- Description
- Codes
- Comparability
- Universe
- Availability
- Questionnaire Text
- Flags
- Source Variables
- Editing Procedure
HCOVANY indicates whether persons had any health insurance coverage at the time of interview, as measured by employer-provided insurance(HINSEMP), privately purchased insurance (HINSPUR), Medicare (HINSCARE), Medicaid or other governmental insurance (HINSCAID), TRICARE or other military care (HINSTRI), or Veterans Administration-provided insurance (HINSVA). The Census Bureau does not consider respondents to have coverage if their only coverage is from Indian Health Services (HINSIHS), as IHS policies are not always comprehensive.
For a summary of health insurance variables in the ACS/PRCS, see the IPUMS health insurance page.
Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
1 | No health insurance coverage | X | X | X | X | X |
2 | With health insurance coverage | X | X | X | X | X |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
- ACS, PRCS: All persons.
- 2023: All samples
- 2022: All samples
- 2021: All samples
- 2020: All samples
- 2019: All samples
- 2018: All samples
- 2017: All samples
- 2016: All samples
- 2015: All samples
- 2014: All samples
- 2013: All samples
- 2012: All samples
- 2011: ACS; ACS 3yr
- 2010: ACS; ACS 3yr
- 2009: ACS
- 2008: ACS
- 2007: --
- 2006: --
- 2005: --
- 2004: --
- 2003: --
- 2002: --
- 2001: --
- 2000: --
- 1990: --
- 1980: --
- 1970: --
- 1960: --
- 1950: --
- 1940: --
- 1930: --
- 1920: --
- 1910: --
- 1900: --
- 1880: --
- 1870: --
- 1860: --
- 1850: --
- 2023: All samples
- 2022: All samples
- 2021: All samples
- 2020: All samples
- 2019: All samples
- 2018: All samples
- 2017: All samples
- 2016: All samples
- 2015: All samples
- 2014: All samples
- 2013: All samples
- 2012: All samples
- 2011: PRCS; PRCS 3yr
- 2010: PRCS; PRCS 3yr
- 2009: PRCS
- 2008: PRCS
- 2007: --
- 2006: --
- 2005: --
- 2000: --
- 1990: --
- 1980: --
- 1970: --
- 1930: --
- 1920: --
- 1910: --

Editing Procedure
HINSEMP(Health insurance through employer/union)
HINSPUR(Health insurance purchased directly)
HINSTRI(Health insurance through TRICARE)
HINSCARE(Health insurance through Medicare)
HINSCAID(Health insurance through Medicaid)
HINSVA (Health insurance through VA)
HINSIHS(Health insurance through Indian Health Services)
HCOVANY(Any health insurance coverage)
HCOVPRIV(Private health insurance coverage)
HCOVPUB(Public health insurance coverage)
Years: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
ACS editing procedure:
Note: The ACS questionnaire asks to respondent to check a series of "Yes" or "No" boxes for multiple types of health insurance coverage. The final checkbox asks if they have any other coverage and include a box to write in the type of health insurance.
The flag variables indicate when a variable was allocated: QHINSEMP, QHINSPUR, QHINSTRI, QHINSCAR, QHINSCAI, QHINSVA, QHINSIHS.
Family reference person
If the family reference person includes a an answer in the "Other" box that is one of the other types of health insurance asked, but the corresponding checkbox is not selected, that variable will be replaced with a "Yes." For example, if the respondent writes in that they have employer provided health insurance, HINSEMP will be replaced with a "Yes" if it is either missing or "No." Starting in 2012, this applies only if the respondent checks the box for "Other," has no type of health coverage selected, or wrote in Medicaid.
If the respondent wrote in that they have no health insurance, and all the types of health insurance are missing, all of them will be replaced with "No." If the respondent writes in that they received health insurance through a relative, but neither HINSEMP nor HINSPUR are "Yes," HINSPUR will be replaced with a "Yes." Starting in 2012, this applies only if the respondent checks the box for "Other" or has no type of health coverage selected.
If the family reference person selects "Yes" for one type of health insurance (employer provided, direct purchase, Medicare, Medicaid, or TRICARE/military coverage) and leaves all other boxes blank, all other forms of health insurance will be replaced with "No."
If the family reference person has a missing value for employer provided health insurance, direct purchase of health insurance, TRICARE/military coverage, Medicare, Medicaid, the missing variable(s) will be allocated. For employer provided health insurance, the allocated value is drawn from another family reference person with similar values for AGE, EMPSTAT, and the Census' internal calculation of poverty level based on family income and family size. For direct purchase of health coverage, the allocated value is drawn from someone who also has a similar value of HINSEMP.
For TRICARE/military coverage, the allocated value is drawn from another family reference person with similar values for HINSEMP, HINSPUR, AGE, and VETSTAT. For Medicare, the allocated value is drawn from another family reference person with similar values forHINSEMP, HINSPUR, AGE, and INCSS. For Medicaid coverage, the allocated value is drawn from another family reference person with similar values for HINSEMP, HINSPUR, AGE and the Census' internal calculation of poverty level based on family income and family size. For VA health coverage, the allocated value is drawn from another family reference person with a similar value of age and VETSTAT. For insurance provided through Indian Health Services, the allocated value is drawn from another family reference person with similar values for HINSEMP, HINSPUR, and RACE.
If the family reference person wrote in "Public" or "Private" for their other type of insurance and employer provided insurance, directly purchased insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE/military coverage, and VA coverage are all "No," HINSEMP, HINSPUR, HINSCARE, and HINSCAID will be jointly allocated. The allocated values will be drawn from another family reference person with similar values for AGE and the Census' internal calculation of poverty level based on family income and family size.
Beginning in 2009, if a person reported "Yes" to six health insurance types (employer, directly purchased, Medicare, Medicaid, military healthcare, and VA health care), but is not a veteran (VETSTAT), HINSVA will be replaced with "No." Likewise, if a person reported "Yes" to six health insurance types (employer, directly purchased, Medicare, Medicaid, military healthcare, and Indian Health Services), but does not report being Native American/Alaska Native (RACE), HINSIHS will be replaced with "No."
Adults who are not the reference person, but are related to the reference person
If an adult who is not the family reference person includes a an answer in the "Other" box that is one of the other types of health insurance asked, but the corresponding checkbox is not selected, that variable will be replaced with a "Yes." Starting in 2012, this applies only if the respondent checks the box for "Other," has no type of health coverage selected, or wrote in Medicaid.
If the respondent wrote in that they have no health insurance, and all the types of health insurance are missing, all of them will be replaced with "No." If the respondent writes in that they received health insurance through a relative, and the reference person or their spouse received health insurance through their employer, HINSEMP will be replaced with a "Yes." If neither the reference person nor their spouse has employer provided health coverage, HINSPURwill be replaced with a "Yes." Starting in 2012, this applies only if the respondent checks the box for "Other" or has no type of health coverage selected.
If an adult who is not the family reference person selects "Yes" for one type of health insurance (employer provided, direct purchase, Medicare, Medicaid, or TRICARE/military coverage) and leaves all other boxes blank, all other forms of health insurance will be replaced with "No."
If an adult who is not the family reference person has a missing value for employer provided health insurance, direct purchase of health insurance, TRICARE/military coverage, Medicare, Medicaid, the missing variable(s) will be allocated. For employer provided health insurance, the allocated value is drawn from a non-reference adult with similar values for the reference person's employer provided health insurance, AGE, EMPSTAT, and the Census' internal calculation of poverty level based on family income and family size. For direct purchase of health coverage, the allocated value is drawn from a non-reference adult with similar values for HINSEMP, the reference person's directly purchased health insurance, AGE, EMPSTAT, and the Census' internal calculation of poverty level based on family income and family size.
For TRICARE/military coverage, the allocated value is drawn from another non-reference adult whose reference person has a similar value for TRICARE/military coverage, similar values for HINSEMP, HINSPUR, AGE, and VETSTAT. For Medicare coverage, the allocated value is drawn from a non-reference adult with a similar value of HINSEMP, HINSPUR,
, and social security income (INCSS). For Medicaid coverage, the allocated value is drawn from a non-reference adult whose reference person has a similar value for Medicaid coverage and has a similar value of HINSEMP, HINSPUR, AGE, and the Census' internal calculation of poverty level based on family income and family size. For VA health coverage, the allocated value is drawn from another family reference person with a similar value of age and VETSTAT. For insurance provided through Indian Health Services, the allocated value is drawn from a non-reference adult whose reference person has a similar value for if health coverage is provided through Indian Health Services and similar value for HINSEMP, HINSPUR, and RACE.
If the an adult who is not the family reference person wrote in "Public" or "Private" for their other type of insurance and employer provided insurance, directly purchased insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE/military coverage, and VA coverage are all "No," HINSEMP, HINSPUR, HINSCARE, and HINSCAID will be jointly allocated. The allocated values will be drawn from another adult non-reference person with similar values for AGE and the Census' internal calculation of poverty level based on family income and family size.
Beginning in 2009, if a person reported "Yes" to six health insurance types (employer, directly purchased, Medicare, Medicaid, military healthcare, and VA health care), but is not a veteran (VETSTAT), HINSVA will be replaced with "No." Likewise, if a person reported "Yes" to six health insurance types (employer, directly purchased, Medicare, Medicaid, military healthcare, and Indian Health Services), but does not report being Native American/Alaska Native (RACE), HINSIHS will be replaced with "No."
If someone under 18 includes a an answer in the "Other" box that is one of the other types of health insurance asked, but the corresponding checkbox is not selected, that variable will be replaced with a "Yes." Starting in 2012, this applies only if the respondent checks the box for "Other," has no type of health coverage selected, or wrote in Medicaid.
If the respondent wrote in that they have no health insurance, and all the types of health insurance are missing, all of them will be replaced with "No." If the respondent writes in that they received health insurance through a relative, and the reference person or their spouse received health insurance through their employer, HINSEMP will be replaced with a "Yes." If neither the reference person nor their spouse has employer provided health coverage, HINSPUR will be replaced with a "Yes." Starting in 2012, this applies only if the respondent checks the box for "Other" or has no type of health coverage selected.
If someone under 18 selects "Yes" for one type of health insurance (employer provided, direct purchase, Medicare, Medicaid, or TRICARE/military coverage) and leaves all other boxes blank, all other forms of health insurance will be replaced with "No."
If someone under 18 has a missing value for employer provided health insurance, direct purchase of health insurance, TRICARE/military coverage, Medicare, Medicaid, the missing variable(s) will be allocated. For employer provided health insurance, the allocated value is drawn from another child with similar values for the reference person's and spouse's employer provided health insurance, AGE, and the Census' internal calculation of poverty level based on family income and family size. For direct purchase of health coverage, the allocated value is drawn from another child with similar values for HINSEMP, the reference person's or spouse's directly purchased health insurance, and the Census' internal calculation of poverty level based on family income and family size.
For TRICARE/military coverage, the allocated value is drawn from another child whose reference person or the spouse of the reference person has a similar value for TRICARE/military coverage and similar values for HINSEMP, HINSPUR. For Medicare coverage, the allocated value is drawn from another child with a similar value of HINSEMP, HINSPUR, and measures of disability (DIFFREM, DIFFPHYS, DIFFMOB, DIFFCARE, DIFFSENS, DIFFEYE, DIFFHEAR). For Medicaid coverage, the allocated value is drawn from another child whose reference person has a similar value for Medicaid coverage, and similar values for HINSEMP, HINSPUR, and the Census' internal calculation of poverty level based on family income and family size. For VA health coverage, the allocated value is drawn from another child whose reference person has the same value for EMPSTAT, and whose has similar values for employer provided health coverage, directly purchased health coverage, military coverage, Medicare, and Medicaid. For insurance provided through Indian Health Services, the allocated value is drawn from another child whose reference person and their spouse has a similar value for if health coverage is provided through Indian Health Services and has a similar value for HINSEMP, HINSPUR, and RACE.
If the a child wrote in "Public" or "Private" for their other type of insurance and employer provided insurance, directly purchased insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE/military coverage, and VA coverage are all "No," HINSEMP, HINSPUR, HINSCARE, and HINSCAID will be jointly allocated. The allocated values will be drawn from another child with similar values for AGE and the Census' internal calculation of poverty level based on family income and family size.
Beginning in 2009, if a child reported "Yes" to six health insurance types (employer, directly purchased, Medicare, Medicaid, military healthcare, and VA health care), HINSVA will be replaced with "No." Likewise, if a child reported "Yes" to six health insurance types (employer, directly purchased, Medicare, Medicaid, military healthcare, and Indian Health Services), but does not report being Native American/Alaska Native (RACE), HINSIHS will be replaced with "No."
Adults that are not related to the reference person
If an unrelated adult includes a an answer in the "Other" box that is one of the other types of health insurance asked, but the corresponding checkbox is not selected, that variable will be replaced with a "Yes." Starting in 2012, this applies only if the respondent checks the box for "Other," has no type of health coverage selected, or wrote in Medicaid.
If the respondent wrote in that they have no health insurance, and all the types of health insurance are missing, all of them will be replaced with "No." If the respondent writes in that they received health insurance through a relative, but neither HINSEMP nor HINSPUR are "Yes," HINSPUR will be replaced with a "Yes." Starting in 2012, this applies only if the respondent checks the box for "Other" or has no type of health coverage selected.
If an unrelated adult selects "Yes" for one type of health insurance (employer provided, direct purchase, Medicare, Medicaid, or TRICARE/military coverage) and leaves all other boxes blank, all other forms of health insurance will be replaced with "No."
If an unrelated adult has a missing value for employer provided health insurance, direct purchase of health insurance, TRICARE/military coverage, Medicare, Medicaid, the missing variable(s) will be allocated. For employer provided health insurance, the allocated value is drawn from another unrelated adult with similar values for AGE, EMPSTAT, and the Census' internal calculation of poverty level based on family income and family size. For direct purchase of health coverage, the allocated value is drawn from someone who also has a similar value of HINSEMP.
For TRICARE/military coverage, the allocated value is drawn from an unrelated adult with similar values for HINSEMP, HINSPUR, AGE, and VETSTAT. For Medicare coverage, the allocated value is drawn from an unrelated adult with a similar value of HINSEMP, HINSPUR, AGE, and social security income (INCSS). For Medicaid coverage, the allocated value is drawn from an unrelated adult who has a similar value of HINSEMP, HINSPUR, AGE, and the Census' internal calculation of poverty level based on family income and family size. For VA health coverage, the allocated value is drawn from another unrelated adult with a similar value of age and VETSTAT. For insurance provided through Indian Health Services, the allocated value is drawn from an unrelated adult with a similar value for HINSEMP, HINSPUR, and RACE.
If the an unrelated adult wrote in "Public" or "Private" for their other type of insurance and employer provided insurance, directly purchased insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE/military coverage, and VA coverage are all "No," HINSEMP, HINSPUR, HINSCARE, and HINSCAID will be jointly allocated. The allocated values will be drawn from another unrelated adult with similar values for AGEand the Census' internal calculation of poverty level based on family income and family size.
Beginning in 2009, if a person reported "Yes" to six health insurance types (employer, directly purchased, Medicare, Medicaid, military healthcare, and VA health care), but is not a veteran (VETSTAT), HINSVA will be replaced with "No." Likewise, if a person reported "Yes" to six health insurance types (employer, directly purchased, Medicare, Medicaid, military healthcare, and Indian Health Services), but does not report being Native American/Alaska Native (RACE), HINSIHS will be replaced with "No."
Children that are not related to the reference person
If an unrelated child includes a an answer in the "Other" box that is one of the other types of health insurance asked, but the corresponding checkbox is not selected, that variable will be replaced with a "Yes." Starting in 2012, this applies only if the respondent checks the box for "Other," has no type of health coverage selected, or wrote in Medicaid.
If the respondent wrote in that they have no health insurance, and all the types of health insurance are missing, all of them will be replaced with "No." If the respondent writes in that they received health insurance through a relative, but neither HINSEMP nor HINSPUR are "Yes," HINSPUR will be replaced with a "Yes." Starting in 2012, this applies only if the respondent checks the box for "Other" or has no type of health coverage selected.
If an unrelated child selects "Yes" for one type of health insurance (employer provided, direct purchase, Medicare, Medicaid, or TRICARE/military coverage) and leaves all other boxes blank, all other forms of health insurance will be replaced with "No."
If an unrelated child has a missing value for employer provided health insurance, direct purchase of health insurance, TRICARE/military coverage, Medicare, Medicaid, the missing variable(s) will be allocated. For employer provided health insurance, Medicare, and VE health coverage, the allocated value is drawn from another child with a similar value of RELATE. For directly purchased health coverage, the allocated value is drawn from another unrelated child with a similar value of RELATE and HINSEMP. For TRICARE/military coverage and Medicaid, the allocated value is drawn from another unrelated child with a similar value of RELATE, HINSEMP, and HINSPUR. For coverage from Indian Health Services, the allocated value is drawn from another unrelated child with a similar value of RELATE and RACE.
If the an unrelated child wrote in "Public" or "Private" for their other type of insurance and employer provided insurance, directly purchased insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE/military coverage, and VA coverage are all "No," HINSEMP, HINSPUR, HINSCARE, and HINSCAID will be jointly allocated. The allocated values will be drawn from another unrelated child with similar values for AGE and the Census' internal calculation of poverty level based on family income and family size.
Beginning in 2009, if a child reported "Yes" to six health insurance types (employer, directly purchased, Medicare, Medicaid, military healthcare, and VA health care), HINSVA will be replaced with "No." Likewise, if a child reported "Yes" to six health insurance types (employer, directly purchased, Medicare, Medicaid, military healthcare, and Indian Health Services), but does not report being Native American/Alaska Native (RACE), HINSIHS will be replaced with "No."
Consistency checks
After the above edits occur, the ACS performs a consistency check. If the reference person and the spouse both have employer provided health coverage, but the reference person also has an allocated value indicating they directly purchased health coverage, HINSPUR will be changed to "No."
Coverage checks
Beginning in 2009, certain conditions will make automatically change the value for Medicaid coverage (HINSCAID) to "Yes":
- If the person is a foster child (RELATE)
- If the person lives in one of the 40 states with SSI, and the person reports receiving Supplemental Security Income (INCSUPP), and they have no children
- If the person lives in one of the 40 states with SSI, and the person reports receiving Supplemental Security Income (INCSUPP), and they have children but do not work (EMPSTAT) or has a disability (DIFFREM, DIFFPHYS, DIFFMOB, DIFFCARE, DIFFSENS, DIFFEYE, DIFFHEAR )
- If the person is a U.S. citizen, has children, and receives public assistance (INCWELFR)
- If the person is the spouse of a U.S. citizen who receives public assistance (INCWELFR)
- If the person is a citizen and their citizen spouse has Medicaid coverage (beginning in 2010, the person must also have a child in this step)
- If the person is unmarried (MARST) and has a parent who has Medicaid
Beginning in 2009, certain conditions will make automatically change the value for Medicare coverage (HINSCARE) to "Yes":
- If a person is 65 and older and reports receiving Medicaid
- If a person is 65 or older and reports receiving Social Security income (INCSS)
Beginning in 2009, certain conditions will make automatically change the value for military coverage (HINSTRI) to "Yes":
- If a person is active duty military (VETSTAT)
- If the person is the spouse or child of someone who is active duty military and does not have private coverage