Questionnaire Text

2011 ACS 1970 Form 2 Metro 1930 1% 1870 1%
2006 ACS 1970 Form 1 Metro 1920 1% 1860 1%
2000 1% 1960 1% 1910 1% 1850 1%
1990 1% 1950 1% 1900 1%
1980 1% 1940 1% 1880 1%
2011 ACS
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6. What is Person X's race? Mark (X) one or more boxes.

[ ] White
[ ] Black, African Am., or Negro
[ ] American Indian or Alaska Native -- Print name of enrolled or principal tribe. --> __________________
[ ] Asian Indian
[ ] Japanese
[ ] Chinese
[ ] Korean
[ ] Filipino
[ ] Vietnamese
[ ] Other Asian -- Print race, for example, Hmong, Laotian, Thai, Pakistani, Cambodian and so on.
[ ] Native Hawaiian
[ ] Guamanian or Chamorro
[ ] Samoan
[ ] Other Pacific Islander ?Print race, for example, Fijian, Tongan, and so on.
[ ] Some other race -- Print race. -->
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6.Mark all boxes for the appropriate races.

The concept of race, as used by the Census Bureau, reflects self-identification by individuals according to the race or races with which they identify.

The instruction before question 5, "For this survey, Hispanic origins are not races" reflects the federal government's treatment of Hispanic origin and race as separate and distinct concepts. People who identify their origin as Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish may be of any race.

People may choose to provide two or more races either by marking two or more race response boxes, by providing multiple write-in responses, or by some combination of marking boxes and writing in responses.

If you mark the "American Indian or Alaska Native" box, also print the name of the tribe(s) in which the person is enrolled. If the person is not enrolled in a tribe, print the name of the principal tribe.

If you mark the "Other Asian" box, print the name of the specific race(s) or group(s) in the space provided. The category "Other Asian" includes persons who identify themselves as Laotian, Thai, Pakistani, Cambodian, Sri Lankan, and so on.

If you mark the "Other Pacific Islander" box, print the name of the specific race(s) or group(s) in the space provided. The category "Other Pacific Islander" includes persons who identify themselves as Fijian, Tongan, Polynesian, Tahitian and so on.

If you mark the "Some other race" box, print the race(s) or group(s) in the space provided.

This question should be answered by ALL persons.

2006 ACS
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6. What is this person's race? Mark (X) one or more races to indicate what this person considers himself/herself to be

[ ] White
[ ] Black, African Am., or Negro
[ ] American Indian or Alaska Native -- Print name of enrolled or principal tribe --> ________________________________________
[ ] Asian Indian
[ ] Chinese
[ ] Filipino
[ ] Japanese
[ ] Korean
[ ] Vietnamese
[ ] Other Asian - Print race --> ____________________
[ ] Native Hawaiian
[ ] Guamanian or Chamorro
[ ] Samoan
[ ] Other Pacific Islander
[ ] Some other race - Print race below --> ____________________

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
6.Mark one or more categories to indicate what each person considers himself or herself to be.

If you mark the "American Indian or Alaska Native" box, also print the name of the tribe(s) in which the person is enrolled. If the person is not enrolled in a tribe, print the name of the principal tribe.

If you mark the "Other Asian" or the "Other Pacific Islander" box, print the name of the specific race(s) or group(s) in the space provided.

The category Other Asian includes persons who identify themselves as Burmese, Hmong, Indonesian, Laotian, Pakistani, Thai, Cambodian, Sri Lankan, and so on.

The category Other Pacific Islander includes persons who identify themselves as Fijian, Tongan, Polynesian, Tahitian, and so on.

If you mark the "Some other race" box, print the race(s) or group(s) in the space provided.

This question should be answered for ALL persons, regardless of citizenship status.

2000 1%
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6. What is this person's race?
Mark [X] one or more races to indicate what this person considers himself/herself to be.
[] White
[] Black, African Am., or Negro
[] American Indian or Alaska Native - Print name of enrolled or principal tribe.
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[] Asian Indian
[] Chinese
[] Filipino
[] Japanese
[] Korean
[] Vietnamese
[] Other Asian - Print race.
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[] Native Hawaiian
[] Guamanian or Chamorro
[] Samoan
[] Other Pacific Islander - Print race.
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[] Some other race - Print race.
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

1990 1%
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4. Race
Fill ONE circle for the race that the person considers himself/herself to be.
If Indian (Amer.), print the name of the enrolled or principal tribe.
If Other Asian or Pacific Islander (API), print one group, for example: Hmong, Fijian, Laotian, Thai, Tongan, Pakistani, Cambodian, and so on.
If Other race, print race.

[] White
[] Black or Negro
[] Indian (Amer.) (Print the name of the enrolled or principal tribe.)

[] Eskimo
[] Aleut
Asian or Pacific Islander (API)
[] Chinese
[] Japanese
[] Filipino
[] Asian Indian
[] Hawaiian
[] Samoan
[] Korean
[] Guamanian
[] Vietnamese
[] Other API
[] Other race (Print race)

Fill ONE circle for the race each person considers himself/herself to be. If you fill the Indian (Amer.) circle, print the name of the tribe or tribes in which the person is enrolled. If the person is not enrolled in a tribe, print the name of the principal tribe(s). If you fill the Other API circle [under Asian or Pacific Islander (API)], only print the name of the group to which the person belongs. For example, the Other API category includes persons who identify as Burmese, Fijian, Hmong, Indonesian, Laotian, Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Tongan, Thai, Cambodian, Sri Lankan, and so on. If you fill the Other race circle, be sure to print the name of the race. If the person considers himself/herself to be White, Black or Negro, Eskimo or Aleut, fill one circle only. Please do not print the race in the boxes. The Black or Negro category also includes persons who identify as African-American, Afro-American, Haitian, Jamaican, West Indian, Nigerian, and so on. All persons, regardless of citizenship status, should answer this question.?

1980 1%
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4. Is this person -

Fill one circle.

[] White
[] Black or Negro
[] Japanese
[] Chinese
[] Filipino
[] Korean
[] Vietnamese
[] Indian (Amer.) Print tribe_______________
[] Asian Indian
[] Hawaiian
[] Guamanian
[] Samoan
[] Eskimo
[] Aleut
[] Other - Specify__________

"Fill the circle for the category with which the person most closely identifies. If you fill the Indian (American) or Other circle, be sure to print the name of the specific Indian tribe or specific group."

1970 Form 2 Metro
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Fill one circle.
If "Indian (American)," also give tribe.
If "Other," also give race.
[] White
[] Negro or Black
[] Indian (Amer.) Print tribe__________________
[] Japanese
[] Chinese
[] Filipino
[] Hawaiian
[] Korean
[] Other - Print race______________________

[On the questionnaires used in Alaska, the categories "Aleut" and "Eskimo" were substituted for "Hawaiian" and "Korean" in question 4.]

1970 Form 1 Metro
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Fill one circle.
If "Indian (American)," also give tribe.
If "Other," also give race.
[] White
[] Negro or Black
[] Indian (Amer.) Print tribe__________________
[] Japanese
[] Chinese
[] Filipino
[] Hawaiian
[] Korean
[] Other - Print race______________________

[On the questionnaires used in Alaska, the categories "Aleut" and "Eskimo" were substituted for "Hawaiian" and "Korean" in question 4.]

1960 1%
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(P5) Is this person - White, Negro, American Indian, Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, Hawaiian, Part Hawaiian, Aleut, Eskimo, (etc.)?


1950 1%
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9. Race:

White (W)
Negro (Neg)
American Indian (Ind)
Japanese (Jap)
Chinese (Chi)
Filipino (Fil)
Other race -- spell out
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Item 9. Race

114. Item 9. Determining and entering race.-Write "W" for white; "Neg" for Negro; "Ind" for American Indian; "Chi" for Chinese; "Jap" for Japanese; "Fil" for Filipino. For a person of any other race, write the race in full. Assume that the race of related persons living in the household is the same as the race of your respondent, unless you learn otherwise. For unrelated persons (employees, hired hands, lodgers, etc.) you must ask the race, because knowledge of the housewife's race (for example) tells nothing f the maid's race.

115. Mexicans.-Report "white" (W) for Mexicans unless they are definitely of Indian or other nonwhite race.

116. Negroes.-Report "Negro" (Neg) for Negroes and for persons of mixed white and Negro parentage. A person of mixed Indian and Negro blood should be returned as a Negro, unless the Indian blood very definitely predominates and he is accepted in the community as an Indian. (Note, however, the exceptions described in par. l18 below.)

117. American Indians.-Report "American Indian" (Ind) for persons of mixed white and Indian blood if enrolled on an Indian Agency or Reservation roll; if not so enrolled, they should still be reported as Indian if the proportion of Indian blood is one-fourth or more, or if they are regarded as Indians in the community where they live. (See par. 116 for persons of mixed Indian and Negro blood and also exceptions noted in par. 118.) In those counties where there are many Indians living outside of reservations, special care should be taken to obtain accurate answers to item 9.

118. Special communities.-Report persons of mixed white, Negro, and Indian ancestry living in certain communities in the Eastern United States in terms of the name by which they are locally known.

The communities in question are of long standing and are locally recognized by special names, such as '"Croatian," "Jackson White," "We-sort," etc. Persons of mixed Indian and Negro ancestry and mulattoes not living in such communities should be returned as "Negro" (see par. 116). When in doubt, describe the situation in a footnote.

119. Mixed parentage.-Report race of nonwhite parent for persons of mixed white and nonwhite races. Mixtures of nonwhite races should be reported according to the race of the father. (Note, however, exceptions detailed in pars. 116 and 118 above.)

120. India.-Persons originating in India should be reported as "Asiatic Indians."

1940 1%
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10. Color or race.
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453. Column 10. Color or Race.-Write "W" for white; "Neg" for Negro; "In" for Indian; "Chi" for Chinese; "Jp" for Japanese; "Fil" for Filipino; "Hi" for Hindu; and "Kor" for Korean. For a person of any other race, write the race in full.

454. Mexicans.-Mexicans are to be regarded as white unless definitely of Indian or other nonwhite race.

455. Negroes.-A person of mixed white and Negro blood should be returned as Negro, no matter how small a percentage of Negro blood. Both black and mulatto persons are to be returned as Negroes, without distinction. A person of mixed Indian and Negro blood should be returned as a Negro, unless the Indian blood very definitely predominates and he is universally accepted in the community as an Indian.

456. Indians.-A person of mixed white and Indian blood should be returned as an Indian, if enrolled on an Indian agency or reservation roll, or if not so enrolled, if the proportion of Indian blood is one-fourth or more, or if the person is regarded as an Indian in the community where he lives.

457. Mixed Races.-Any mixture of white and nonwhite should be reported according to the nonwhite parent. Mixtures of nonwhite races should be reported according to the race of the father, except that Negro-Indian should be reported as Negro.

1930 1%
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12. Color or race.
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150. Column 12. Color or race.-Write "W" for white, "B" for black; "Mex" for Mexican; "In" for Indian; "Ch" for Chinese; "Jp" for Japanese; "Fil" for Filipino; "Hin" for Hindu; "Kor" for Korean. For a person of any other race, write the race in full.

1920 1%
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10. Color or race.
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1910 1%

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

1900 1%

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

1880 1%
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4. Color ? White, W; black, B; Mulatto, Mu; Chinese, C; Indian, I.
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Color.?It must not be assumed that, where nothing is written in this column, "white" is to be understood. The column is always to be filled. Be particularly careful in reporting the class mulatto. The word is here generic, and includes quadroons, octoroons, and all persons having any perceptible trace of African blood. Important scientific results depend upon the correct determination of this class in schedules 1 and 5.

1870 1%
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6. Color ? White (W), black (B), mulatto (M), Chinese (C), Indian (I).
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Color.?It must not be assumed that, where nothing is written in this column, "White" is to be understood. The column is always to be filled. Be particularly careful in reporting the class Mulatto. The word is here generic, and includes quadroons, octoroons, and all persons having any perceptible trace of African blood. Important scientific results depend upon the correct determination of this class in schedules 1 and 2.

1860 1%
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6. Color ? White, black, or mulatto.
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9. Color.-- Under heading 6, entitled "Color," in all cases where the person is white leave the space blank; in all cases where the person is black without admixture insert the letter "B;"if a mulatto, or of mixed blood, write "M;"if an Indian, write "Ind." It is very desirable to have these directions carefully observed.

1850 1%
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6. Color ? White, black, or mulatto.
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6. Under heading 6, entitled "Color," in all cases where the person is white, leave the space blank; in all cases where the person is black, insert the letter B; if mulatto, insert M. It is very desirable that these particulars be carefully regarded.