Questionnaire Text

2022 ACS
2021 ACS
2016 ACS
2011 ACS
2006 ACS
2000 1%
1990 1%
1980 1%
2022 ACS
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
c) Does the regular monthly mortgage payment include payments for real estate taxes on THIS property?
[ ] Yes, taxes included in mortgage payment
[ ] No, taxes paid separately or taxes not required

2021 ACS
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
c) Does the regular monthly mortgage payment include payments for real estate taxes on THIS property?
[ ] Yes, taxes included in mortgage payment
[ ] No, taxes paid separately or taxes not required

2016 ACS
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
c) Does the regular monthly mortgage payment include payments for real estate taxes on THIS property?
[ ] Yes, taxes included in mortgage payment
[ ] No, taxes paid separately or taxes not required

2011 ACS
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
c) Does the regular monthly mortgage payment include payments for real estate taxes on THIS property?
[ ] Yes, taxes included in mortgage payment
[ ] No, taxes paid separately or taxes not required

2006 ACS
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
c) Does the regular monthly mortgage payment include payments for real estate taxes on THIS property?

[ ] Yes, taxes included in mortgage payment
[ ] No, taxes paid separately or taxes not required

2000 1%
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
47. Answer questions 47a-53 if you or someone in this household owns or is buying this house, apartment, or mobile home; otherwise, skip to questions for Person 2.

c. Does your regular monthly mortgage payment include payments for real estate taxes on THIS property?

[] Yes, taxes included in mortgage payment
[] No, taxes paid separately or taxes not required

1990 1%
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
c. Does your regular monthly mortgage payment include payments for real estate taxes on THIS property?
[] Yes, taxes included in payment
[] No, taxes paid separately or taxes not required

1980 1%
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Please answer H30-H32 if you live in a one-family house which you own or are buying, unless this is -
A mobile home or trailer
A house on 10 or more acres
A condominium unit
A house with a commercial establishment or medical office on the property
If any of these, or if you rent your unit or this is a multi-family structure, skip H30 to H32 and turn to page 6. "Do not answer these questions if you live in a cooperative, regardless of the number of units in the structure."

d. Does your regular monthly payment (amount entered in H32c) include payments for
real estate taxes on this property?

[] Yes, taxes included in payment
[] No, insurance paid separately or no insurance