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Hours worked last week

Questionnaire Text

1990 1%
1980 1%
1950 1%
1940 1%
1990 1%
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21b. How many hours did this person work LAST WEEK (at all jobs)?

Subtract any time off. Add overtime or extra hours worked. _________ Hours

1980 1%
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b. How many hours did this person work last week (at all jobs)?

Subtract any time off; add overtime or extra hours worked.

_______________ Hours

"Give the actualnumber of hours worked at all jobs last week, even if that was more or fewer hours than usually worked."

1950 1%
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19. If Wk in Item 15 or Yes in Item 14:
How many hours did he work last week? (Include unpaid work on family farm or business) (Number of hours)
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Item 19. Hours worked last week

155. Item l9. Make entry for persons who worked last week.-Enter a number for each person for whom you entered "Wk" in item 15 or "Yes" in item 16.

156. Time period covered by item 19.-"Last week"-Definition same as for item 15. (See par. 137.)

157. Count actual number of hours worked.-Count the actual number of hours worked last week; this may not be the usual number. Include hours spent on duty on the job but do not include lunch periods or other time off. Round to whole numbers, counting 30 or more minutes as a whole hour.

Count hours spent in all types of work (see par. 138) including:

a. Work without pay on family farm or business, such as the hours spent by a farm housewife in feeding chickens.

b. Time spent outside of regular hours in connection with a job, such as the time spent by a teacher preparing lessons.

c. Time spent at own business or profession, even though the person did not transact any business or render service to any client.

d. Time spent at all jobs if a person had two or more jobs at which he worked last week. Add together the time spent at each and enter the total.

1940 1%
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26. Number of hours worked during week of March 24-30, 1940. If seeking work or assigned to public emergency work. ("Yes" in Col. 22 or 23).
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521. Column 26. If at Private or Nonemergency Government Work ("Yes" in col. 21): Number of Hours Worked During Week of March 24-30, 1940.-Enter in col. 26 for each person who was at work in private or nonemergency Government work ("Yes" in col. 21) the total number of hours worked during the week for pay or profit (including unpaid family work other than home housework or incidental chores but private or nonemergency Government work ("Yes" in col. 21) the total number of hours worked during the week for pay or profit (including unpaid family work other than home housework or incidental chores but excluding any time spent on emergency work, as WPA, NYA, and CCC.

522. Note that you must make an entry in col. 26 when the entry in col. 21 is "Yes" and only when it is "Yes." Cols. 26 must be left blank for persons for whom the entry in col. 21 is "No," "Inst.," or blank.

523. For a professional person, a business man, a farmer, or any other person maintaining his own office, or operating a business or farm, enter the number of hours he spent in his office, or in his place of business, or in any work on his farm; include also the number of hours he may have elsewhere devoted to his professional, business, or farm affairs. If the exact number of hours is not known, enter the best obtainable estimate.

524. This entry should be in terms of the nearest whole number of hours. A fractional period of 30 minutes or more should be counted as a whole hour.