1970 Neighborhood Characteristics Record
(included on neighborhood samples only)
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The 55 neighborhood characteristics are ratios recorded in the range .00 to .99 (decimal implied) except where noted otherwise. Both numerator and denominator are given in the variable descriptions below. Values are rounded to the nearest decimal place recorded. A 99 represents any value above 98.5.1
* A value of 1.00 or more is recorded as .99.
General Population Characteristics | |
H: 242-243 | NPOP17 |
Population 0-17 years old / total population. | |
H: 244-245 | NPOP65 |
Population 65 years and over / total population. | |
H: 246-247 | NPOPHH |
Population in households / total households (Range: 0.0 to 9.9). | |
H: 248-249 | NPOPIND |
Primary individuals / total households. | |
H: 250-251 | NPOPGQ |
Population in group quarters, including inmates / Total population. | |
Family and Fertility | |
H: 252-253 | NFAMFEMH |
Families with female head / total families. | |
H: 254-255 | N17HWFAM |
Persons 0-17 in husband-wife families / total persons 0-17 years old. | |
H: 256-257 | NSEPDIV |
Separated and divorced population / total ever-married population. | |
H: 258-259 | NCHBORN |
Children ever born to ever-married females 35-44 years old / Total ever-married females 35-44 years old (Range: 0.0 to 9.9). | |
Ethnic Groups | |
H: 260-261 | NBLACK |
Black Population / total population. | |
H: 262-263 | NSPANISH |
Persons of Spanish heritage / total population.2 | |
H: 264-265 | NFOREIGN |
Persons of foreign stock / total population. | |
Education | |
H: 266-267 | NNOSCHL |
Persons 16-21 years old not enrolled in school and not high school graduates / total persons 16-21years old. | |
H: 268-269 | NPOP1621 |
Population 16-21 years old / total population, | |
H: 270-271 | NCOLL |
Persons 3-34 years old enrolled in college / Persons 18-21 years old. * | |
H: 272-273 | NEDUC7 |
Persons 25-54 with 0-7 years of school completed / Total persons 25-54 years old. | |
H: 274-275 | NEDUC12 |
Persons 25-54 years old with 12 or more years of school completed / Total persons 25-54 years old. | |
H: 276-277 | NCOLL4 |
Persons 25-54 with 4 or more years of college completed / Total persons 25-54 years old. | |
H: 278-279 | NEDUCMED |
Median years of school completed for persons 25-54. | |
Mobility | |
H: 280-281 | NSAMHOUS |
Persons 5 and over living in same house as 5 years ago / Total persons 5 years old and over. | |
H: 282-283 | NDIFCNTY |
Persons 5 and over living in different county 5 years ago / Total persons 5 years old and over. | |
Employment | |
H: 284-285 | NLFPM |
Male civilian labor force 16 years old and over / Total civilian males 16 years old and over. | |
H: 286-287 | NLFPF |
Female civilian labor force 16 years old and over / Total civilian females 16 years old and over. | |
H: 288-289 | NNOWORK |
Persons 16-21 years old not enrolled in school, unemployed or not in labor force / Total persons 16-21 years old not enrolled in school. | |
H: 290-291 | NUNEMP |
Unemployed persons 16-21 years old / Total civilian labor force 16-21 years old. | |
Occupation and Industry | |
H: 292-293 | NPROFMGR |
Employed professional, technical, and kindred workers; and managers and administrators except farm managers; 16 years old and over / Total persons 16 years old and over in employed civilian labor force (ECLF). | |
H: 294-295 | NAGRIC |
Employed farmers, farm managers, farm laborers, and farm foremen 16 years old and over / Total employed persons 16 years old and over. | |
H: 296-297 | NBLUE |
Employed blue collar workers (craftsmen and kindred workers, operatives including transport equipment operatives, and laborers except farm) 16 years old and over / Total employed 16 years old and over. | |
Income | |
H: 298-299 | NFINC5 |
Families with less than $5,000 family income / Total families. | |
H: 300-301 | NFINC15 |
Families with $15,000 or more family income / Total families. | |
H: 302-303 | NMEDINC |
Median family income (in thousands of dollars). | |
H: 304-305 | NGINI |
Gini index of income concentration.3 | |
H: 306-307 | NFAMPOV |
Families with income below the poverty level / Total families. | |
H: 308-309 | NPOPPOV |
Persons with income below the poverty level / Total population.4 | |
General Housing Characteristics | |
H: 310-311 | NOWNEROC |
Owner-occupied units / Total occupied units. | |
H: 312-313 | NOCCUP |
Occupied units with 1.01 or more persons per room / Total occupied units. | |
H: 314-315 | NOCCPLUM |
Occupied units with all plumbing facilities and with 1.01 or more persons per room / Total occupied units. | |
H: 316-317 | NOCCNOPL |
Occupied units lacking some or all plumbing facilities / Total occupied units. | |
Value or Rent | |
H: 318-319 | NVALUE10 |
Owner-occupied units valued at less than $10,000 / Total owner-occupied units for which value is tabulated. | |
H: 320-321 | NVALUE25 |
Owner-occupied units valued at $25,000 and over / Total owner-occupied units for which value is tabulated. | |
H: 322-323 | NRENT40 |
Renter-occupied units with gross monthly rent less than $40 / Total renter-occupied units for which gross rent is tabulated excluding "no cash rent" units. | |
H: 324-325 | NRENT60 |
Renter-occupied units with gross monthly rent less than $60 / Total renter-occupied units for which gross rent is tabulated excluding "no cash rent" units. | |
H: 326-327 | NRENT150 |
Renter-occupied units with gross monthly rent $150 or more / Total renter-occupied units for which gross rent is tabulated excluding "no cash rent" units. | |
H: 328-329 | NRATIO25 |
Units with gross rent-income ratio of .25 or more / Total renter-occupied units for which gross rent is tabulated.5 | |
H: 330-331 | NRATIO35 |
Units with gross rent-income ratio of .35 or more / Total renter-occupied units for which gross rent is tabulated. | |
Vacancy | |
H: 333-333 | NVACANT |
Vacant units -- year round / Total units -- year round. | |
H: 334-335 | NVACRENT |
Vacant for rent and vacant for sale / Total units -- year round. | |
Structural and Other Characteristics | |
H: 336-337 | NUNITS1 |
Units in one-unit structures / Total units -- year round. | |
H: 338-339 | NUNITS5 |
Units in structures of 5 or more units / Total units -- year round. | |
H: 340-341 | N12ROOMS |
One- and 2-room units / Total units -- year round. | |
H: 342-343 | NTOTROOM |
Total rooms in all units / Total units -- year round (Range: 0.0 to 9.9). | |
H: 344-345 | NBUILT60 |
Units built 1960 or later / Total units -- year round. | |
H: 346-347 | NBUILT39 |
Units built 1939 or earlier / Total units -- year round. | |
H: 348-349 | NHEAT |
Units with steam or hot water; central warm-air furnace; built-in electric units; and floor, wall or pipeless furnace / Total units -- year round. | |
H: 350-351 | NAUTO |
Households with one or more cars / Total number of households. | |
H: 352-356 | NSERIAL |
Neighborhood identificiation number. This variable ranges from 1 to 42947, grouping individuals by the "neighborhood" used to construct all 1970 Neighborhood characteristic variables. |
1. Modified from: Bureau of the Census, "Neighborhood Characteristic s Record", Public Use Samples of Basic Records From the 1970 Census: Description and Technical Documentation, Washington, D.C.: Department of Commerce, 1972, pp. 85-89.
2. The "Spanish heritage" population referred to here is differently defined in three areas of the country: in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsyvania, persons of Puerto Rican birth parentage; in Texas, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and California, persons of Spanish language and/or Spanish surname; in all other States, persons of Spanish language.
3. The index of income concentration ranges from .01 to .99. As the index approaches 1.0, the greater is the inequality of the income distribution. A code of 00 indicates the index was suppressed due to unreliability.
4. Poverty status is not determined for inmates of institutions, armed forces living in military barracks, college students living in dormitories, or for unrelated individuals less than 14 years old.
5. Units where the primary individual or family income is zero or negative and units for which no cash rent is paid are excluded from tabulation of the rent-income ratio.