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Industry, NAICS classification


INDNAICS reports the type of establishment in which the person worked, in terms of the good or service produced. INDNAICS codes industries according to the North American Industrial Classification System, which was developed in 1997. This categorization system is substantially different from industry classifications used in prior years.

For workers employed during the previous week, the data refer to the job at which the person worked the greatest number of hours. For unemployed persons or those out of the labor force, the data refer to their most recent job, if it was within the previous five years.

A crosswalk of INDNAICS codes for the 2000 Census and the ACS/PRCS from 2000-onward is available here:

INDNAICS Crosswalk

The variable IND provides a numeric industry classification that is closely related to the INDNAICS scheme. A crosswalk between IND and INDNAICS codes is available here:

IND to INDNAICS Crosswalk

User Caution: INDNAICS contains alphabetic characters (See IND for a fully numeric classification of industry).

Note: The IND to INDNAICS crosswalk is reflective of the codes in the ACS PUMS data files, which slightly differ from the codes found here: Full list of Census provided Industry and Occupation Codes.