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FTOTINC reports the total pre-tax money income earned by one's family (as defined by FAMUNIT) from all sources for the previous year. For the census samples, the reference period is the previous calendar year; for the ACS/PRCS, it is the previous 12 months.
For 1950-1980, the amounts represent the midpoints of $10, $100, or other intervals used by each year's sample, not exact dollar amounts. 1990 gives exact dollar amounts. For the 2000 census, the ACS and the PRCS, FTOTINC is the sum of several income variables, each of which is rounded as follows:
No income | $0 |
$1 - $7 | $4 |
$8 - $999 | rounded to nearest $10 |
$1,000 - $49,999 | rounded to nearest $100 |
$50,000 or more | rounded to nearest $1000 |