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1980 Census of Population. Vol. 1. Characteristics of the Population

Except for the United States Summary, chapter titles and table numbers are as follows:
Ch. A - Number of Inhabitants (tables 1-13)
Ch. B - General Population Characteristics (tables 14-55)
Ch. C - General Social and Economic Characteristics (tables 56-193)
Ch. D - Detailed Population Characteristics (tables 194-251)
U. S. Summary Ch. A, B N/A
Ch. C, Tables 72-252 and Appendix PDF
Ch. D, Section B, Regions, Tables 327-341 and Appendix PDF
Ch. D, Section C, Standard Consolidated Statistical Areas, Tables 342-367 PDF
Alabama Ch. A, B, C PDF
Alaska Ch. A, B, C, D PDF
Arizona Ch. A, B, C PDF
Arkansas Ch. A, B, C PDF
California Ch. A, B PDF
Ch. C, tables 56-155 PDF
Ch. C, tables 156-193 PDF
Ch. D, tables 194-219 PDF
Ch. D, tables 220-230 PDF
Ch. D, tables 231-244 PDF
Ch. D, tables 245-251 PDF
Colorado Ch. A, B PDF
Connecticut Ch. A, B, C PDF
Delaware Ch. A, B, C, D PDF
District of Columbia Ch. A, B, C, D PDF
Florida Ch. A, B, C - section 1 PDF
Ch. C - section 2 PDF
Ch. D, part 1, tables 194-220 PDF
Ch. D, part 2, tables 221-238 PDF
Ch. D, part 3, tables 239-251 PDF
Georiga Ch. A, B, C PDF
Hawaii Ch. A, B, C, D PDF
Idaho Ch. A, B, C, D PDF
Illinois Ch. A, B PDF
Indiana Ch. A, B, C PDF
Iowa Ch. A, B, C PDF
Kansas Ch. A, B, C PDF
Kentucky Ch. A, B, C PDF
Louisiana Ch. A, B, C PDF
Maine Ch. A, B, C, D PDF
Maryland Ch. A, B, C PDF
Massachusetts Ch. A, B, C PDF
Michigan Ch. C PDF
Ch. D, tables 194-229 PDF
Ch. D, tables 230-251 PDF
Minnesota Ch. A, B, C PDF
Mississippi Ch. A, B, C, D PDF
Missouri Ch. A, B, C PDF
Montana Ch. A, B, C, D PDF
Nebraska Ch. A, B PDF
Nevada Ch. A, B, C, D PDF
New Hampshire Ch. A, B, C, D PDF
New Jersey Ch. A, B PDF
Ch. D - tables 239-251 PDF
New Mexico N/A
New York Ch. D, tables 230-251 PDF
North Carolina Ch. A, B, C PDF
North Dakota Ch. A, B, C, D PDF
Ohio Ch. D - tables 194-229 PDF
Ch. D - tables 230-251 PDF
Oklahoma Ch. D PDF
Oregon Ch. A, B, C PDF
Pennsylvania N/A
Rhode Island Ch. A, B, C, D PDF
South Carolina Ch. D PDF
South Dakota N/A
Tennessee Ch. A, B, C PDF
Texas Ch. A, B PDF
Ch. C - tables 56-169 PDF
Ch. C - tables 170-193 PDF
Ch. D - tables 230-251 PDF
Utah Ch. A, B, C, D PDF
Vermont Ch. A, B, C, D PDF
Virginia Ch. D PDF
Washington Ch. A, B, C PDF
West Virginia N/A
Wisconsin N/A
Wyoming N/A

1980 Census of Population. Vol. 1. Characteristics of the Population. Ch. C/D. Detailed Social and Economic Characteristics


1980 Census of Population. Vol. II. Subject Reports

PC80-2-1C Characteristics of American Indians by Tribes and Selected Areas: 1980 N/A
PC80-2-1D American Indians, Eskimos, and Aleuts on Identified Reservations and in the Historic Area of Oklahoma (Excluding Urbanized Areas) N/A
PC80-2-1E Asian and Pacific Islander Population in the United States N/A
PC80-2-2A Geographic Mobility for States and the Nation N/A
PC80-2-2C Geographic Mobility for Metropolitan Areas N/A
PC80-2-4B Living Arrangements of Children and Adults N/A
PC80-2-4C Marital Characteristics N/A
PC80-2-4D Persons in Institutions and Other Group Quarters N/A
PC80-2-6C Journey to Work: Metropolitan Commuting Flows N/A
PC80-2-6D Journey to Work: Characteristics of Workers in Metropolitan Areas N/A
PC80-2-6E Place of Work N/A
PC80-2-7C Occupation by Industry N/A
PC80-2-8B Earnings by Occupation and Education N/A
PC80-2-8D Poverty Areas in Large Cities N/A
PC80-2-9C Characteristics of the Rural and Farm-Related Population N/A

1980 Census of Population. Supplementary Reports

PC80-S1-1 Age, Sex, Race, and Spanish Origin of the Population by Regions, Divisions, and States: 1980 N/A
PC80-S1-2 Population and Households by States and Counties: 1980 N/A
PC80-S1-3 Race of the Population by States: 1980 N/A
PC80-S1-4 Population and Households for Census Designated Places: 1980 N/A
PC80-S1-5 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas and Standard Consolidated Statistical Areas: 1980 N/A
PC80-S1-6 Nonpermanent Residents by States and Selected Counties and Incorporated Places: 1980 N/A
PC80-S1-7 Persons of Spanish Origin by State: 1980 N/A
PC80-S1-8 Detailed Occupation and Years of School Completed by Age, for the Civilian Labor Force by Sex, Race, and Spanish Origin: 1980 N/A
PC80-S1-9 State of Residence in 1975 by State of Residence in 1980 N/A
PC80-S1-10 Ancestry of the Population by State: 1980 N/A
PC80-S1-11 Congressional District Profiles, 98th Congress N/A
PC80-S1-12 Asian and Pacific Islander Population by State: 1980 N/A
PC80-S1-13 American Indian Areas and Alaska Native Villages: 1980 N/A
PC80-S1-14 Population and Land Area of Urbanized Areas for the United States and Puerto Rico: 1980 and 1970 N/A
PC80-S1-15 Detailed Occupation of the Experienced Civilian Labor Force by Sex for the United States and Regions: 1980 and 1970 N/A
PC80-S1-19 Rural and Farm Population by Current (1980) and Previous (1970) Farm Definitions, for States and Counties: 1980 N/A
PC80-S1-20 Selected Characteristics of Persons With a Work Disability by State: 1980 N/A
PC80-S1-21 Summary Characteristics of the Black Population for States and Selected Counties and Places: 1980 N/A

1980 Census of Population and Housing, including Unit Counts, Block Statistics, Census Tracts, Summary Characteristics, Estimates of Social, Economic, and Housing Characteristics, etc.

1980 Census of Population and Housing. Preliminary Population and Housing Unit Counts. (PHC80-P-1 to -56). N/A
1980 Census of Population and Housing. Final Population and Housing Unit Counts. (PHC80-V). N/A
1980 Census of Population and Housing. Block Statistics. [Microfiche]. N/A
1980 Census of Population and Housing. Block Statistics: United States Summary, Finder's Guide to Block Statistics Reports. N/A
1980 Census of Population and Housing. Census Tracts. 380 reports N/A
1980 Census of Population and Housing. Summary Characteristics for Governmental Units and Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas. N/A
1980 Census of Population and Housing. Congressional Districts of the 98th Congress. N/A
1980 Census of Population and Housing. Congressional Districts of the 99th Congress. N/A
1980 Census of Population and Housing. Congressional Districts of the 100th Congress. N/A
1980 Census of Population and Housing. Provisional Estimates of Social, Economic, and Housing Characteristics. N/A
1980 Census of Population and Housing. Advance Estimates of Social, Economic, and Housing Characteristics. N/A

1980 Census of Housing, including Characteristics of Housing Units, Evaluation and Research Reports, Reference Reports, Index of Industries and Occupations, Geographic Identification Code Scheme, , Users' Guide, etc.

1980 Census of Housing. Vol. I. Characteristics of Housing Units N/A
Ch. A - General Housing Characteristics N/A
Ch. B - Detailed Housing Characteristics N/A
1980 Census of Housing. Vol. II. Metropolitan Housing Characteristics N/A
1980 Census of Housing. Vol. III. Subject Reports N/A
Ch. 2 - Mobile Homes N/A
Ch. 3 - Condominium Housing N/A
Ch. 4 - Structural Characteristics of the Housing Inventory N/A
Ch. 5 - Space Utilization of the Housing Inventory N/A
Ch. 6 - Mover Households N/A
1980 Census of Housing. Vol. IV. Components of Inventory Change N/A
1980 Census of Housing. Vol. V. Residential Finance N/A
1980 Census of Housing. Supplementary Reports N/A
1980 Census of Housing. Supplementary Report. Selected Housing Characteristics by States and Counties: 1980 N/A
1980 Census of Housing. Supplementary Report. Components of Inventory Change Survey N/A
1980 Census of Population and Housing. Evaluation Reports N/A
1980 Census of Population and Housing. Evaluation and Research Reports. The Coverage of Housing in the 1980 Census N/A
1980 Census of Population and Housing. Evaluation and Research Reports. Content Reinterview Study: Accuracy of Data for Selected Population and Housing Characteristics as Measured by Reinterview N/A
1980 Census of Population and Housing. Evaluation and Research Reports. Programs to Improve Coverage in the 1980 Census N/A
1980 Census of Population and Housing. Evaluation and Research Reports. The Coverage of Population in the 1980 Census N/A
1980 Census of Population and Housing. Reference Reports N/A
1980 Census of Population and Housing. Users' Guide N/A
1980 Census of Population and Housing. History N/A
1980 Census of Population and Housing. Alphabetical Index of Industries and Occupations N/A
1980 Edition N/A
Final Edition, 1982 N/A
1980 Census of Population and Housing. Classified Index of Industries and Occupations N/A
1980 Edition N/A
1982 Edition N/A
1980 Census of Population and Housing. Geographic Identification Code Scheme N/A
Census Tract Street Indexes. [1980 Census of Population and Housing] N/A
1980 Census Update: Supplement to Data User News N/A
Conference on Census Undercount, Proceedings of the 1980 Conference N/A
Neighborhood Statistics from the 1980 Census N/A

Technical Documentation

Congressional District (100th Congress) Equivalency File PDF
Congressional District Boundary File (98th Congress) PDF
Congressional District (98th Congress) Equivalency File PDF
Congressional District (99th Congress) Equivalency File PDF
CENSPAC Report Generating Guide PDF
Census Software Package(CENSPAC)User Manual PDF
County-to-County Migration Flow PDF
County Migration by Selected Characteristics: 1975-1980 PDF
Inter-County Migration Flow PDF
1980-1970 Tract Comparability File PDF
1970-Pre-1980 Tract Relationship File PDF
County Boundary File PDF
County Population by Age, Sex, Race, and Spanish Origin PDF
County Population by Age, Sex, Race, and Spanish Origin (Prelim. OMB-Consistent Modified Race) PDF
Equal Employment Opportunity Special File PDF
Equal Employment Opportunity Special File, Puerto Rico PDF
Equal Employment Opportunity Special File Supplements. I. Towns/Townships. II. MSAs/PMSAs/CMSAs PDF
Geographic Identification Code Scheme PDF
Group Quarters Population by Age, Sex, Race, and Spanish Origin PDF
1970 & 1980 Industry and Occupational Classification Systems PDF
Local Official Review Summary PDF
Master Area Reference File (MARF) PDF
Master Area Reference File (MARF), Puerto Rico) PDF
Master Area Reference File (MARF) 2 PDF
Master Area Reference File (MARF) 2, Puerto Rico PDF
School District Equivalency Files (MARF 3&4) & ZIP Code Equivalency (MARF 5) PDF
ZIP Code Equivalency File (MARF 5) PDF
Master Area Reference File (MARF): 1978 Richmond Dress Rehearsal PDF
Neighborhood Equivalency File PDF
Occupational Characteristics (Subject Report PC80-2-7A) PDF
Occupation by Industry PDF
Alphabetical Index of Occupations and Industries PDF
Postcensus Local Review Summary Data PDF
Person and Housing Unit Counts for Tracts and Minor Civil Divisions PDF
P.L. 94-171 Population Counts: 1978 Richmond Dress Rehearsal PDF
P.L. 94-171 Population Counts PDF
Public-Use Microdata Sample County Group Equivalency File PDF
Public-Use Microdata Sample PDF
Public-Use Microdata Sample, American Indian Supplementary Questionnaire PDF
Public-Use Microdata Sample, Puerto Rico Supplement PDF
Residential Finance Survey, 1981 PDF
Summary Tape File 1 PDF
Summary Tape File 1: Outlying Areas PDF
Summary Tape File 1D: Congressional Districts PDF
Summary Tape File 1E: North Dakota PDF
Summary Tape File 1F: School Districts PDF
Summary Tape File 1G: Neighborhood Statistics PDF
Summary Tape File 1G: Neighborhood Statistics, Puerto Rico PDF
Summary Tape File 1H: Congressional Districts of the 99 th Congress PDF
Summary Tape File 1: 1978 Richmond Dress Rehearsal PDF
Summary Tape File 2 PDF
Summary Tape File 2, Puerto Rico PDF
Summary Tape File 3 PDF
Summary Tape File 3: Outlying Areas PDF
Summary Tape File 3A: Puerto Rico PDF
Summary Tape File 3D: Congressional Districts PDF
Summary Tape File 3F PDF
Summary Tape File 3G: Neighborhood Statistics PDF
Summary Tape File 3G: Neighborhood Statistics, Puerto Rico PDF
Summary Tape File 3H: Congressional Districts of the 99 th Congress PDF
Summary Tape File 4 PDF
Summary Tape File 4, Puerto Rico PDF
Summary Tape File 4, Supplement 1: PB34-Place of Work PDF
Summary Tape File 5 PDF
Summary Tape File 5: Puerto Rico Preliminary PDF
Summary Tape File 5, Housing File Supplement PDF
Summary Tape File 5, Housing File Supplement: Puerto Rico PDF
Summary Tape File: American Indian Supplementary Questionnaire PDF
Spanish Surname List PDF
Special Tabulations for the Dept. of Defense PDF
Special Tabulations for New Mexico Tumor Registry PDF
Special Tabulations for the National Planning Data Corporation PDF
Tennessee Valley Authority Selected Housing Characteristics by Zip Code PDF
Workers by County of Residence by County of Work PDF
Journey-to-Work PDF
DOT Journey-to-Work (SMSA) 1975-1976 Data Base Dictionary PDF

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