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Metropolitan status 1 year ago


MIGMETRO1 indicates whether the respondent lived in a metropolitan area one year ago and, if so, whether they also resided within a central/principal city.

A metropolitan area is a region consisting of a large urban core together with surrounding communities that have a high degree of economic and social integration with the urban core. See METAREA for more information.

For the 1950 sample, MIGMETRO1 distinguishes central city status only if the central city/cities and the remainder of the metropolitan area each had 100,000+ residents in 1980, using the 1980 central city definitions.

For ACS and PRCS samples (2005 and later), IPUMS derives MIGMETRO1 codes based on Migration Public Use Microdata Areas (MIGPUMA1). If a respondent resided in a Migration PUMA that was only partially within a metropolitan area or central/principal city, MIGMETRO1 indicates a status of "indeterminable (mixed)."

In ACS and PRCS samples, Migration PUMAs are identified only for respondents who lived in a different residence 1 year ago. All other respondents are coded as "N/A" in MIGMETRO1.