- Description
- Codes
- Comparability
- Universe
- Availability
- Questionnaire Text
- Flags
- Source Variables
- Editing Procedure
For respondents who lived in a different residence 1 year before the survey date, MIGCITY1 identifies the city of residence at that time, if the prior residence was in an identifiable city.
Cities are not directly identified in the source PUMS files, so IPUMS bases MIGCITY1 coding on relationships between cities and the Migration Public Use Microdata Areas (MIGPUMA1), which are identified in the source files. Specifically, MIGCITY1 codes are based on spatial relationships between the 2000 definitions of both cities and Migration PUMAs.
Codes and Frequencies
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MIGCITY1 is available only for the 2005-2011 ACS samples.
MIGCITY5 provides analogous information for 1940 and 1980-2000, using a 5-year rather than a 1-year reference period.
There are no plans to extend MIGCITY1 forward into 2012 and later ACS samples. The standards put in place for the 2010 Migration PUMA definitions, which are used in 2012 and later samples, require that Migration PUMA boundaries follow county boundaries, and only a small number of cities have boundaries that are also county boundaries. For such cities, it may be possible to use MIGCOUNTY1 to identify prior residents of the city based on the county of prior residence.
No prior-residence cities could be identified for the 2005-2011 PRCS.
- ACS: Persons age 1+ who lived in a different house one year ago, not living abroad; not available for Puerto Rico.
- 2023: --
- 2022: --
- 2021: --
- 2020: --
- 2019: --
- 2018: --
- 2017: --
- 2016: --
- 2015: --
- 2014: --
- 2013: --
- 2012: --
- 2011: All samples
- 2010: ACS; ACS 3yr; ACS 5yr
- 2009: All samples
- 2008: All samples
- 2007: All samples
- 2006: All samples
- 2005: All samples
- 2004: --
- 2003: --
- 2002: --
- 2001: --
- 2000: --
- 1990: --
- 1980: --
- 1970: --
- 1960: --
- 1950: --
- 1940: --
- 1930: --
- 1920: --
- 1910: --
- 1900: --
- 1880: --
- 1870: --
- 1860: --
- 1850: --
- 2023: --
- 2022: --
- 2021: --
- 2020: --
- 2019: --
- 2018: --
- 2017: --
- 2016: --
- 2015: --
- 2014: --
- 2013: --
- 2012: --
- 2011: --
- 2010: --
- 2009: --
- 2008: --
- 2007: --
- 2006: --
- 2005: --
- 2000: --
- 1990: --
- 1980: --
- 1970: --
- 1930: --
- 1920: --
- 1910: --

This variable has no flags.Editing Procedure
There is no editing procedure available for this variable.