IPUMS Online Data Analysis System

The IPUMS online analysis system uses high-speed tabulation software developed at UC-Berkeley's Computer-assisted Survey Methods Program.

After clicking one of the samples below, you will need to specify the following to create a table:

Examples and screenshots are available in our short instructions page, or see the video tutorial.

You can also perform other analyses, such as multivariate regression, correlation matrices, and comparisons of means. See the contextual help menus for more information.

Click on any of the links below to get started! Tables are made in approximately 5-15 seconds.

Use data from multiple samples
United States, 1850-2023** Puerto Rico, 1910-2023***
American Community Survey, 2001-2023**

Considerations when using the multi-year data samples:
  • Analyses should include the "year" variable.
  • The U.S. file includes the single-year ACS samples and 1% versions of each decennial census, including the 1970 Form 1 metro sample.
  • The ACS file includes all single-year ACS samples.

** Users should proceed with caution when using the 2020 1-year ACS PUMS file and should not compare it to other ACS years in the multi-year data samples. Please see ACS and COVID-19: Guidance for Using the PUMS with Experimental Weights for more information.

*** Users should also note that due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the 2020 ACS data collection and data quality, the 2020 1-year PRCS PUMS file was not released by the Census Bureau. Thus, it is not available in the multi-year data samples.

Use data from a single sample
(makes tables more quickly)
1850 Census 1% 1860 Census 1% 1870 Census 1%
1880 Census 10% 1900 Census 5% 1910 Census 1%
1920 Census 1% 1930 Census 5% 1940 Census 1%
1950 Census 1% 1960 Census 5% 1970 Census 1% (form 1)
1970 Census 1% (form 2) 1980 Census 5% 1990 Census 5%
2000 Census 5% 2001 ACS 2002 ACS
2003 ACS 2004 ACS 2005 ACS
2006 ACS 2007 ACS 2005-2007 3-year ACS
2008 ACS 2006-2008 3-year ACS 2009 ACS
2007-2009 3-year ACS 2005-2009 5-year ACS 2010 ACS
2008-2010 3-year ACS 2006-2010 5-year ACS 2010 Census 10%
2011 ACS 2009-2011 3-year ACS 2007-2011 5-year ACS
2012 ACS 2010-2012 3-year ACS 2008-2012 5-year ACS
2013 ACS 2011-2013 3-year ACS 2009-2013 5-year ACS
2014 ACS 2010-2014 5-year ACS 2015 ACS
2011-2015 5-year ACS 2016 ACS 2012-2016 5-year ACS
2017 ACS 2013-2017 5-year ACS 2018 ACS
2014-2018 5-year ACS 2019 ACS 2015-2019 5-year ACS
2020 ACS** 2016-2020 5-year ACS** 2021 ACS
2017-2021 5-year ACS** 2022 ACS 2018-2022 5-year ACS**
2023 ACS 2019-2023 5-year ACS**

User Note: The IPUMS SDA system allows users to create their own variables using the "Create Variables" tab. These are not automatically removed when new versions of the IPUMS SDA samples are posted, and so created variables may be based on IPUMS data that are no longer valid. Users of created variables should pay attention to the revision history to note changes that have affected their variables and construct new variables accordingly. (The SDA dataset creation date can be found by clicking on the "Codebook" tab, while the date a user-created variable was made can be found in the list of created variables.)

** Users should proceed with caution when using the 2020 1-year ACS PUMS file and should not compare it to other ACS years in the multi-year data samples. Please see ACS and COVID-19: Guidance for Using the PUMS with Experimental Weights for more information.

IPUMS Abacus

In addition to the IPUMS online data analysis system detailed below,
IPUMS USA data is available via the IPUMS Abacus online tabulator.
Give it a try!

Launch IPUMS Abacus

Or click here for more info on IPUMS Abacus.

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