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Metropolitan area of residence 5 years ago


MIGMETAREA5 identifies the metropolitan area where the respondent lived 5 years prior to the census, if the prior residence was in an identifiable metropolitan area.

A metropolitan area, or metro area, is a region consisting of a large urban core together with surrounding communities that have a high degree of economic and social integration with the urban core. See METAREA for a detailed definition for each year.

For 1980, 1990, and 2000 samples, MIGMETAREA5 identifies no metro area codes for individuals who lived in the same residence 5 years before the census.

MIGMETAREA5 is constructed from MIGSEA5 (State Economic Area of residence 5 years ago) for 1940, from MIGCOGRP5 (county group of residence 5 years ago) for 1980, from MIGPUMA5 (Migration PUMA of residence 5 years ago) for 1990 and the 2000 5% sample, and from MIGSPUMA5 (Migration Super-PUMA of residence 5 years ago) for the 2000 1% sample.

Differing confidentiality restrictions and coding procedures limit the identified metropolitan areas, particularly for 1980, 1990, and 2000. In these years, many metropolitan areas are partially identified; persons who lived in a county group, PUMA (see the variable description for PUMA for more information on PUMAs), or Super-PUMA that contained both metropolitan and non-metropolitan territory are not identified as part of the population of a given metropolitan area five years ago. See the METAREA variable description for further discussion of this important point.

Responses to questions about migration in the 1980 census were coded for only half the persons included in the IPUMS. These codes provide accurate proportional distributions but not correct absolute numbers for the general population. For correct absolute numbers, users should select cases coded as 2 in MIGSAMP and multiply by 2 as well as by PERWT.