
  • 2020: --
  • 2019: --
  • 2018: --
  • 2017: --
  • 2016: --
  • 2015: --
  • 2014: --
  • 2013: --
  • 2012: --
  • 2011: --
  • 2010: --
  • 2009: --
  • 2008: --
  • 2007: --
  • 2006: --
  • 2005: --
  • 2004: --
  • 2003: --
  • 2002: --
  • 2001: --
  • 2000: 5%; 1% old; 1% unwt; 1%
  • 1990: --
  • 1980: --
  • 1970: --
  • 1960: --
  • 1950: --
  • 1940: --
  • 1930: --
  • 1920: --
  • 1910: --
  • 1900: --
  • 1880: --
  • 1870: --
  • 1860: --
  • 1850: --
Puerto Rico
  • 2022: --
  • 2021: --
  • 2020: --
  • 2019: --
  • 2018: --
  • 2017: --
  • 2016: --
  • 2015: --
  • 2014: --
  • 2013: --
  • 2012: --
  • 2011: --
  • 2010: --
  • 2009: --
  • 2008: --
  • 2007: --
  • 2006: --
  • 2005: --
  • 2000: --
  • 1990: --
  • 1980: --
  • 1970: --
  • 1930: --
  • 1920: --
  • 1910: --


This variable has no flags.

Editing Procedure

There is no editing procedure available for this variable.