Occupation 1880Description
OCC1880 indicates the deceased person's occupation, if any, coded to the 1880 U.S. census classification system.
NOTE: Occupation responses were not transcribed from the manuscripts for most people in the 1860-1880 datasets. 22% of cases have occupations in 1850 versus 5 to 7% in 1860-1880. These data are not random, but cluster by geography. Care should be taken in using them.
1850, 1860, 1870, 1880
Code | Label |
Agricultural laborers | |
Dairymen and dairywomen | |
Farm and plantation overseers | |
Farmers and planters | |
Florists | |
Gardeners, nurserymen, and vine-growers | |
Stock-drovers | |
Stock-herders | |
Stock-raisers | |
Turpentine farmers and laborers | |
Actors | |
Architects | |
Artists and teachers of art | |
Auctioneers | |
Authors, lecturers, and literary persons | |
Barbers and hairdressers | |
Billiard- and bowling saloon keepers and employees | |
Boarding- and lodging-house keepers | |
Chemists, assayers, and metallurgists | |
Clergy | |
Clerks and copyists | |
Clerks in government offices | |
Clerks in hotels and restaurants | |
Collectors and claim agents | |
Designers, draughtsmen, and inventors | |
Domestic servants | |
Employees of charitable institutions | |
Employees of government (not clerks) | |
Employees of hotels and restaurants (not clerks) | |
Engineers (civil) | |
Hostlers | |
Hotel keepers | |
Hunters, trappers, guides, and scouts | |
Janitors | |
Journalists | |
Laborers (not specified) | |
Launderers and laundresses | |
Lawyers | |
Livery-stable keepers | |
Messengers | |
Midwives | |
Musicians (professional) and teachers music | |
Nurses | |
Officers of the Army and Navy | |
Officials of government | |
Physicians and surgeons | |
Restaurant keepers | |
Sexton | |
Showmen and employees of shows | |
Soldiers, sailors, and Marines (Army Navy) | |
Teachers and scientific persons | |
Veterinary surgeons | |
Watchmen (private) and detectives | |
Whitewashers | |
Others in professional and services | |
Agents (not specified) | |
Bankers and brokers | |
Boatmen and watermen | |
Bookkeepers and accountants in stores | |
Brokers (commercial) | |
Canalmen | |
Clerks in stores | |
Clerks and bookkeepers in banks | |
Clerks and bookkeepers in offices | |
Clerks and bookkeepers in railroad offices | |
Commercial travelers | |
Draymen, hackmen, teamsters, etc. | |
Employees in warehouses | |
Employees of banks (not clerks) | |
Employees of insurance companies (clerks) | |
Employees of railroad companies | |
Hucksters and peddlers | |
Milkmen and milkwomen | |
Newspaper criers and carriers | |
Officials and employees of companies (not clerks) | |
Officials and employees of street companies | |
Officials and employees of telegraph companies | |
Officials and employees of trade and transportation companies (not specified) | |
Officials of banks | |
Officials of insurance companies | |
Officials of railroad companies | |
Packers | |
Pilots | |
Porters and laborers in stores warehouses | |
Sailors | |
Salesmen and saleswomen | |
Saloon keepers and bartenders | |
Shippers and freighters | |
Steamboat men and women | |
Stewards and stewardesses | |
Toll-gate and bridge keepers | |
Traders and dealers (not specified) | |
Traders and dealers in agricultural implements | |
Traders and dealers in books stationary | |
Traders and dealers in boots and shoes | |
Traders and dealers in cabinet ware | |
Traders and dealers in cigars and tobacco | |
Traders and dealers in clothing and men's furnishing goods | |
Traders and dealers in coal and wood | |
Traders and dealers in drugs and medicines | |
Traders and dealers in dry foods, fancy foods, and notions | |
Traders and dealers in gold and silverware and jewelry | |
Traders and dealers in groceries | |
Traders and dealers in ice | |
Traders and dealers in iron, tin, and copperware | |
Traders and dealers in junk | |
Traders and dealers in leather, hides, and skins | |
Traders and dealers in liquors and wines | |
Traders and dealers in livestock | |
Traders and dealers in lumber | |
Traders and dealers in marble, stone and slate | |
Traders and dealers in music and musical instruments | |
Traders and dealers in newspapers periodicals | |
Traders and dealers in oils, paints, and turpentine | |
Traders and dealers in paper and paper stock | |
Traders and dealers in produce and provisions | |
Traders and dealers in real estate | |
Traders and dealers in sewing machines | |
Weighers, gaugers, and measurers | |
Others in trade and transportation | |
Agricultural implement makers | |
Apprentices to trades | |
Bakers | |
Basket makers | |
Blacksmiths | |
Bleachers, dyers and scourers | |
Blind, door and sash makers | |
Boat makers | |
Bookbinders and finishers | |
Boot and shoemakers | |
Bottlers and mineral-water makers | |
Box factory operatives | |
Brass founders and workers | |
Brewers and maltsters | |
Brick and tile makers | |
Bridge builders and contractors | |
Broom and brush makers | |
Builders and contractors (not specified) | |
Butchers | |
Cabinet makers | |
Candle, soap, and tallow makers | |
Car makers | |
Carpenters and joiners | |
Carpet makers | |
Carriage and wagon makers | |
Charcoal and lime burners | |
Cheese makers | |
Chemical-works employees | |
Cigar makers | |
Clerks and bookkeepers in manufacturing estabs. | |
Clock and watchmakers and repairers | |
Confectioners | |
Coopers | |
Copper workers | |
Corset makers | |
Cotton-mill operatives | |
Distillers and rectifiers | |
Employees in manufacturing estabs. (not specified) | |
Engineers and firemen | |
Engravers | |
File makers, cutters, and grinders | |
Fishermen and oystermen | |
Flax dressers | |
Fur workers | |
Galloon, gimp, and tassel makers | |
Gilders | |
Glass-works operatives | |
Glove makers | |
Gold and silver workers and jewelers | |
Gun- and lock-smiths | |
Harness and saddle makers | |
Hat and cap makers | |
Hosiery and knitting mill operatives | |
Iron and steel works and shops operatives | |
Lace makers | |
Lead and zinc works operatives | |
Leather curriers, dressers, finishers, and tanners | |
Lumbermen and raftsmen | |
Machinists | |
Manufacturers | |
Marble and stone cutters | |
Masons (brick and stone) | |
Meat and fruit preserving establishment employees | |
Meat packers, curers, and picklers | |
Mechanics (not specified) | |
Mill and factory operatives (not specified) | |
Millers | |
Milliners, dressmakers, and seamstresses | |
Miners | |
Nail makers | |
Officials of manufacturing and mining companies | |
Oil mill and refinery operatives | |
Painters and varnishers | |
Paperhangers | |
Paper mill operatives | |
Pattern makers | |
Photographers | |
Pianoforte makers and tuners | |
Plasterers | |
Plumbers and gasfitters | |
Potters | |
Printers, lithographers, and stereotypers | |
Print-works operatives | |
Publishers of books, maps, and newspapers | |
Pump makers | |
Quarrymen | |
Rag pickers | |
Railroad builders and contractors | |
Roofers and slaters | |
Rope and cordage makers | |
Rubber factory operatives | |
Sail and awning makers | |
Salt makers | |
Saw and planing mill operatives | |
Sawyers | |
Scale and rule makers | |
Shingle and lath makers | |
Ship carpenters, caulkers, riggers, and smiths | |
Shirt, cuff, and collar makers | |
Starch makers | |
Stave, shook, and heading makers | |
Steam boiler makers | |
Stove, furnace, and grate makers | |
Straw workers | |
Tailors and tailoresses | |
Thread makers | |
Tinners and tinware makers | |
Tool and cutlery makers | |
Trunk, valise, and carpet-bag makers | |
Tobacco factory operatives | |
Upholsterers | |
Wheelwrights | |
Wire makers and workers | |
Wood choppers | |
Wood turners, carvers, and woodenware makers | |
Woolen mill operatives | |
Others in manufacturing, mechanical, and mining industries | |
Officials, industry not specified | |
Keeping house | |
At home | |
Student | |
Retired | |
Without occupation, unemployed | |
Sick, disabled | |
Institutional inmate | |
Gentleman | |
Other non-occupational response | |
Have occupation, not classifiable | |
Illegible/uninterpretable | |
Blank (no response or response not transcribed) |