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Number of person records in household, before large group quarters were split up (100% datasets)


SPLITNUM provides the original number of person records that are included in the sampled unit in the 100% datasets. These person records all have the same original 100% serial number (SPLITHID).

As a part of IPUMS data processing, group quarters units containing more than 60 people were split into 1-person households, each with their own unique value in the IPUMS SERIAL variable. For this reason, the NUMPREC value for a group quarters unit containing more than 60 people will always be 1.

Researchers needing to analyze intact group quarters units containing more than 60 people (such as the residents of a large prison or poorhouse) should use SPLITNUM instead of NUMPREC.

The (flag) variable SPLIT can be used to identify all records that were split into a 1-person household.