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Mother's location in the household


MOMLOC is a constructed variable that indicates whether the person's mother lived in the same household and, if so, gives the person number of the mother (PERNUM). The method by which probable child-mother links are identified is described in MOMRULE for samples from 1970 to present and in MOMRULE_HIST for samples prior to 1970.

MOMLOC makes it easy for researchers to link the characteristics of children and their (probable) mothers.

In 2017, the family interrelationship variables for samples from 1970 to present were revised to increase comparability across IPUMS projects and include same-sex couples. Many researchers who are familiar with the previous version of family interrelationship variables will find it useful to read a brief overview of the key differences of the New IPUMS Family Interrelationship Variables. On this page you'll find information on how family interrelationship variables are constructed, common uses of these variables, and specific examples of how these variables can be used efficiently.

Samples prior to 1970 continue to use the original version of family interrelationship variables.

  • User Caution: MOMLOC identifies social relationships (such as stepmother and adoptive mother) as well as biological relationships. For 1970 and later, MOMLOC will also identify the unmarried partner of a child's father identified with POPLOC

If the person identified with MOMLOC has a spouse or partner identified through SPLOC, the spouse or partner will also be identified as a parent through POPLOC (if a different-sex couple) or MOMLOC2 (if a same-sex couple). POPRULE and MOM2RULE will communicate the method through which those relationships are identified.

The original version of MOMLOC and other IPUMS pointer variables are available for 1970 to present here.