2020 PUMA Definitions

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Version Summary

The 2020 version of Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMAs) is the lowest level of geography identified in 2020 census samples and in samples from the American Community Survey (ACS) and Puerto Rico Community Survey (PRCS) for 2022-2031.

The Census Bureau redraws PUMA boundaries every 10 years based on population information from the most recent decennial census. The 2020-based PUMAs were first used in ACS/PRCS samples for 2022 respondents. In multi-year ACS/PRCS files, the meaning of PUMA codes depends on the year the respondent was interviewed. (See MULTYEAR). Codes for 2011 and earlier responses are based on 2000 PUMA definitions, and codes for 2012-2021 responses are based on 2010 definitions.

Composition File

2020 PUMAs are defined as groups of counties and/or census tracts. The Census Bureau provides a relationship file that identifies the tract components of each 2020 PUMA on their PUMA documentation. We redistribute that file here in a CSV (comma-separate values) format:

Reference Maps

Detailed maps of each individual 2020 PUMA can be downloaded from the Census Bureau's Reference Maps page (scroll to the bottom of the page).

2010-2020 PUMA Crosswalk

This file describes all relationships between 2010 and 2020 PUMAs, including 2010 population, 2020 population, and land area for each area of intersection:

Web Map of 2010 and 2020 PUMAs

The map below shows the 2020 (in blue) and 2010 (in orange) PUMA definitions. Clicking on the map will highlight and identify the 2010 and 2020 PUMAs for the selected location. You can select which boundaries you want to view in the Layer List, accessed through the button at the top left.

View Larger Map

Boundary File

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