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Metropolitan area of residence 1 year ago


MIGMETAREA1 identifies the metropolitan area where the respondent lived 1 year prior to the survey date, if the prior residence was in an identifiable metropolitan area.

A metropolitan area, or metro area, is a region consisting of a large urban core together with surrounding communities that have a high degree of economic and social integration with the urban core. See METAREA for a detailed definition for each year.

For ACS and PRCS samples, MIGMETAREA1 identifies no metro area codes for individuals who lived in the same residence 1 year ago.

In ACS and PRCS samples, MIGMETAREA1 metro area designations are based on 1999 OMB delineations.

MIGMETAREA5 provides analogous information for 1940 and 1980-2000 samples, using a 5-year rather than a 1-year reference period.

MIGMETAREA1 is not available for 2012 and later ACS and PRCS samples. To obtain metro area codes for these samples, see the MIGMET131 variable.