2022 ACS | 2000 1% | 1950 1% | 1900 1% |
2021 ACS | 1990 1% | 1940 1% | 1880 1% |
2016 ACS | 1980 1% | 1930 1% | 1870 1% |
2011 ACS | 1970 Form 2 Metro | 1920 1% | 1860 1% |
2006 ACS | 1960 1% | 1910 1% | 1850 1% |
Include only nursery school, kindergarten, elementary school, and schooling which leads to a high school diploma or a college degree.
[] No, has not attended since February 1
[] Yes, public school, public college
[] Yes, private school, private college
"Do not count enrollment in a trade or business school, company training, or tutoring unless the course would be accepted for credit at a regular elementary school, high school, or college. A public school is any school or college which is controlled and supported primarily by a local, county, State, or Federal Government."
"Do not count trade or business school, company training, or tutoring unless you think he could get credit for it at a regular school or college."
219. Item 28. Make entry for every sample person.-An entry should be made for each person on a sample line. However, for those persons 30 years old and over, it is not necessary to ask the question but merely to check the box "30 or over." There should be a check in either "Yes" or "No" for each person under 30 years of age.
220. "Regular" school.-Check "Yes" for each person under 30 years of age who has attended or been enrolled in any "regular" school at any time since February l, 1950. (See par. 206 above for complete definition of "regular" school.)
221. Enrolled but not attending.- Check "Yes" for persons enrolled in school but who have not actually attended since February L, 1950 (for example, because of illness).
222. Kindergarten.-Check "Yes" for persons attending kindergarten.
223. Tutor.-Check "Yes" for persons under 30 years of age receiving regular instructions at home from a tutor, if the instruction is comparable to that of a regular school or college.
224. "Nonregular" schools.-Check "No" for persons under 30 years of age who attended "nonregular" schools such as nursery schools, correspondence schools, business colleges, etc., and other schools not part of a regular public or private school system. (See par. 207 above for complete definition of "nonregular" schools.)