Cause of deathDescription
CAUSEDEATH indicates the person's reported cause of death. Deaths are coded to the International List of Causes of Death, revision 2 (1909).
1850, 1860, 1870, 1880
Code | Label |
Typhoid Fever | |
Typhus Fever | |
Relapsing Fever, Mediterranean Fever | |
Malaria | |
Smallpox | |
Measles (rubeola) | |
Scarlet Fever | |
Whooping Cough, Pertussis | |
Croup, Diphtheria | |
Influenza | |
Asiatic Cholera | |
Cholera Morbus, Cholera, Summer Complaint | |
Dysentery | |
Yellow Fever, Dock Fever | |
Leprosy | |
Erysipelas | |
Chicken Pox, Mumps, German Measles (rubella) | |
Septicaemia, Pyaemia | |
Glanders | |
Anthrax | |
Rabies, Hydrophobia | |
Tetanus, Lockjaw | |
Tuberculosis, Phthisis | |
Acute Miliary TB, Acute Phthisis | |
Tubercular Meningitis | |
Peritoneal and Intestinal TB | |
Pott's Disease | |
Coxalgia | |
Lupus, Scrofula, TB of other organs | |
Rickets, other forms of bone softening | |
Syphlilis, other Venereal Disease | |
Gonorrhea | |
Cancer of the oral cavity, face | |
Cancer of the stomach, liver, etc. | |
Cancer of the intestines, rectum | |
Cancer of the female genital organs | |
Cancer of the breast | |
Cancer of the skin | |
Cancer, other or not specified | |
Tumors, Cysts | |
Rheumatic Fever | |
Rheumatism, Gout | |
Scurvy | |
Diabetes | |
Grave's Disease | |
Addison's Disease | |
Hodgkin's Disease, Leukemia | |
Anemia, Cholorosis | |
Hemophilia, other diseases of the blood | |
Alcoholism (acute or chronic) | |
Lead poisoning | |
other chronic occupational poisonings | |
other poisonings | |
Encephalitis | |
Meningitis, infections of the brain | |
Locomotor Ataxia | |
Palsy, other diseases of the spinal cord | |
Apoplexy, cerebral congestion, dropsy of the brain | |
Softening of the brain | |
Hemiplegia, Paraplegia, other forms of paralysis | |
Paralysis of the insane, dementia paralysis | |
Mental alienation | |
Epilepsy | |
Convulsions | |
Infantile convulsions, convulsions from teething | |
Chorea | |
Hysteria, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Neuritis | |
Idiocy, Imbecility, Cretinism, Cerebral Tumor, other diseases of the nervous system | |
Diseases of the Eye | |
Diseases of the Ear | |
Pericarditis | |
Endocarditis, Myocarditis | |
Valvular disease, fatty degeneration of the heart, other organic heart disease | |
Angina pectoris | |
Aneurysm, artieriol sclerosis, other diseases of the arteries | |
Embolism, thrombosis | |
Phlebitis, Varicose Veins | |
Diseases of the Lymphatic System | |
Functional diseases of the heart, Hemorrhage, Nose Bleed | |
Other diseases of the circulatory system | |
Laryngitis, diseases of the larynx | |
Diseases of the Thyroid | |
Bronchitis | |
Chronic Bronchitis | |
Broncho-pneumonia | |
Lobar pneumonia, pneumonia (not stated) | |
Empyema, Pleurisy | |
Pulmonary Apoplexy, Pulmonary Odema, Pulmonary Congestion, Lung Collapse, Hypostatic Pneumonia | |
Gangrene of Lungs | |
Asthma | |
Emphysema | |
Fibroid disease of the lungs, other diseases of the respiratory system | |
Diseases of the teeth and gums, Thrush, Partotitis, other diseases of the mouth | |
Tonsilitis, other diseases of the Pharynx | |
Diseases of the Esophagus | |
Stomach Ulcer | |
Inflammation of the Stomach, other diseases of the Stomach | |
applies to children <2 years of age: Enteritis, Diarrhea, Colic, Dyspepsia, Ulceration of intestines, Duodenal Ulcer | |
applies to persons >1 year of age: Enteritis, Diarrhea, Colic, Dyspepsia, Ulceration of intestines, Duodenal Ulcer | |
Other intestinal parasites | |
Appendicitis | |
Hernia, Intestinal obstruction | |
Other diseases of the intestines | |
Acute Yellow Atrophy of the Liver | |
Cirrhosis of Liver, other disease of the liver and gall bladder | |
Biliary calculi | |
Other diseases of the Liver | |
Diseases of the Spleen | |
Peritonitis | |
Abdominal abscess, other diseases of the digestive system | |
Acute nephritis | |
Bright's disease, Nephritis, Uraemia | |
Abscess of kidney, cystic disease, suppression of urine, other diseases of the kidneys and annexa | |
Calculi of the urinary passage | |
Diseases of the bladder | |
Perineal abscess, other diseases of the urethra | |
Diseases of the prostate | |
Menorrhagia, other uterine hemorrhage | |
Uterine tumor non-canerous | |
Disorders of menstration except menorrhagia, other diseases of the uterus | |
Ovarian cyst, tumor non-cancerous | |
Diseases of the ovary, other diseases of the female genital organs | |
Non-puerperal diseases of the breast (non-cancerous) | |
Abortion, ectopic pregnancy, hemorrhage or vomiting of pregnancy, other accidents of pregnancy | |
Puerperal hemorrhage | |
Other accidents of childbirth | |
Puerperal fever | |
Puerperal nephritis,uraemia, albumunuria, convulsions, Bright's disease | |
Puerperal phlegmasia alba dolens, phlebitis, embolism, sudden death | |
other conditions of childbirth | |
Gangrene, mortification | |
Furunculosis, Boils | |
Abscesses, Carbuncles | |
Diseases of integumentary system | |
Diseases of the bones | |
Diseases of the joints | |
Amputations | |
Congenital hydrocephalus, phimosis, congenital malformations | |
Premature birth, infantile debility | |
Diseases of the umbilicus, injuries at birth | |
Lack of care | |
Senile debility, senile dementia | |
Suicide by poisoning | |
Suicide by hanging or strangulation | |
Suicide by drowning | |
Suicide by firearm | |
Suicide by cutting | |
Suicide by jumping from high place | |
Other suicides | |
Poisoning by food | |
Death by poison | |
Burns (except conflagration) | |
Asphyxiation from gases, suffocation by smoke | |
Accidental drowning | |
Firearms | |
Cutting | |
Fall | |
Occupational injury | |
Injury from machine | |
Injury from being crushed | |
Injury from animals | |
Starvation, Malnutrition | |
Exposure, Hyperthermia | |
Heat stroke, Heat prostration, coup de soleil | |
Lightning | |
Homicide by firearms | |
Homicide by cutting | |
Homicide, not specified or not elsewhere classified | |
Fractures, Dislocations | |
Other acts of violence, injury, accident, casualty | |
Dropsy, ascites | |
Sudden death | |
Fever | |
Chills, chills and fever | |
Stated 'Unknown' | |
Unspecified disease | |
Coma | |
Unclassified | |
Blank/no response | |