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Migration Super-PUMA of residence 5 years ago


For respondents who lived in a different residence 5 years before the census, MIGSPUMA5 identifies the location where the respondent lived at that time, in terms of the Migration Super Public Use Microdata Area (Super-PUMA). Additional geographic detail is provided in MIGPUMA5, which identifies the location where the respondent lived 5 years ago in terms of the Migration Public Use Microdata Area (PUMA), typically a smaller geographic area.

See PUMASUPR for further discussion of Super-PUMAs.

See the 2000 Migration PUMAs and Super-PUMAs reference page for a listing of the Super-PUMAs that comprise each Migration Super-PUMA.

Migration Super-PUMA codes are state-dependent, so MIGSPUMA5
must be combined with state codes (see MIGPLAC5) to distinguish Super-PUMAs located in different states.

MIGSPUMA1 provides analogous information for the 2005-2011 ACS and PRCS samples, using a 1-year rather than a 5-year reference period.