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Weeks worked last year, intervalled


WKSWORK2, like WKSWORK1, reports the number of weeks that the respondent worked for profit, pay, or as an unpaid family worker during the previous year. For the census, the reference period is the previous calendar year; for the ACS, the reference period is the previous 12 months. WKSWORK2 differs from WKSWORK1 in that responses are given in intervals (1-13 weeks, 14-26 weeks, and so on), instead of the precise number of weeks. This is because the 1960 and 1970 samples recorded weeks worked only in intervals. For the other years contained in WKSWORK2 (the 1940-1950 and 1980-2000 censuses, the ACS, and the PRCS), the exact number of weeks worked is recorded in WKSWORK1.

For further discussion, see the WKSWORK1 variable description. See EMPSTAT for definitions of key labor force and employment terminology.