1970 Census of Puerto Rico
Go Back to Enumeration Forms Index
HA. How many housing units, occupied or vacant, are there in this structure?
O 1 unit. detached from any other unit
O 1 unit. attached to one.or more other units
O 2 units
O 3 or 4 unit
O S to 9 unit
O 10 to 19 unit
O 20 to 49 units
O 5O or more unit
O Mobile home or trailer
H1. Is there a telephone on which people who live here can be called?
O Yes ------> What is the number?
O No
_______ (Phone number)
H2. Do you enter your living quarters --
O Directly from the outstde or through a common or public hill?
O Through someone else's living quarters?
H3. Do you have cooking facilities? (Include a range, stove, or portable cooking facilities if used regularly in the preparation of meals.)
O Yes. for this household only
O Yes. but also used by another household
O No cooking facilities
H4. How many rooms do you have In your living quarters? (Count bedrooms, kitchen, living room, etc. but not the bathroom.)
0 1 room O 6 rooms
O 2 rooms O 7 rooms
O 3 rooms O 8 rooms
O 4 rooms O 9 rooms or more
0 5 rooms
H5. Is there hot and cold piped water in this structure?
O Yes. hot and cold piped water in this structure
O No. only cold piped water in this structure
O No piped water in this structure
H6. Is there a flush toilet in this structure?
O Yes. for this household only
O Yes. but also used by another household
O No flush toilet
H7. It there a bathtub or shower in this structure?
O Yes. for this household only
O Yes. but also used by another household
O No bathtub or shower
H8. Is your housing unit -
O Owned or being bought by you of someone else in this household (Include all housing units that are owned or being bought. ??? Do not inlude cooperatives or condominiums here)
O A cooperative or condominium which is owned or being bought by you or someone else in this household?
O Rented for cash rent?
O Occupied without payment of cash rent?
H9a. Is this building a one-family house?
O Yes. a one-family house
O No. a building for 2 or more families or a mobile home or trailer (Skip to H11)
H9b. If "YES" - Is this home on a place of 3 cuerdas or more, or it any part of this property used as a commercial establishment or medical office?
O Yes. 3 cuerdas or more
O Yes, commercial establishment or medical office
O No. none of these
H10. If you live in a one-family home which you own or are buying--
What is the value of this property: that is, how much do you think this property (house and land) would sell for if it were for sale? (If land is rented, estimate the value of the land and combine it with the value of the house.
O Less than $500
O $500 to $999
O $1,000 to $1,999
O $2,000 to $2,999
O $3,000 to $4,999
O $5,000 to $7,499
O $7,500 to $9,999
O $10,000 to $14,999
O $15,000 to $19,999
O $20,000 to $29,999
O $30,000 or more
H11. Answer this question if you pay rent for your housing unit.
a. If you pay rent by the month-
What is your monthly rent?
Write the amount here -->___________.00
Fill one circle here
O Less than $10
O $10 to $19
O $20 to $29
O $30 to $39
O $40 to $49
O $50 to $59
O $60 to $69
O $70 to $79
O $80 to $89
O $90 to $99
O $100 to $119
O $120 to $149
O $150 to $199
O $200 or more
b. If you do not pay monthly rent-
What is your rent, and what period of time does it cover?
$________________.00 per ________________________
(Nearest dollar) (Week, half month, year)
a4. Black |a5. Serial
number | number
0 O O O 0 O O O 0
1 O O O 1 O O O 1
2 O O O 2 O O O 2
3 O O O 3 O O O 3
4 O O O 4 O O O 4
5 O O O 5 O O O 5
6 O O O 6 O O O 6
7 O O O 7 O O O 7
8 O O O 8 O O O 8
9 O O O 9 O O O 9
C. Type of housing unit or living quarters
O First form
O Continuation
O Regular
O Usual residence elsewhere
Group Quarters
O First form
O Continuation
For vacant housing units also answer questions D, E, A, H2 to H7, and H9 to Hll.
D. Vacancy status-
Year round
O For rent
O For sale only
O Rented or sold. not occupied
O For occasional use
O Other vacant
E. Months vacant
O Less than 1 month
O From 1 to 2 months
O From 2 to 6 months
O From 6 to 12 montns
O From 1 year to 2 years
O 2 years or more
Ask questions H12 to H14 if housing unit it owned or being bought.
H12. Is the owner of the housing unit also owner of the land or does he rent the land?
O Owner or buying the land
O Pays rent for the land
O Does not pay rent for use of the land
H13. If the land is rented-
What is the monthly rent for the land?
(nearest dollar)
H14. It there a mortgage on this property?
O Yes
O No
Ask question H15 if rented for cash.
H15. In addition to the rent (entered in H11), do you also pay for-
a. Electricity?
O Yes, average monthly cost is $_______________.00
O No, included in rent
O No, electricity not used
b. Gas?
O Yes, average monthly cost is $_______________.00
O No. induded in rent
O No, gas not used
c. Water?
O Yes, yearly cost is $_______________.00
O No. included in rent or no charge
d. Oil, kerosene, charcoal, wood, etc.?
O Yes, yearly cost is $_______________.00
O No, included in rent
O No. these fuels not used
H16. Location and type of toilet
O Flush toilet inside structure
O Flush toilet outside structure, for this household only
O Flush toilet outside structure, also used by another household
O Privy
O No flush toilet or privy
H17. Location of piped water
O Inside structure
O Outside structure, on property
O Outside structure. on street, road, or highway
O No piped water
H18. Does this housing unit have a kitchen sink with piped water?
O Yes
O No
H19. What type of refrigerator do you have?
O Mechanical (electric or gas)
O Ice
O No refrigerator
H20. Type of cooking facilities.
O Range or cookstove
O Portable cooking facilities
O No cooking facilities
H21. Location of cooking facilities.
O In this structure
O In another structure
O Outdoors
O No cooking facilities
H22. Which fuel is used most for cooking?
O Wood
O Charcoal
O Utility gas
O Bottled or tank gas
O Electricity
O Kerosene, fuel oil, etc.
O Other fuel
O No fuel used
H23. How many bedrooms are there in this housing unit?
(Count the rooms used mainly for sleeping even if used for other purposes.)
O No bedrooms
O 1 bedroom
O 2 bedrooms
O 3 bedrooms
O 4 bedrooms
O 5 bedrooms or more
H24. Type of construction.
Masonry walls (poured concrete, concrete blocks, stone, ornamental blocks, etc.)
O With concrete slab roof
O With wood frame roof
Wood frame walls
O With masonry foundation, poured concrete, etc.
O With wood base foundation
O Other type of construction
H25. About when was this structure originally built?
Mark when this structure was constructed for the first time, not when it was remodeled, added to, etc.)
O 1969 or 1970
O 1965 to 1968
O 1960 to 1964
O 1950 to 1959
O 1940 10 1949
O 1939 or earlier
H26. Determine from the Address Register- is this house on a farm?
O Yes, on a farm (Skip to H28)
O No, not on a farm
H27. If not on a farm-
Do you produce any fruits or vegetables or keep any livestock on this place for home consumption?
O Yes
O No
H28. Does this housing unit have electric lighting?
O Yes
O No
H29. What means do you use to obtain water for your housing unit?
O Public system
O Individual well
O Cistern, tanks, or drums
O Irrigation canal
O Spring or other source (river, etc)
H30. Is this structure connected to a public sewer?
O Yes
O No, use septic tank
O No, use other means
H31. Do you have a television set?
(Count sets in working order)
O 1 set
O 2 or more sets
O None
H32a. Do you have a radio? (Include car radio)
O 1 or more
O None (skip to H33)
H32b. Is any of these battery-operated?
O Yes
O No
H33. How many passenger cars are owned or used regularly by members of this household?
O None
O 1 automobile
O 2 or more automobiles
H34. Condition of this housing unit--
Original construction adequate
O Sound
O Deteriorating
O Dilapidated
O Original construction inadequate
(Questions on this page appeared on both the 80-percent and 20-percent questionaires)
P1. WHAT IS THE NAME OF EACH PERSON who was living here on Wednesday, April 1. 1970 or who was staying or visiting here and had no other home?
Print names in this order:
Head of the household
Wife of head
Unmarried children, oldest first
Married children and their families
Other relatives of the head
Persons not related to the head
Last name ______________________________
First name ______________________________
Middle initial ____
Fill one circle.
It "Other relative of head," also give exact relationship, for example, mother-in-law, brother, niece, grandson, etc.
It "Other not related to head," also give exact relationship, for example, partner, roomer's wife, maid, boarder's daughter, etc.
O Head of household
O Wife of head
O Son or daughter of head
O Other relativevof head - Print exact relationship _____________________
O Roomer, boarder, lodger
O Patient or inmate
O Other not related to head- Print exact relationship _____________________
Fill one circle
O Male
O Female
P4. Month and year of birth and age last birthday
Month _____ Year _____ Age _____
P5. Month of birth
Fill one circle
O January-March
O April-June
O July-September
O October-December
P6. Yeor of birth
Fill one circle for first three numbers
O 186-
O 187-
O 188-
O 189-
O 190-
O 191-
O 192-
O 193-
O 194-
O 195-
O 196-
O 197-
Fill one circie for last number
O 0
O 1
O 2
O 3
O 4
O 5
O 6
O 7
O 8
O 9
Is this person now-
O Married?
O Consensually married?
O Widowed?
O Divorced?
O Separated?
O Single?
Question 1. If you are not sure about whether to list a person,???
Question 2. If two or more unrelated people live together and share the rent, mark the first one you list "Head of the household." Mark the best "Other not related to head" and print "partner" in the space.
A stepchild or legally adopted child of the head should be marked "son or daughter of the head."
Question 4. If the month or year of birth, or the age, is not known give your best answer.
Queitloni 5, 6. If you are not sure how to fill the circles, look at the examples shown above.
Quoiilon 7. ???
(Questions on this page appeared only on the 20-percent questionnaires)
Name of person on line (1) of page 2
Last name ________________________ First name ________________________ Initial ______
P12. Where was this person born?
It born in a hospital, give residence of the mother, not location of hospital
If born in Puerto Rico, mark the circle, or write the name of the monicipio. If born outside of Puerto Rico, give State or territory of tha United States or foreign country.
O This mtinicipio
Other: __________________________________
(Municipio, State, territory, or foreign country)
P13. Where was his father born?
O P.R.
Other: __________________________________
(Municipio, State, territory, or foreign country)
P14. Where was his mother born?
O P.R.
Other: __________________________________
(Municipio, State, territory, or foreign country)
P15. Does this person know how to read and write? (in any language)
O Yes
O No
P16. Can this person speak English?
O Yes
O No
P17. When did this person move into this house (or apartment)?
(Mark circle for date of last move.) .
O 1969 or 1970
O 1968
O 1967
O 1965 or 1966
O 1960 to 1964
O 1950 to 1959
O 1949 or earlier
O Always lived here
P18a. Was this person living here on April 1, 1965?
(If in college or Armed Forces in April 1965, report place of residence there.)
O Born in April 1965 or later (Skip to 19)
O Yes, in this house (Skip to 18c)
O No, in another house.
P18b. Where did he live on April 1, 1965?
(State, territory, or foreign country)
(Municipio, barrio)
(3) Inside the limits of a city, town or village?
O Yes
O No
(Name of city, town or village)
P18c. During the last 5 years, did he live in the United States at any time for 6 months or more?
O Yes
O No (Skip to 19)
P18d. What year did he return to Puerto Rico last time?
O 1965
O 1966
O 1967
O 1968
O 1969 or 1970
P18e. How long did he live in the United States (the last time)?
O 6 months to one year
O One or two years
O Three or four years
O Five years or more
P18f. When he lived in the United States, was he -
(Mark the appropriate circles)
O Working at a job or business (full or part-time)
O In the Armed Forces
O Attending school or college
O Doing something else (housework, retired, etc.)
P19. Since February 1,1970, has this person attended regular school or college at any time?
O No
O Yes, public school or college
O Yes, parochial school or college
O Yes, other private school
P20. What is the highest grade (or year) of regular school he has ever attended?
(If now attending, mark grade he is in)
O Never attended school (Skip to 22)
O Nursery school
O Kindergarten
Elementary through high school:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
College or university (Academic year)
1 2 3 4 5 6 or more
(Questions on this page appeared only on the 20-percent questionnaires)
P21. Did he finish the highest grade (or year) he attended?
O Now attending this grade
O Finished this grade
O Did not finish this grade
P22. When was this person born?
O Before April 1956
O Born April 1956 or later (Interview next person)
P23. If this is a girl or woman-
How many babies has she ever had, not counting stillbirths, stepchildren, or adopted children?
O O O O O O O O O O O O 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 or more None
P24. If this person is a man-
Has he at some time served in the Army, Navy, or other Armed Forces of the United States?
O Yes
O No
(Fill the circle for each period of service)
O Vietnam conflict (Since Aug. 1964)
O Korean War (June 1950 to Jan. 1955}
O World War II (Sept. 1940 to July 1947)
O World War 1 (April 1917 to Nov. 1918)
O Any other time
P25a. Has this person ever completed a vocational training program? (For example, in high school; as apprentice; in school of business, nursing, or industrial; technical institute, or Armed Forces schools).
O Yes
O No (Skip to 26)
P25b. What was his main field of training? (Fill one circle)
O Business, office work
O Nursing, other health field
O Trades and crafts (mechanic, electrician, barber, etc.)
O Engineering, draftsman
O Agriculture or home economics
O Other field -
P26a. Did, this person work at any time last week? Include part-time work such as a Saturday job, home needlework, or helping without pay in a family business or farm, and active duty in the Armed Forces. Do not include own housework.
O Yes (Continue with 26b)
O No (Skip to 27)
P26b. How many hours did this person work last week? (at all jobs)
O 1 to 14 hours
O 15 to 29 hours
O 30 to 34 hours
O 35 to 39 hours
O 40 hours
O 41 to 48 hours
O 49 to 59 hours
O 60 hours or more
P26c. Where did he work last week? (If he worked at more than one place, indicate the place where he worked most last week.)
(1) Address - Number and street name
(2) Name of city, town, village, etc.
(3) Inside the limits of this city, town, village, etc.?
O Yes
O No
(4) Barrio __________________________________
(5) Municipio __________________________________
(6) Zip code __________________________________
P26d. What means of transportation did he use to get to work? (Mark the most recently used one.)
O Driver, private car
O Taxi
O Passenger, private car
O Walked only
O Bus
O Worked at home
O Public car
O Ferry boat
O Other means
Specify __________________________________
P27. Does this person have a job or business from which he was temporarily absent or on layoff last week?
O Yes, on layoff
O Yes, on vacation, temporary illness, labor dispute, etc.
O No
P28a. Has he been looking for work during the past 4 weeks?
O Yes
O No (Skip to 29)
P28b. Was there any reason why he could not take a job last week?
O Yes, already has a job
O Yes, due to this person's illness
O Yes, for other reasons
O No could have taken a job
P29. When did he last work at all, even for a few days?
O In 1970
O In 1969
O In 1968
O 1964-1967
O 1960-1963
O 1959 or earlier (Skip to 35)
O Never worked (Skip to 35)
(Questions on this page appeared only on the 20-percent questionnaires)
30-32. Show in questions 30-32 this person's job or business during the last week. If he had no job or business last week, give information for most recent job or business since 1960.
P30a. For whom did he work?
(Name of company, buiinea. organization, or other employer)
O Now serving in the Armed Forces (Skip to 33)
P30b. What kind of business or industry was this?
(For example: Junior high school, retail supermarket. TV and radio service, dairy farm, sugar mill, etc)
P30c. Is this business or industry mainly -
O Manufacturing
O Wholesale trade
O Retail trade
O Other (agriculture, construction, government, service, etc.)
P31a. What kind of work was he doing?
(For example: TV repairman, seamstress, civil engineer. farm operator, junior high school English teacher, etc.)
P31b. What were the most important activities or duties?
(For example: Types, keeps account books, filing, selling cars, janitor, bricklayer, etc.)
P32. Class of worker: Mark from the information in 30-31. or ask if not clear.
O Employee of private company, business, or individual. for wages, salary, or commissions
O Employee of Federal government
O Employee of Commonwealth government
O Employee of municipal qovernment
Self-employed, in own business, farm, etc?
O Own business not incorporated
O Own business incorporated
O Work without pay in a family business or farm
P33a. During last year (1969), did this person work at all, even for a few days?
O Yes
O No (Skip to 35)
P33b. How many weeks did he work in 1969, either full-time or part-time?
(Count paid vacation, paid sick leave, and military service.)
O 13 weeks or less
O 14 to 26 weeks
O 27 to 39 weeks
O 40 to 47 weeks
O 48 to 49 weeks
O 50 to 52 weeks
P34a. How much did this person earn during 1969 in wages, salary, commissions, bonuses, or tips from all jobs?
(Before deductions for taxes, etc)
(Nearest dollar)
O None
P34b. How much did he earn in 1969 from his own business. professional practice, or partnership?
(Net amount after Operating expenses.)
(Nearest dollar)
O None
P34c. How much did he earn in 1969 from-his own farm?
(Net amount after operating expenses.)
(Nearest dollar)
O None
P35a. How much did this person-receive in 1969 from Social Secruity or retirement?
(Nearest dollar)
O None
P35b. How much money did he receive in 1969 from public assistance or welfare payments?
(Include aid to minors. old age assistance, general assistance, aid to the blind or totally disabled. Exclude separate payments for hospital or other medical care.)
(Nearest dollar)
O None
P35c. How much did he receive in 1969 from other sources?
(Include interests, dividends, veterans' payments, pensions and other regular payments.)
(Nearest dollar)
O None