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Lived same SEA 1 year ago


SAMESEA1 reports whether the sample-line respondent lived in the same State Economic Area (SEA) a year ago as the person was living in at the time of the 1950 enumeration. State Economic Areas are single counties or groups of contiguous counties within the same state that had similar economic characteristics. SEAs with fewer than 100,000 residents were combined to form SEAs of at least 100,000 residents to meet confidentiality requirements for the 1950 PUMS. SAMESEA1 also distinguishes persons living abroad one year ago.

The creators of the 1950 PUMS derived the information about the SEA of residence one year ago from the respondent's reported county of residence one year ago. To identify the SEA where the respondent lived one year ago, see MIGSEA1. To identify the SEA of current residence, see SEA.