- Description
- Codes
- Comparability
- Universe
- Availability
- Questionnaire Text
- Flags
- Source Variables
- Editing Procedure
MIGMETRO5 indicates whether the respondent lived in a metropolitan area five years ago. For 1940 and 1980-2000, MIGMETRO5 also indicates whether persons who lived in a metropolitan area five years ago resided in the largest city/cities ("the central cities") in the metropolitan area.
A metropolitan area is a region consisting of a large urban core together with surrounding communities that have a high degree of economic and social integration with the urban core. See METAREA for more information.
In cases where the metropolitan and central/principal-city status of the prior residence are not directly identified in the source microdata, IPUMS derives MIGMETRO5 codes based on other available geographic information, e.g., migration county groups (MIGCOGRP5) or Public Use Microdata Areas (MIGPUMA5). If a respondent resided in a county group or PUMA that was only partially within a metropolitan area or central/principal city, MIGMETRO5 indicates a status of "indeterminable (mixed)."
In 1980, responses to questions about migration were coded for only half the persons included in IPUMS USA. These cases provide accurate proportional distributions but not correct absolute numbers for the total population. For correct absolute numbers, users should select cases coded as 2 in MIGSAMP and multiply by 2 as well as by PERWT.
Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
0 | N/A | X | X | X | X | X | X |
1 | Not in U.S. metropolitan area | X | X | X | X | X | X |
In metropolitan area: | |||||||
2 | Central city status indeterminable (mixed) | X | X | X | X | X | · |
3 | In central city | X | X | X | · | · | X |
4 | Not in central city | X | X | X | · | · | X |
9 | Metropolitan status indeterminable (mixed) | X | X | · | X | X | X |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
For the post-1940 samples, MIGMETRO5 is based on the metropolitan classification of the underlying geographic unit of at least 100,000+ residents (and of 400,000+ residents for the 1 percent sample of census 2000) designated by the Census Bureau for confidentiality reasons (i.e., county group, PUMA, or Super-PUMA). See METRO for detailed discussion of confidentiality rules limiting the classification of metropolitan status in each year.
In 1980, the N/A category includes persons for whom the metropolitan status of their past residence could not be classified. In other years, unclassified cases (e.g., for persons who lived in a mixed metro-non-metro area) are coded as 9, "Metropolitan status indeterminable (mixed)." For comparability with 1980, users must group together the N/A and "indeterminable (mixed)" cases (codes 0 and 9).
In 2000, MIGMETRO5 is reported only for respondents who lived in another residence 5 years ago. All other cases are coded as "N/A". MIGMETROD5 provides more detailed information about the metropolitan status of the individual, 5 years ago (available in 2000 only).
MIGMETRO1 provides analogous information for 1950 and for 2005-onward ACS and PRCS samples, using a 1-year rather than a 5-year reference period.
Users should note that in all years we have interpreted "abroad" as non-metro (code 1).
- 1940: Persons age 5+.
- 1960-1970: Persons age 5+.
- 1980: Persons age 5+; 50 percent of cases (see MIGSAMP).
- 1990: Persons age 5+; not available for Puerto Rico.
- 2000: Persons age 5+ who lived in a different house 5 years ago.
- 2023: --
- 2022: --
- 2021: --
- 2020: --
- 2019: --
- 2018: --
- 2017: --
- 2016: --
- 2015: --
- 2014: --
- 2013: --
- 2012: --
- 2011: --
- 2010: --
- 2009: --
- 2008: --
- 2007: --
- 2006: --
- 2005: --
- 2004: --
- 2003: --
- 2002: --
- 2001: --
- 2000: 5%; 1% old; 1% unwt; 1%
- 1990: 1% metro
- 1980: 5% state; 1% metro
- 1970: 1% state fm2; 1% metro fm2; 1% neigh fm2
- 1960: 1%
- 1950: --
- 1940: All samples
- 1930: --
- 1920: --
- 1910: --
- 1900: --
- 1880: --
- 1870: --
- 1860: --
- 1850: --
- 2023: --
- 2022: --
- 2021: --
- 2020: --
- 2019: --
- 2018: --
- 2017: --
- 2016: --
- 2015: --
- 2014: --
- 2013: --
- 2012: --
- 2011: --
- 2010: --
- 2009: --
- 2008: --
- 2007: --
- 2006: --
- 2005: --
- 2000: All samples
- 1990: --
- 1980: All samples
- 1970: All samples
- 1930: --
- 1920: --
- 1910: --
Questionnaire Text
2000 1% |
1990 1% |
1980 1% |
1970 Form 2 Metro |
1960 1% |
1940 1% |
Did this person live inside the limits of the city or town?
[] Yes
[] No, outside the city/town limits
Name of county
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Name of state
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
ZIP Code
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[] Born after April 1, 1985 - Go to questions for the next person
[] Yes - Skip to 15a
[] No
b. Where did this person live 5 years ago (on April 1, 1985)?
(If outside U.S., print answer above and skip to 15a.)
[] Yes
[] No, lived outside the city/town limits
15a. Did this person live in this house five years ago (April 1, 1975)?
If in college or Armed Force in April 1975, report place of residence there.
[] Yes, this house - Skip to 16
[] No, different house
"Mark Yes, this house if this person lived in this same house or apartment on April 1, 1975, but moved away and came back between then and now. Mark No, different house if this person lived in the same building but in a different apartment (or in the same mobile home or trailer but on a different trailer site)."
b. Where did this person live five years ago (April 1, 1975)?
(2) County: __________________________________________________________
(3) City, town, village, etc.: _______________________________________
(4) Inside the incorporated (legal) limits of that city, town, village, etc.? [] Yes [] No, in unincorporated area
"If this person lived in a different house or apartment on April 1, 1975, give the location of this person's usual home at that time.
Part (1) If the person was living in the United States on April 1, 1975, print the name of the State. If the person did not live in the United States on April 1, 1975, print the full name of the foreign country or Puerto Rico, Guam, etc.
Part (2) If in Louisiana, print the parish name. If in Alaska, print the borough name. If in New York City - print the borough name if the county name is not known. If an independent city, leave blank.
Part (3) If in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island or Vermont, print the name of the town rather than the name of the village or city, unless the name of the town is unknown.
Part (4) Mark Yes if you know that the location is now
inside the limits of a city, town, village or other incorporated place, even if it was not inside the limits on April 1, 1975."
(2) County __________
(3) Inside the limits of a city, town, village, etc.?
[] No
(4) If "Yes," name of city, town, village, etc. __________
"If he lived somewhere else on April 1, 1965, give the address of his usual residence at that time.
For addresses in Louisiana, print the parish name.
For addresses in Alaska, print the borough name.
For addresses in independent cities, print the name of the city and word "city," for example "Baltimore city."
Part (3)
Mark Yes if you know that the address is now inside the limits of a city, town, village, or other incorporated place, even if it was not inside the limits on April 1, 1965."
[] 2. Yes, this house
[] 3. No, different house
a. City or town ____________________
b. If city or town - Did he live inside the city limits? Yes... [] No.... []
c. County ____________________
AND State, foreign country, U.S. possession, etc. ___________________
In what place did this person live on April 1, 1935? For a person who, on April 1, 1935, was living in the same house as at present, enter in Col. 17 "Same house," and for one living in a different house but in the same city or town, enter "Same place," leaving Cols. 18, 19, and 20 blank, in both instances. For a person who lived in a different place, enter city or town, county, and State, as directed in the Instructions. (Enter actual place of residence, which may differ from mail address.)
482. Persons Living in the Same House as in 1935.-For all persons who on April 1, 1935, were living in the same house or structure as at present, enter in col. 17, "Same house," and leave cols. 18, 19, and 20 blank.
483. Persons Living in the Same Place but different House in 1935.-For persons who, on April 1, 1935, were living in a different house but in the same city, town, or village as at present, enter in col. 17 "Same place," and leave cols., 18, 19, 20 blank.
484. Persons Who Have Moved From One place to Another in the United States Since 1935.-for persons who have moved from one place in the United States to another since April 1, 1935, record the place of residence on that date as follows: If the place of residence on April 1, 1935, was a city, town, or village of 2,500 or more, enter the name of the place in col. 17, the county in col. 18, and the State in col. 19, except that for cities of 10,000 or more, the county may be omitted.
485. If the residence on April 1, 1935, was in the open country or in a village of less than 2,500, enter "R" (for rural) in col. 17; the county in which that residence was located, in col. 18; and the State in col. 19.
486. In case of doubt as to whether a place had a population of 2,500 or more, enter the name of the place, with county and State, as if it were definitely known to have more than 2,500 inhabitants.
487. For persons who, on April 1, 1935, had their usual place of residence in one of the outlying Territories or possessions of the United States, or in a foreign country, enter dashes in cols. 17 and 18, and write the name of the Territory or possession, or of the foreign country, in col. 19.
Editing Procedure
There is no editing procedure available for this variable.