1910 Hispanic Oversample: Data Dictionary (Person Records)

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Ethnicity/Nativity Variables

BPL - P 67-69 General
P 67-71 Detailed



1910 Hispanic

Universe: All persons.


BPL indicates the person's state or foreign country of birth. Each census had to grapple with shifting political boundaries and an increasingly diverse population that required more inclusive classification schemes in later years.

The BPL general code describes places available in multiple years. The first digit of BPL more or less corresponds to continents. The detailed code notes places not available over a number of years, or places that are strictly subsets of other specified countries. (Many detailed codes relate to 1980 and 1990 codes; years in which the level of geographic detail reached new heights.)

Users might also examine other IPUMS variables dealing with birthplaces, ancestry, and language to determine which variables are most useful for their purposes (MBPL, FBPL, MTONGUE, MMTONGUE, and FMTONGUE).

  1. Factors affecting persons born in the United States:
    Boundaries of some U.S. territories and states changed over the 140 years covered by the IPUMS. Beginning in 1900, the censuses tried to deal with this problem in one way or another, but it is not always clear how accurately enumerators and respondents were able and/or willing to follow census instructions.
    In 1910, native-born Americans were to follow contemporary boundaries when reporting the state, territory, or U.S. possession in which they were born.
  2. Factors affecting persons born outside the United States:
    Boundaries of several foreign countries changed over the 140 years covered by the IPUMS, as did the detail with which the census instructed enumerators and/or respondents to report birthplaces. While we can explain how each census dealt with this problem in general, users must be aware of particular shifts affecting the immigrant groups they study. Central and Eastern Europe around the time of the World Wars poses some special difficulties. For some countries and years, the census gave specific instructions, but for others enumerators and respondents were free to report their birthplaces as they saw fit. Furthermore, it is not always clear how well enumerators and/or respondents followed census instructions.
  3. 1910 birthplace instructions:

    In 1910, as in 1880 and 1900, enumerators were to distinguish between the various parts of Great Britain and to separate Finland from Russia. They were also to separate Austria and Hungary but, unlike the 1900 instructions, those for 1910 made no mention of Bohemia. 1910 also differed from 1900 in that no mention was made of the areas of Poland or the French-English Canadian distinction, while it asked enumerators to make a new distinction between Turkey in Europe and Turkey in Asia. Users who examine the 1910 frequencies will find that, as in previous years, some enumerators or respondents gave answers without heed to these instructions.

  4. Differences in the variable BPL between the 1910 PUMS and the Hispanic Oversample:
    The making of the various PUMS preserved only as much detail as they thought would be useful to potential users. In the 1910 PUMS, all South American countries were collapsed into the category "South America;" Canadian birthplaces were also all grouped together.
    The Hispanic Oversample of the 1910 Census recorded all birthplace information shown on the enumerator sheets and preserved it in the BPL detail codes shown in the second two digits.

Flags: QBPL.

General - Codes and Frequencies:

Code 1910 Hispanic
Alabama 001 8871 270
Alaska 002 99 1
Arizona 004 312 3857
Arkansas 005 5389 276
California 006 4152 4323
Colorado 008 1323 295
Connecticut 009 2928 29
Code 1910 Hispanic
Delaware 010 821 7
District of Columbia 011 749 18
Florida 012 2045 7766
Georgia 013 11558 453
Hawaii 015 439 1
Idaho 016 490 21
Illinois 017 18915 668
Indiana 018 10953 355
Iowa 019 8750 331
Kansas 020 4787 439
Kentucky 021 10970 303
Louisiana 022 6380 349
Maine 023 3239 65
Maryland 024 5223 46
Massachusetts 025 8813 97
Michigan 026 8790 244
Minnesota 027 5687 99
Mississippi 028 7304 225
Missouri 029 12489 797
Montana 030 470 12
Nebraska 031 3325 92
Nevada 032 155 19
New Hampshire 033 1490 19
New Jersey 034 6329 72
New Mexico 035 938 14113
New York 036 27543 659
North Carolina 037 9805 77
North Dakota 038 901 12
Ohio 039 18580 409
Oklahoma 040 2588 193
Oregon 041 1168 45
Pennsylvania 042 26758 367
Rhode Island 044 1435 9
South Carolina 045 6817 111
South Dakota 046 1366 27
Tennessee 047 10381 341
Texas 048 12564 22518
Utah 049 1240 87
Vermont 050 1669 29
Virginia 051 9876 181
Washington 053 1276 43
West Virginia 054 4564 45
Wisconsin 055 8009 144
Wyoming 056 234 11
United States, n.s. 099 619 105
Puerto Rico 110 7 28
Other North America:
Canada 150 4991 265
Atlantic Islands 160 67 35
Code 1910 Hispanic
Mexico 200 954 22684
Central America 210 10 5
Cuba 250 70 4840
West Indies 260 106 429
SOUTH AMERICA: 300 39 21
Northern Europe:
Denmark 400 782 22
Finland 401 544 6
Iceland 402 2
Norway 404 1529 23
Sweden 405 2587 58
United Kingdom and Ireland:
England 410 3735 307
Scotland 411 1066 113
Wales 412 346 11
Ireland 414 5458 145
Western Europe:
Belgium 420 196 20
France 421 453 144
Luxembourg 423 14
Netherlands 425 441 12
Switzerland 426 487 64
Southern Europe:
Gibraltar 432 1
Greece 433 459 25
Italy 434 5456 1567
Malta 435 1
Portugal 436 287 8
Spain 438 87 2280
Central/Eastern Europe:
Austria 450 4437 120
Bulgaria 451 44 1
Czechoslovakia 452 10 1
Germany 453 9674 592
Hungary 454 1996 20
Poland 455 127 17
Romania 456 265 45
Yugoslavia 457 26 21
Russian Empire:
Other USSR/"Russia" 465 6356 138
Code 1910 Hispanic
Europe, n.s. 499 17 6
East Asia:
China 500 304 151
Japan 501 570 131
Korea 502 34
Southeast Asia:
Indonesia 512 1
Philippines 515 8 6
India 521 18 6
Middle East/Asia Minor:
Syria 541 8 23
Turkey 542 338 23
Southwest Asia, n.e.c. 548 3
Asia, n.e.c. 599 12
AFRICA: 600 19 13
Australia and New
700 51 8
Pacific Islands 710 7
Abroad (unknown) or at sea 900 166 5

Detailed - Codes and Frequencies:

Code 1910 Hispanic
Alabama 001 00 8871 270
Alaska 002 00 99 1
Arizona 004 00 312 3857
Arkansas 005 00 5389 276
California 006 00 4152 4323
Colorado 008 00 1323 295
Connecticut 009 00 2928 29
Delaware 010 00 821 7
District of Columbia 011 00 749 18
Florida 012 00 2045 7766
Georgia 013 00 11558 453
Hawaii 015 00 439 1
Idaho 016 00 490 21
Illinois 017 00 18915 668
Indiana 018 00 10953 355
Iowa 019 00 8750 331
Kansas 020 00 4787 439
Kentucky 021 00 10970 303
Louisiana 022 00 6380 349
Maine 023 00 3239 65
Maryland 024 00 5223 46
Code 1910 Hispanic
Massachusetts 025 00 8813 97
Michigan 026 00 8790 244
Minnesota 027 00 5687 99
Mississippi 028 00 7304 225
Missouri 029 00 12489 797
Montana 030 00 470 12
Nebraska 031 00 3325 92
Nevada 032 00 155 19
New Hampshire 033 00 1490 19
New Jersey 034 00 6329 72
New Mexico 035 00 938 14113
New York 036 00 27543 659
North Carolina 037 00 9805 77
North Dakota 038 00 901 12
Ohio 039 00 18580 409
Oklahoma 040 00 2588 186
Indian Territory 040 10 7
Oregon 041 00 1168 45
Pennsylvania 042 00 26758 367
Rhode Island 044 00 1435 9
South Carolina 045 00 6817 111
South Dakota 046 00 1366 27
Tennessee 047 00 10381 341
Texas 048 00 12564 22518
Utah 049 00 1240 87
Vermont 050 00 1669 29
Virginia 051 00 9876 181
Washington 053 00 1276 43
West Virginia 054 00 4564 45
Wisconsin 055 00 8009 144
Wyoming 056 00 234 11
United States, n.s. 099 00 619 105
US Outlying Areas/
Puerto Rico 110 00 7 28
Canada 150 00 4991 254
Ontario/Upper Canada 150 30 2
Nova Scotia 150 50 9
Atlantic Islands 160 00 66
Bermuda 160 10 1 2
Canary Islands 160 60 33
Code 1910 Hispanic
Mexico 200 00 954 22684
Central America 210 00 10 3
Guatemala 210 40 2
Cuba 250 00 70 4840
West Indies 260 00 106 61
Dominican Republic 260 10 1
Jamaica 260 30 1
British West Indies 260 40
Bahamas 260 43 366
Argentina 300 05 8
Brazil 300 15 2
Chile 300 20 3
Colombia 300 25 2
Venezuela 300 65 4
South America, n.s. 300 90 39 2
Northern Europe:
Denmark 400 00 782 22
Finland 401 00 544 6
Iceland 402 00 2
Norway 404 00 1529 23
Sweden 405 00 2587 58
United Kingdom and Ireland:
England 410 00 3735 307
Scotland 411 00 1066 113
Wales 412 00 346 11
Ireland 414 00 5458 145
Western Europe:
Belgium 420 00 196 20
France 421 00 453 144
Luxembourg 423 00 14
Netherlands 425 00 441 12
Switzerland 426 00 487 64
Southern Europe:
Gibraltar 432 00 1
Greece 433 00 459 25
Italy 434 00 5456 1567
Malta 435 00 1
Portugal 436 00 272 8
Azores 436 10 15
Spain 438 00 87 2280
Code 1910 Hispanic
Central/Eastern Europe:
Austria 450 00 4372 119
Austria-Hungary 450 10 65 1
Bulgaria 451 00 44 1
Czechoslovakia 452 00
Bohemia 452 10 10 1
Germany 453 00 9674 592
Hungary 454 00 1996 20
Poland 455 00 105 15
Austrian Poland 455 10 6
German Poland 455 20 1
Prussian Poland 455 24 1
Russian Poland 455 30 15 1
Romania 456 00 265 45
Yugoslavia 457 00
Croatia 457 10 1 2
Montenegro 457 20 17 18
Serbia 457 30 8 1
Other USSR/"Russia" 465 00 6356 138
Europe, n.s. 499 00 17 6
East Asia:
China 500 00 304 151
Japan 501 00 570 131
Korea 502 00 34
Southeast Asia:
Indonesia 512 00
East Indies 512 10 1
Philippines 515 00 8 6
India/Southwest Asia:
India 521 00 18 6
Middle East/Asia Minor:
Syria 541 00 8 23
Turkey 542 00 25 19
European Turkey 542 10 115
Asian Turkey 542 20 198 4
Southwest Asia, n.e.c. 548 00 3
Asia, n.e.c. 599 00 12
AFRICA : 600 00
Northern Africa 600 10
Egypt/United Arab
600 12 1
Southern Africa: 600 90
South Africa (Union of) 600 94 5
Africa, n.e.c. 600 99 19 7
Code 1910 Hispanic
Australia and New Zealand 700 00 51
Australia 700 10 3
New Zealand 700 20 5
Pacific Islands 710 00 7
Abroad (US citizen) 900 11 128
At sea 900 20 38 5

MBPL - P 72-74 General
P 72-76 Detailed

Mother's birthplace


1910 Hispanic

Universe: All persons.


MBPL indicates the state, territory, or foreign country of the person's mother's birth as reported by the respondent. The codes for MBPL are the same as for BPL (Birthplace). As with BPL, MBPL has a general code distinguishing places available in multiple years and a detailed code noting places unique to certain years or describing areas that are strictly subsets of other countries.

Flags: QMBPL.

Detailed - Codes and Frequencies:

Code 1910 Hispanic
Alabama 001 00 9215 486
Alaska 002 00 89
Arizona 004 00 125 1036
Arkansas 005 00 3915 335
California 006 00 1508 2191
Colorado 008 00 213 128
Connecticut 009 00 1994 50
Delaware 010 00 810 6
District of Columbia 011 00 362 10
Florida 012 00 1500 2428
Georgia 013 00 12535 786
Code 1910 Hispanic
Hawaii 015 00 221 1
Idaho 016 00 114 22
Illinois 017 00 12286 666
Indiana 018 00 9789 473
Iowa 019 00 5298 293
Kansas 020 00 1853 233
Kentucky 021 00 12126 501
Louisiana 022 00 5742 457
Maine 023 00 3300 90
Maryland 024 00 5126 71
Massachusetts 025 00 4613 109
Michigan 026 00 4606 191
Minnesota 027 00 2082 48
Mississippi 028 00 7256 490
Missouri 029 00 9457 883
Montana 030 00 105 8
Nebraska 031 00 788 57
Nevada 032 00 79 28
New Hampshire 033 00 1398 20
New Jersey 034 00 4119 88
New Mexico 035 00 877 12251
New York 036 00 19810 745
North Carolina 037 00 10979 189
North Dakota 038 00 91 1
Ohio 039 00 17139 577
Oklahoma 040 00 502 43
Indian Territory 040 10 6
Oregon 041 00 392 30
Pennsylvania 042 00 22888 549
Rhode Island 044 00 769 5
South Carolina 045 00 7808 239
South Dakota 046 00 241 17
Tennessee 047 00 12366 668
Texas 048 00 7623 11788
Utah 049 00 883 140
Vermont 050 00 1986 67
Virginia 051 00 12458 392
Washington 053 00 225 7
West Virginia 054 00 4131 60
Wisconsin 055 00 4582 137
Wyoming 056 00 44 5
Native American 090 00 1
United States, n.s. 099 00 3553 556
U.S. Outlying Areas:
Puerto Rico 110 00 11 38
St. Thomas 115 30 1
Code 1910 Hispanic
Canada 150 00 8354 345
Nova Scotia 150 50 12
Quebec 150 81 1
Atlantic Islands 160 00 98 1
Bermuda 160 10 1 8
Canary Islands 160 60 91
Mexico 200 00 1498 35472
Central America 210 00 7 3
Costa Rica 210 20 1
Guatemala 210 40 2
Cuba 250 00 105 7616
West Indies 260 00 155 119
Dominican Republic 260 10 2
Jamaica 260 30 1
British West Indies 260 40
Bahamas 260 43 857
Trinidad & Tobago 260 60 3
Argentina 300 05 1
Chile 300 20 5
Colombia 300 25 3
Venezuela 300 65 11
South America, n.s. 300 90 42 3
Northern Europe:
Denmark 400 00 1527 48
Finland 401 00 847 5
Iceland 402 00 16
Norway 404 00 3560 42
Sweden 405 00 4959 102
United Kingdom and Ireland:
England 410 00 8082 662
Scotland 411 00 2571 227
Wales 412 00 924 22
Ireland 414 00 17126 498
Western Europe:
Belgium 420 00 319 31
France 421 00 1079 314
Luxembourg 423 00 30
Netherlands 425 00 1008 23
Switzerland 426 00 1124 90
Southern Europe:
Gibraltar 432 00 3
Greece 433 00 496 23
Italy 434 00 8297 2398
Portugal 436 00 520 17
Azores 436 10 24
Spain 438 00 143 3100
Code 1910 Hispanic
Central/Eastern Europe:
Austria 450 00 7720 191
Austria-Hungary 450 10 106 1
Bulgaria 451 00 41 1
Czechoslovakia 452 00
Bohemia 452 10 19 1
Germany 453 00 28410 1646
Hungary 454 00 2808 38
Poland 455 00 207 24
Austrian Poland 455 10 7
Prussian Poland 455 24 1
Russian Poland 455 30 25 7
Romania 456 00 357 83
Yugoslavia 457 00
Croatia 457 10 1 2
Montenegro 457 20 17 21
Serbia 457 30 6 2
Slovenia 457 60 1
Other USSR/"Russia" 465 00 9852 203
Armenia 465 40 1
Europe, n.e.c. 499 00 45 16
East Asia:
China 500 00 402 172
Japan 501 00 669 134
Korea 502 00 33
Southeast Asia:
East Indies 512 10 2
Philippines 515 00 9 9
India/Southwest Asia:
India 521 00 16 3
Middle East/Asia Minor:
Israel/Palestine 534 00 1
Saudia Arabia 540 00 1
Syria 541 00 21 39
Turkey 542 00 43 27
European Turkey 542 10 114
Asian Turkey 542 20 241 6
Southwest Asia, n.e.c. 548 00 3
Asia, n.e.c. 599 00 13
Code 1910 Hispanic
Northern Africa 600 10
Egypt/United Arab
600 12 1
West Africa:
Guinea 600 24 2
Southern Africa:
South Africa
(Union of)
600 94 6
Africa, n.s. 600 99 24 7
Australia and
New Zealand
700 00 37
Australia 700 10 3
Pacific Islands 710 00 3
Abroad (US citizen) 900 11 55
At sea 900 20 41 6

FBPL - P 77-79 General
P 77-81 Detailed

Father's birthplace


1910 Hispanic

Universe: All persons.


FBPL indicates the state, territory, or foreign country of the person's father's birth as reported by the respondent. The codes for FBPL are the same as for BPL (Birthplace). As with BPL, FBPL has a general code distinguishing places available in multiple years and a detailed code noting places unique to certain years or describing areas that are strictly subsets of other countries.

Flags: QFBPL.

Detailed - Codes and Frequencies:

Code 1910 Hispanic
United States:
Alabama 001 00 9181 595
Alaska 002 00 84
Arizona 004 00 95 688
Arkansas 005 00 3278 283
California 006 00 1135 1768
Colorado 008 00 185 139
Connecticut 009 00 2036 57
Delaware 010 00 811 9
District of Columbia 011 00 386 5
Florida 012 00 1339 1713
Georgia 013 00 12877 842
Hawaii 015 00 189 1
Idaho 016 00 86 17
Illinois 017 00 10618 632
Indiana 018 00 9298 435
Iowa 019 00 4426 285
Kansas 020 00 1300 156
Kentucky 021 00 12441 652
Louisiana 022 00 5457 335
Maine 023 00 3435 141
Maryland 024 00 5111 84
Massachusetts 025 00 4750 138
Michigan 026 00 3867 194
Minnesota 027 00 1305 70
Mississippi 028 00 7108 492
Missouri 029 00 8174 777
Montana 030 00 62 2
Nebraska 031 00 594 50
Nevada 032 00 69 7
New Hampshire 033 00 1445 36
New Jersey 034 00 3922 81
New Mexico 035 00 864 11744
New York 036 00 19686 796
North Carolina 037 00 11693 274
North Dakota 038 00 58 4
Ohio 039 00 17075 663
Oklahoma 040 00 364 29
Indian Territory 040 10 4
Oregon 041 00 278 31
Pennsylvania 042 00 22984 595
Rhode Island 044 00 734 14
South Carolina 045 00 7972 294
South Dakota 046 00 163 5
Tennessee 047 00 12503 827
Texas 048 00 6346 10042
Code 1910 Hispanic
Utah 049 00 715 146
Vermont 050 00 2204 84
Virginia 051 00 13062 475
Washington 053 00 109 15
West Virginia 054 00 4040 76
Wisconsin 055 00 3996 123
Wyoming 056 00 31 3
Native American 090 00 1
United States, n.s. 099 00 4087 651
U.S. Outlying Areas/
Puerto Rico 110 00 7 25
Other North America:
Canada 150 00 8775 376
Ontario/Upper Canada 150 30 1
Nova Scotia 150 50 18
Quebec 150 81 1
Atlantic Islands 160 00 106 2
Bermuda 160 10 1 2
Canary Islands 160 60 93
Central America and
Mexico 200 00 1498 36765
Central America 210 00 2 6
Costa Rica 210 20 1
Guatemala 210 40 2
Panama 210 70 4
Cuba 250 00 101 7396
West Indies 260 00 159 114
Dominican Republic 260 10 2
Jamaica 260 30 1
British West Indies 260 40
Bahamas 260 43 766
Trinidad & Tobago 260 60 4
French Caribbean, n.s. 260 89 1
Argentina 300 05 4
Brazil 300 15 1
Chile 300 20 10
Colombia 300 25 2
Venezuela 300 65 4
South America, n.s. 300 90 44 7
Northern Europe:
Denmark 400 00 1773 61
Finland 401 00 830 7
Iceland 402 00 11
Norway 404 00 3721 42
Sweden 405 00 5232 98
Code 1910 Hispanic
United Kingdom & Ireland:
England 410 00 9200 779
Scotland 411 00 2988 295
Wales 412 00 990 30
Ireland 414 00 17882 591
Western Europe:
Belgium 420 00 358 41
France 421 00 1302 407
Luxembourg 423 00 34
Netherlands 425 00 1161 35
Switzerland 426 00 1212 122
Southern Europe:
Gibraltar 432 00 2
Greece 433 00 508 26
Italy 434 00 8594 2370
Portugal 436 00 558 27
Azores 436 10 25 1
Spain 438 00 171 4333
Central/Eastern Europe:
Austria 450 00 7790 216
Austria-Hungary 450 10 107 1
Bulgaria 451 00 40 1
Czechoslovakia 452 00
Bohemia 452 10 17 2
Germany 453 00 31350 1968
Hungary 454 00 2842 37
Poland 455 00 220 21
Austrian Poland 455 10 8
German Poland 455 20 1
Prussian Poland 455 24 4
Russian Poland 455 30 25 7
Romania 456 00 370 85
Yugoslavia 457 00
Croatia 457 10 1 2
Montenegro 457 20 17 22
Serbia 457 30 6 1
Russian Empire:
Other USSR/"Russia" 465 00 10322 231
Armenia 465 40 1
Europe, n.s. 499 00 59 16
East Asia:
China 500 00 420 190
Japan 501 00 671 134
Korea 502 00 33
Code 1910 Hispanic
Southeast Asia:
Philippines 515 00 8 4
India/Southwest Asia:
India 521 00 22 8
Middle East/Asia Minor:
Israel/Palestine 534 00 1
Saudi Arabia 540 00 1
Syria 541 00 26 41
Turkey 542 00 41 21
European Turkey 542 10 118
Asian Turkey 542 20 248 8
Southwest Asia, n.e.c. 548 00 4
Asia, n.s. 599 00 16
Northern Africa 600 10
Egypt/United Arab Republic 600 12 1
West Africa:
Guinea 600 24 2
Southern Africa:
South Africa (Union of) 600 94 5
Africa, n.s. 600 99 36 10
Australia and New Zealand 700 00 40
Australia 700 10 9
Pacific Islands 710 00 2
Abroad (US citizen) 900 11 67 1
At sea 900 20 41 10
At sea (US citizen) 900 21 1




1910 Hispanic

Universe: All persons.


NATIVITY is constructed from the variables BPL, MBPL, and FBPL. It identifies the respondent as either native-born or foreign-born, and for native-born respondents it indicates whether his/her mother and/or father was native-born or foreign-born.


Codes and Frequencies:

Code 1910 Hispanic
Both parents native-born 1 234995 34594
Father foreign, mother native 2 16349 5748
Mother foreign,
father native
3 8469 2697
Both parents foreign 4 51763 18036
Foreign-Born 5 54663 34442


Citizenship status


1910 Hispanic

Universe: Foreign-born men, age 21 and over.


CITIZEN gives the citizenship status of foreign-born respondents.

Until 1922, United States law held that foreign-born children under age 21 and foreign-born married women had the same citizenship status as their fathers/husbands. Thus, though in 1910 citizenship status was asked only for foreign-born men age 21 and over, users can determine it for their co-resident wives and children as well: all wives and children of native-born or naturalized husbands were considered citizens regardless of their birthplace. All other foreign-born wives and children were non-citizens, while all native-born wives and children were citizens.

After 1922, foreign-born women had to go through the naturalization process themselves in order to obtain citizenship. Foreign-born children under age 18 became naturalized upon the naturalization of either parent.


Codes and Frequencies:

Code 1910 Hispanic
N/A 0 338774 80130
Born abroad of American parents 1
Naturalized citizen 2 13967 3288
Not a citizen 3 10863 11454
Not a citizen, but has
received "first papers"
4 2635 645

YRIMMIG - P 87-89

Year of immigration


1910 Hispanic

Universe: Foreign-born persons.


YRIMMIG gives the year in which a foreign-born person first entered the United States. (Researchers who are interested in the length of time spent in the United States, as opposed to the year of immigration, should see the variable YRSINUSA.) For 1910 the exact year is given because the 1910 census specifically asked for the year of the person's first arrival in the U.S.



Last 3 digits of year (e.g., 891=1891, 911=1911, etc.).
000 = N/A.

YRSUSA1 - P 90-91

Years in the United States


1910 Hispanic

Universe: Foreign-born persons.


YRSINUSA indicates how long each foreign-born person had been living in the United States. (Researchers who are interested in the year of immigration, as opposed to the length of time spent in the United States, should see the variable YRIMMIG).

For 1910, YRSINUSA is constructed from information available in YRIMMIG because the census did not include a separate question for years in the United States.



00 = N/A
99 = 99+ years.

MTONGUE - P 92-93 General
P 92-95 Detailed

Mother tongue


1910 Hispanic

Universe: All foreign-born persons.


MTONGUE indicates the respondent's mother tongue. In 1910 this was asked only of foreign-born persons and mother tongue meant the language spoken in the home prior to immigration.

The mother tongue(s) of the respondent's foreign-born parents are available in the variables MMTONGUE and FMTONGUE. All of the language variables (MTONGUE, MMTONGUE, FMTONGUE, and LANGUAGE) follow the same coding scheme (see the discussion section of LANGUAGE).

Some enumerators in 1910 recorded the mother tongue of non-English-speaking native-born persons, even though they were instructed not to. The 1910 PUMS (and thus the IPUMS) preserves these responses.

In 1910, some enumerators entered countries instead of mother tongues. In cases where the country entered was home to only one major language, the 1910 PUMS creators entered that language as the person's mother tongue. In other cases, they checked the person's response for "language spoken." If this was a non-English language and was known to be spoken in the country entered under "mother tongue," the PUMS staff made "mother tongue" match "language spoken." Otherwise, mother tongue was coded "unknown" and subsequently imputed.


General - Codes and Frequencies:

Code 1910 Hispanic
N/A or blank 00 311576 61075
English 01 12214 1291
German 02 10900 721
Yiddish, Jewish 03 4059 54
Dutch 04 577 25
Swedish 05 2655 55
Danish 06 790 25
Norwegian 07 1519 23
Icelandic 08 16
Italian 10 5543 1611
French 11 2117 199
Spanish 12 1131 29795
Portuguese 13 346 7
Rumanian 14 137 13
Celtic 15 1993 67
Greek 16 530 31
Albanian 17 6
Russian 18 469 33
Ukrainian, Ruthenian,
Little Russian
19 128
Czech 20 894 32
Polish 21 3674 41
Slovak 22 826 4
Serbo-Croatian, Yugoslavian 23 333 34
Slovene 24 340 23
Code 1910 Hispanic
Lithuanian 25 614 1
Other Balto-Slavic 26 70 1
Slavic unknown 27 106
Armenian 28 115 11
Hindi and related 31 9 2
Finnish 33 494 3
Magyar, Hungarian 34 990 8
Turkish 36 29
Basque 39 1
Chinese 43 302 152
Japanese 48 570 131
Korean 49 37
Filipino, Tagalog 54 8
Arabic 57 16 2
Near East Arabic dialect 58 98 39
Hebrew, Israeli 59 6
American Indian (all) 70 6
Aleut, Eskimo 71 1
Pima, Papago 87 1
Yaqui and other Sonoran 88 1

Detailed -Codes and Frequencies:

Code 1910 Hispanic
N/A or blank 00 00 311576 61075
English 01 00 12214 1291
German 02 00 10844 712
Austrian 02 10 53 7
Swiss 02 20 3 2
Yiddish, Jewish 03 00 4059 54
Dutch 04 00 466 18
Frisian 04 30 18
Belgian 04 60 39
Flemish 04 70 54 7
Swedish 05 00 2655 55
Danish 06 00 790 25
Norwegian 07 00 1519 23
Icelandic 08 00 16
Italian 10 00 5542 1591
Rhaeto-Romanic, Ladin 10 10 1 20
French 11 00 2117 199
Spanish 12 00 1131 29294
Mexican 12 50 501
Portuguese 13 00 346 7
Rumanian 14 00 137 13
Code 1910 Hispanic
Celtic 15 00
Welsh 15 20 257 4
Gaelic 15 50 89 4
Irish 15 60 1374 39
Scottish Gaelic 15 70 273 20
Greek 16 00 530 31
Albanian 17 00 6
Russian 18 00 469 28
Russian, Great Russian 18 10 5
Ukrainian, Ruthenian, 19 00
Ruthenian 19 10 108
Little Russian 19 20 20
Czech 20 00
Bohemian 20 10 885 32
Moravian 20 20 9
Polish 21 00 3674 41
Slovak 22 00 826 4
Serbo-Croatian, Yugoslavian 23 00 1
Croatian 23 10 242 3
Serbian 23 20 60 14
Dalmatian 23 31 15
Montenegrin 23 32 16 16
Slovene 24 00 340 23
Lithuanian 25 00 526 1
Lettish 25 10 88
Other Balto-Slavic 26 00
Bulgarian 26 10 70 1
Slavic unknown 27 00 106
Armenian 28 00 115 11
Hindi and related 31 00 9 2
Finnish 33 00 494 3
Magyar, Hungarian 34 00 990 8
Turkish 36 00 29
Basque 39 00 1
Chinese 43 00 302 152
Japanese 48 00 570 131
Korean 49 00 37
Filipino, Tagalog 54 00 8
Arabic 57 00 15 2
Maltese 57 50 1
Near East Arabic dialect 58 00
Syriac, Aramaic, Chaldean (1940) 58 10 98 39
Hebrew, Israeli 59 00 6
American Indian (all) 70 00 6
Aleut, Eskimo 71 00 1
Pima, Papago 87 00 1
Yaqui 88 00 1

MMTONGUE - P 96-97 General
P 96-99 Detailed

Mother's mother tongue


1910 Hispanic

Universe: All respondents with foreign-born mothers.


MMTONGUE indicates the mother tongue of the respondent's mother if the respondent's mother was foreign-born. Mother tongue meant the primary language spoken at home in the home country (not the United States).

The mother tongues of the respondent's foreign-born father are available in the variable FMTONGUE. Further mother tongue and/or language information is available in the variables MTONGUE (Respondent's own mother tongue) and LANGUAGE. All of the language variables (MTONGUE, MMTONGUE, FMTONGUE, and LANGUAGE) follow the same coding scheme (see the discussion section of LANGUAGE).

While the census set out to record the respondent's mother's mother tongue only if the mother was foreign-born, in 1910 some enumerators recorded the mother tongue of non-English-speaking respondent's native-born mother, even though they were instructed not to do so. The 1910 PUMS (and thus the IPUMS) preserves these responses, so users who wish to study only foreign-born mothers will have to exclude persons with native-born mothers from their research universe.

Some 1910 enumerators entered countries instead of mother tongues. In cases where the country entered was home to only one major language, the 1910 PUMS creators entered that language as the mother's mother tongue. In other cases, they checked the person's response for "language spoken." If this was a non-English language and was known to be spoken in the country entered under "mother's mother tongue," the PUMS staff made "mother's mother tongue" match "language spoken." Otherwise, mother's mother tongue was coded "unknown" and imputed.

In 1910 mother's mother tongue was to be asked of people whose mothers were born in the outlying territories of the United States (Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, Guam, American Samoa, the Panama Canal Zone, and the U.S. Virgin Islands).


Detailed - Codes and Frequencies:

Code 1910 Hispanic
N/A or blank 00 00 251971 40658
English 01 00 28328 2629
German 02 00 29890 1809
Austrian 02 10 104 8
Swiss 02 20 6 3
Yiddish, Jewish 03 00 6306 113
Dutch 04 00 1080 33
Frisian 04 30 30
Belgian, Flemish 04 50
Belgian 04 60 49
Flemish 04 70 99 10
Swedish 05 00 5077 97
Danish 06 00 1559 49
Norwegian 07 00 3545 42
Icelandic 08 00 38
Italian 10 00 8401 2447
Rhaeto-Romanic, Ladin 10 10 1 27
French 11 00 4427 381
Spanish 12 00 1765 45518
Mexican 12 50 2 777
Portuguese 13 00 634 19
Rumanian 14 00 172 29
Welsh 15 20 669 9
Gaelic 15 50 207 6
Irish 15 60 4269 132
Scottish Gaelic 15 70 603 37
Greek 16 00 561 30
Albanian 17 00 6
Russian 18 00 715 34
Russian, Great Russian 18 10 11
Ruthenian 19 10 161
Little Russian 19 20 23
Code 1910 Hispanic
Czech 20 00
Bohemian 20 10 2106 57
Moravian 20 20 28 1
Polish 21 00 6325 69
Slovak 22 00 1379 4
Serbo-Croatian, Yugoslavian: 23 00 1
Croatian 23 10 307 4
Serbian 23 20 76 16
Dalmatian 23 31 15
Montenegrin 23 32 16 17
Slovene 24 00 559 26
Lithuanian 25 00 774 2
Lettish 25 10 132
Other Balto-Slavic:
Bulgarian 26 10 73 1
Slavic unknown 27 00 154
Armenian 28 00 136 13
Hindi and related 31 00 10 1
Finnish 33 00 764 4
Magyar, Hungarian 34 00 1357 13
Turkish 36 00 35
Basque 39 00 1
Chinese 43 00 402 172
Japanese 48 00 670 134
Korean 49 00 37
Filipino, Tagalog 54 00 9
Arabic 57 00 17 2
Maltese 57 50 2
Syriac, Aramaic, Chaldean 58 10 140 60
Hebrew, Israeli 59 00 9
American Indian (all) 70 00 16
Eskimo 71 00 1
Yaqui 88 00 3

FMTONGUE - P 100-101 General
P 100-103 Detailed

Father's mother tongue


1910 Hispanic

Universe: All respondents with foreign-born fathers.


FMTONGUE indicates the mother tongue of the respondent's father if the respondent's father was foreign-born. Mother tongue meant the primary language spoken at home in the home country (not the United States).

The mother tongue of the respondent's foreign-born mother are available in the variable MMTONGUE. Further mother tongue and/or language information is available in the variables MTONGUE and LANGUAGE. All of the language variables (MTONGUE, MMTONGUE, FMTONGUE, and LANGUAGE) follow the same coding scheme (see the discussion section of LANGUAGE).

Some 1910 enumerators entered countries instead of mother tongues. In cases where the country entered was home to only one major language, the 1910 PUMS creators entered that language as the father's mother tongue. In other cases, they checked the person's response for "language spoken." If this was a non-English language and was known to be spoken in the country entered under "father's mother tongue," the PUMS staff made "father's mother tongue" match "language spoken." Otherwise, father's mother tongue was coded "unknown" an imputed.


Detailed - Codes and Frequencies:

Code 1910 Hispanic
N/A or blank 00 00 244028 37580
English 01 00 30465 2779
German 02 00 33023 2177
Austrian 02 10 111 16
Swiss 02 20 12 3
Yiddish, Jewish 03 00 6394 122
Dutch 04 00 1240 32
Frisian 04 30 37 1
Belgian 04 60 55 1
Flemish 04 70 114 14
Code 1910 Hispanic
Swedish 05 00 5337 95
Danish 06 00 1795 61
Norwegian 07 00 3704 42
Icelandic 08 00 40
Italian 10 00 8720 2409
Rhaeto-Romanic, Ladin 10 10 3 29
French 11 00 4970 505
Spanish 12 00 1790 47848
Mexican 12 50 2 792
Portuguese 13 00 677 29
Rumanian 14 00 189 29
Welsh 15 20 732 8
Gaelic 15 50 241 8
Irish 15 60 4553 141
Scottish Gaelic 15 70 687 50
Greek 16 00 577 32
Albanian 17 00 6
Russian 18 00 754 42
Russian, Great Russian 18 10 11
Ruthenian 19 10 170
Little Russian 19 20 33
Czech 20 00
Bohemian 20 10 2135 76
Moravian 20 20 23
Polish 21 00 6458 77
Slovak 22 00 1372 4
Serbo-Croatian, Yugoslavian: 23 00 1
Croatian 23 10 306 4
Serbian 23 20 72 17
Dalmatian 23 31 19
Montenegrin 23 32 16 16
Slovene 24 00 559 25
Lithuanian 25 00 805 1
Lettish 25 10 138
Bulgarian 26 10 72 1
Slavic unknown 27 00 161
Armenian 28 00 136 12
Persian, Iranian, Farssi 29 00 1
Hindi and related 31 00 8 2
Finnish 33 00 763 5
Magyar, Hungarian 34 00 1375 15
Turkish 36 00 32
Basque 39 00 1
Chinese 43 00 416 189
Japanese 48 00 671 134
Korean 49 00 39
Code 1910 Hispanic
Filipino, Tagalog 54 00 8
Arabic 57 00 16 2
Maltese 57 50 6
Syriac, Aramaic, Chaldean 58 10 151 62
Hebrew, Israeli 59 00 9
African, n.s. 64 00 1
American Indian (all) 70 00 20
Eskimo 71 00 1
Pima, Papago 87 00 3
Yaqui 88 00 4

LANGUAGE - P 104-105 General
P 104-107 Detailed

Language spoken


1910 Hispanic

Universe: All persons age 10 and over.


In 1910, the census question upon which LANGUAGE is based aimed primarily to identify English speakers. All persons able to speak English were to respond "English," even if they usually spoke another language. (The census did not indicate how well a person had to speak English in order to be considered "able to speak English.") A response other than English, therefore, means the person could not speak English. If a non-English-speaking respondent spoke more than one language, he/she was to respond with his/her mother tongue.


Other Language Variables:

The variable MTONGUE yields mother tongue information. The mother tongues of respondent's foreign-born parents are available in the IPUMS variables MMTONGUE (Mother's mother tongue) and FMTONGUE (Father's mother tongue).


There are four variables that yield language information for 1910. These are:

All four variables share the same four-digit coding scheme. The codes consist of a two-digit general code followed by a two-digit detail code. We follow census practice in assigning names and classifications to the languages. The codes are numbered roughly according to linguistic similarity, but users should examine the data dictionary carefully before beginning their research.

The most complicated coding problems often involved the most infrequently occurring languages, since the census established consistent patterns for handling the most common languages. In the 1910 PUMS, most languages have a unique code and those that were grouped together are listed in the enumerator instructions. While we did have to make "judgment calls," they affect relatively few cases. Furthermore, all of the original PUMS categories are preserved in the detail codes.

Detailed - Codes and Frequencies:

Code 1910 Hispanic
N/A or blank 00 00 81171 25718
English 01 00 270508 31554
German 02 00 1853 189
Austrian 02 10 34 1
Swiss 02 20 2
Yiddish, Jewish 03 00 1009 5
Dutch 04 00 70 2
Frisian 04 30 2
Belgian 04 60 21
Flemish 04 70 13 3
Swedish 05 00 244 3
Danish 06 00 41 1
Norwegian 07 00 165
Italian 10 00 2857 1082
Rhaeto-Romanic, Ladin 10 10 4
French 11 00 884 37
Spanish 12 00 1527 35925
Mexican 12 50 65 732
Code 1910 Hispanic
Portuguese 13 00 141
Rumanian 14 00 52
Welsh 15 20 11
Irish 15 60 8
Scottish Gaelic 15 70 3 3
Greek 16 00 334 3
Albanian 17 00 6
Russian 18 00 178 15
Russian, Great Russian 18 10 4
Ukrainian, Ruthenian, Little Russian 19 00
Ruthenian 19 10 61
Little Russian 19 20 5
Czech 20 00
Bohemian 20 10 290 7
Moravian 20 20 4
Polish 21 00 1892 19
Slovak 22 00 452 3
Serbo-Croatian, Yugoslavian 23 00
Croatian 23 10 131 3
Serbian 23 20 32 7
Dalmatian 23 31 5
Montenegrin 23 32 1 10
Slovene 24 00 140 11
Lithuanian 25 00 242
Lettish 25 10 26
Other Balto-Slavic:
Bulgarian 26 10 48
Slavic unknown 27 00 85
Armenian 28 00 44 6
Hindi and related 31 00 6 2
Finnish 33 00 183
Magyar, Hungarian 34 00 486 2
Turkish 36 00 28
Chinese 43 00 191 74
Japanese 48 00 331 70
Korean 49 00 20
Hawaiian 56 00 41
Arabic 57 00 1 2
Syriac, Aramaic, Chaldean 58 10 35 9
Hebrew, Israeli 59 00 3
American Indian (all) 70 00 260 1
Apache 74 20 1
Pima, Papago 87 00 3
Yaqui 88 00 2


Speaks English


1910 Hispanic

Universe: All persons age 10 and over.


SPEAKENG indicates whether or not the respondent was able to speak English.

Codes and Frequencies:

Code 1910 Hispanic
N/A (Blank) 0 81171 25041
Does not speak English 1 14560 38245
Yes, speaks English 2 270508 32231


Spanish surname


1910 Hispanic

Universe: All persons in the Hispanic Oversample.


SPANNAME identifies persons whose surnames were found on the list of Spanish surnames defined by the Census Bureau for the creation of the 1980 census.

Codes and Frequencies:

Code 1910 Hispanic
N/A 0 366239
No, not Spanish surname 1 51223
Yes, Spanish surname 2 44294

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