Occupation 1950Description
OCC1950 indicates the deceased person's occupation, if any, coded to the 1950 U.S. census classification system.
NOTE: Occupation responses were not transcribed from the manuscripts for most people in the 1860-1880 datasets. 22% of cases have occupations in 1850 versus 5 to 7% in 1860-1880. These data are not random, but cluster by geography. Care should be taken in using them.
1850, 1860, 1870, 1880
Code | Label |
Accountants and auditors | |
Actors and actresses | |
Architects | |
Artists and art teachers | |
Athletes | |
Authors | |
Chemists | |
Clergymen | |
College presidents and deans | |
Non-scientific subjects-Professors and instructors | |
Subject not specified-Professors and instructors | |
Dancers and dancing teachers | |
Dentists | |
Editors and reporters | |
Civil-Engineers | |
Mechanical-Engineers | |
Mining-Engineers | |
Engineers (nec) | |
Entertainers (nec) | |
Lawyers and judges | |
Librarians | |
Musicians and music teachers | |
Geologists and geophysicists | |
Pharmacists | |
Photographers | |
Physicians and surgeons | |
Religious workers | |
Sports instructors and officials | |
Surveyors | |
Teachers (n.e.c.) | |
Therapists and healers (nec) | |
Veterinarians | |
Professional, technical and kindred workers (nec) | |
Farmers (owners and tenants) | |
Farm managers | |
Buyers and shippers, farm products | |
Conductors, railroad | |
Inspectors, public administration | |
Managers and superintendants, building | |
Officers, pilots, pursers and engineers, ship | |
Officials and administratators (nec), public administration | |
Postmasters | |
Managers, officials, and proprietors (nec) | |
Agents (nec) | |
Baggagemen, transportation | |
Bank tellers | |
Bookkeepers | |
Cashiers | |
Collectors, bill and account | |
Express messengers and railway mail clerks | |
Mail carriers | |
Messengers and office boys | |
Shipping and receiving clerks | |
Stenographers, typists, and secretaries | |
Telegraph operators | |
Ticket, station, and express agents | |
Clerical and kindred workers (n.e.c.) | |
Auctioneers | |
Hucksters and peddlers | |
Insurance agents and brokers | |
Newsboys | |
Real estate agents and brokers | |
Salesmen and sales clerks (nec) | |
Bakers | |
Blacksmiths | |
Bookbinders | |
Boilermakers | |
Brickmasons,stonemasons, and tile setters | |
Cabinetmakers | |
Carpenters | |
Compositors and typesetters | |
Electrotypers and stereotypers | |
Engravers, except photoengravers | |
Foremen (nec) | |
Forgemen and hammermen | |
Glaziers | |
Inspectors, scalers, and graders log and lumber | |
Inspectors (nec) | |
Jewelers, watchmakers, goldsmiths, and silversmiths | |
Locomotive engineers | |
Locomotive firemen | |
Loom fixers | |
Machinists | |
Railroad and car shop-mechanics and repairmen | |
Mechanics and repairmen (nec) | |
Millers, grain, flour, feed, etc | |
Millwrights | |
Molders, metal | |
Opticians and lens grinders and polishers | |
Painters, construction and maintenance | |
Paperhangers | |
Pattern and model makers, except paper | |
Piano and organ tuners and repairmen | |
Plasterers | |
Plumbers and pipe fitters | |
Roofers and slaters | |
Shoemakers and repairers, except factory | |
Stationary engineers | |
Stone cutters and stone carvers | |
Structural metal workers | |
Tailors and tailoresses | |
Tinsmiths, coppersmiths, and sheet metal workers | |
Tool makers, and die makers and setters | |
Upholsterers | |
Craftsmen and kindred workers (nec) | |
Members of the armed services | |
Carpenters apprentice | |
Apprentices, metalworking trades (nec) | |
Apprentices, printing trades | |
Apprentices, other specified trades | |
Apprentices, trade not specified | |
Boatmen, canalmen, and lock keepers | |
Brakemen, railroad | |
Bus drivers | |
Deliverymen and routemen | |
Dressmakers and seamstresses, except factory | |
Dyers | |
Filers, grinders, and polishers, metal | |
Furnacemen, smeltermen and pourers | |
Laundry and dry cleaning Operatives | |
Meat cutters, except slaughter and packing house | |
Milliners | |
Mine operatives and laborers | |
Painters, except construction or maintenance | |
Sailors and deck hands | |
Sawyers | |
Spinners, textile | |
Stationary firemen | |
Switchmen, railroad | |
Taxicab drivers and chauffeurs | |
Truck and tractor drivers | |
Weavers, textile | |
Operative and kindred workers (nec) | |
Housekeepers, private household | |
Laundresses, private household | |
Private household workers (nec) | |
Attendants, professional and personal service (nec) | |
Barbers, beauticians, and manicurists | |
Bartenders | |
Bootblacks | |
Boarding and lodging house keepers | |
Cooks, except private household | |
Guards, watchmen, and doorkeepers | |
Housekeepers and stewards, except private household | |
Janitors and sextons | |
Marshals and constables | |
Midwives | |
Policemen and detectives | |
Porters | |
Practical nurses | |
Sheriffs and bailiffs | |
Waiters and waitresses | |
Watchmen (crossing) and bridge tenders | |
Service workers, except private household (nec) | |
Farm foremen | |
Farm laborers, wage workers | |
Farm service laborers, self-employed | |
Fishermen and oystermen | |
Gardeners, except farm and groundskeepers | |
Longshoremen and stevedores | |
Lumbermen, raftsmen, and woodchoppers | |
Laborers (nec) | |
Have occupation, not classifiable | |
Keeps house/housekeeping at home/housewife | |
Imputed keeping house (1850-1900) | |
Helping at home/helps parents/housework | |
At school/student | |
Retired | |
Unemployed/without occupation | |
Invalid/disabled w/ no occupation reported | |
Inmate | |
Gentleman/lady/at leisure | |
Other non-occupation | |
Occupation missing/unknown | |
Blank (no response or response not transcribed) |