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Migration status 1 year ago


MIGRATE1 reports whether the person had changed residence since a reference point 1 year ago. Specifically, individuals age 1+ were asked if they had lived in the "same house" (non-movers) or a "different house" (movers) one year earlier. Persons who had moved were to indicate the foreign country or the state, county, and place of their normal residence during the reference year. Migration data were collected only for sample-line persons in 1950.

The category "Same house" includes all eligible persons who did not move since the reference year, as well as those who had moved but by the enumeration or survey date had returned to their earlier residence. The category "Different house" includes persons who lived in a different house in the reference year. For 1950, movers (those who reported living in a different house in the reference year) are further subdivided according to type of move (e.g., within the county or across state lines). The ACS and the PRCS report only same/different residence and identify those previously living abroad.

Therefore, for the ACS/PRCS samples, MIGRATE1 uses information contained in the IPUMS variable MIGPLAC1 and compatible PUMAs of migration and PUMAs of residence to indicate whether movers migrated between states or within the same state (the same levels of detail in the 1950 classification.). For movers who migrated between states, a detailed version of MIGRATE1 indicates whether they moved between contiguous or non-contiguous states. For movers who migrated within the same state, detailed MIGRATE1 indicates whether they moved within or between PUMAs.