1880 Occupation Codes

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This page presents the 1880 census occupational classification system recorded in the IPUMS variable OCC (the 1850-1900 samples also use this classification). The page shows each occupation category and its corresponding OCC code. The occupations are grouped into several large industrial groupings (e.g., agriculture). In addition to this contemporary system, the IPUMS codes all census years into the 1950 occupation classification scheme, recording them in the variable OCC1950. The OCC1950 classification has corresponding occupational standing measures recorded in the variables SEI, NPBOSS50, PRESGL, EDSCOR50, ERSCOR50, and OCCSCORE. Our essay on "Integrated Occupation and Industry codes and Occupational Standing Variables in the IPUMS" describes how we construct harmonized occupational variables as well as occupational standing variables.

Occupation Category
OCC Occupation
001 Agricultural laborers
002 Apiarists
003 Dairymen and dairywomen
004 Farm and plantation overseers
005 Farmers and planters
006 Florists
007 Gardeners, nurserymen, and vine-growers
008 Stock-drovers
009 Stock-herders
010 Stock-raisers
011 Turpentine farmers and laborers
012 Others in agriculture
Professional and Personal Services
013 Actors
014 Architects
015 Artists and teachers of art
016 Auctioneers
017 Authors, lecturers, and literary persons
018 Barbers and hairdressers
019 Billiard- and bowling saloon keepers and employees
020 Boarding- and lodging-house keepers
021 Chemists, assayers, and metallurgists
022 Clergy
023 Clerks and copyists
024 Clerks in government offices
025 Clerks in hotels and restaurants
026 Collectors and claim agents
027 Dentists
028 Designers, draughtsmen, and inventors
029 Domestic servants
030 Employees of charitable institutions
031 Employees of government (not clerks)
032 Employees of hotels and restaurants (not clerks)
033 Engineers (civil)
034 Hostlers
035 Hotel keepers
036 Hunters, trappers, guides, and scouts
037 Janitors
038 Journalists
039 Laborers (not specified)
040 Launderers and laundresses
041 Lawyers
042 Livery-stable keepers
043 Messengers
044 Midwives
045 Musicians (professional) and teachers music
046 Nurses
047 Officers of the Army and Navy
048 Officials of government
049 Physicians and surgeons
050 Restaurant keepers
051 Sexton
052 Showmen and employees of shows
053 Soldiers, sailors, and Marines (Army Navy)
054 Teachers and scientific persons
055 Veterinary surgeons
056 Watchmen (private) and detectives
057 Whitewashers
058 Others in professional and services
Trade and Transportation
059 Agents (not specified)
060 Bankers and brokers
061 Boatmen and watermen
062 Bookkeepers and accountants in stores
063 Brokers (commercial)
064 Canalmen
065 Clerks in stores
066 Clerks and bookkeepers in banks
067 Clerks and bookkeepers in companies
068 Clerks and bookkeepers in offices
069 Clerks and bookkeepers in railroad offices
070 Commercial travelers
071 Draymen, hackmen, teamsters, etc.
072 Employees in warehouses
073 Employees of banks (not clerks)
074 Employees of insurance companies (clerks)
075 Employees of railroad companies
076 Hucksters and peddlers
077 Milkmen and milkwomen
078 Newspaper criers and carriers
079 Officials and employees of companies (not clerks)
080 Officials and employees of street companies
081 Officials and employees of telegraph companies
082 Officials and employees of telephone companies
083 Officials and employees of trade and transportation companies (not specified)
084 Officials of banks
085 Officials of insurance companies
086 Officials of railroad companies
087 Packers
088 Pilots
089 Porters and laborers in stores warehouses
090 Sailors
091 Salesmen and saleswomen
092 Saloon keepers and bartenders
093 Shippers and freighters
094 Steamboat men and women
095 Stewards and stewardesses
096 Toll-gate and bridge keepers
097 Traders and dealers (not specified)
098 Traders and dealers in agricultural implements
099 Traders and dealers in books stationary
100 Traders and dealers in boots and shoes
101 Traders and dealers in cabinet ware
102 Traders and dealers in cigars and tobacco
103 Traders and dealers in clothing and men's furnishing goods
104 Traders and dealers in coal and wood
105 Traders and dealers in cotton and wool
106 Traders and dealers in crockery, china, glass, and stoneware
107 Traders and dealers in drugs and medicines
108 Traders and dealers in dry foods, fancy foods, and notions
109 Traders and dealers in gold and silverware and jewelry
110 Traders and dealers in groceries
111 Traders and dealers in hats, caps, and furs
112 Traders and dealers in ice
113 Traders and dealers in iron, tin, and copperware
114 Traders and dealers in junk
115 Traders and dealers in leather, hides, and skins
116 Traders and dealers in liquors and wines
117 Traders and dealers in livestock
118 Traders and dealers in lumber
119 Traders and dealers in marble, stone and slate
120 Traders and dealers in music and musical instruments
121 Traders and dealers in newspapers periodicals
122 Traders and dealers in oils, paints, and turpentine
123 Traders and dealers in paper and paper stock
124 Traders and dealers in produce and provisions
125 Traders and dealers in real estate
126 Traders and dealers in sewing machines
127 Undertakers
128 Weighers, gaugers, and measurers
129 Others in trade and transportation
Manufacturing, Mechanical, and Mining Industries
130 Agricultural implement makers
131 Artificial-flower makers
132 Apprentices to trades
133 Bag makers
134 Bakers
135 Basket makers
136 Blacksmiths
137 Bleachers, dyers and scourers
138 Blind, door and sash makers
139 Boat makers
140 Bone and ivory workers
141 Bookbinders and finishers
142 Boot and shoemakers
143 Bottlers and mineral-water makers
144 Box factory operatives
145 Brass founders and workers
146 Brewers and maltsters
147 Brick and tile makers
148 Bridge builders and contractors
149 Britannia and japanned ware makers
150 Broom and brush makers
151 Builders and contractors (not specified)
152 Butchers
153 Button-factory operatives
154 Cabinet makers
155 Candle, soap, and tallow makers
156 Car makers
157 Carpenters and joiners
158 Carpet makers
159 Carriage and wagon makers
160 Charcoal and lime burners
161 Cheese makers
162 Chemical-works employees
163 Cigar makers
164 Clerks and bookkeepers in manufacturing estabs.
165 Clock and watchmakers and repairers
166 Confectioners
167 Coopers
168 Copper workers
169 Corset makers
170 Cotton-mill operatives
171 Distillers and rectifiers
172 Employees in manufacturing estabs. (not specified)
173 Engineers and firemen
174 Engravers
175 Fertilizer establishment operatives
176 File makers, cutters, and grinders
177 Fishermen and oystermen
178 Flax dressers
179 Fur workers
180 Galloon, gimp, and tassel makers
181 Gas-works employees
182 Gilders
183 Glass-works operatives
184 Glove makers
185 Gold and silver workers and jewelers
186 Gun- and lock-smiths
187 Hair cleaners, dressers, and workers
188 Harness and saddle makers
189 Hat and cap makers
190 Hosiery and knitting mill operatives
191 Iron and steel works and shops operatives
192 Lace makers
193 Lead and zinc works operatives
194 Leather case and pocket-book makers
195 Leather curriers, dressers, finishers, and tanners
196 Lumbermen and raftsmen
197 Machinists
198 Manufacturers
199 Marble and stone cutters
200 Masons (brick and stone)
201 Meat and fruit preserving establishment employees
202 Meat packers, curers, and picklers
203 Mechanics (not specified)
204 Mill and factory operatives (not specified)
205 Millers
206 Milliners, dressmakers, and seamstresses
207 Miners
208 Mirror and picture frame makers
209 Nail makers
210 Officials of manufacturing and mining companies
211 Oil mill and refinery operatives
212 Oil well operatives and laborers
213 Organ makers
214 Painters and varnishers
215 Paperhangers
216 Paper mill operatives
217 Pattern makers
218 Photographers
219 Pianoforte makers and tuners
220 Plasterers
221 Plumbers and gasfitters
222 Potters
223 Printers, lithographers, and stereotypers
224 Print-works operatives
225 Publishers of books, maps, and newspapers
226 Pump makers
227 Quarrymen
228 Quartz and stamp-mill operatives
229 Rag pickers
230 Railroad builders and contractors
231 Roofers and slaters
232 Rope and cordage makers
233 Rubber factory operatives
234 Sail and awning makers
235 Salt makers
236 Saw and planing mill operatives
237 Sawyers
238 Scale and rule makers
239 Screw makers
240 Sewing machine factory operatives
241 Sewing machine operators
242 Shingle and lath makers
243 Ship carpenters, caulkers, riggers, and smiths
244 Shirt, cuff, and collar makers
245 Silk mill operatives
246 Starch makers
247 Stave, shook, and heading makers
248 Steam boiler makers
249 Stove, furnace, and grate makers
250 Straw workers
251 Sugar makers and refiners
252 Tailors and tailoresses
253 Thread makers
254 Tinners and tinware makers
255 Tool and cutlery makers
256 Trunk, valise, and carpet-bag makers
257 Tobacco factory operatives
258 Umbrella and parasol makers
259 Upholsterers
260 Wheelwrights
261 Wire makers and workers
262 Wood choppers
263 Wood turners, carvers, and woodenware makers
264 Woolen mill operatives
265 Others in manufacturing, mechanical, and mining industries
266 Officials, industry not specified
291 Engaged in slave trade
Non-Occupational Response
301 Keeping house, logical change
302 Keeping house
303 At home
304 Student
305 Retired
306 Without occupation, unemployed
307 Sick, disabled
308 Institutional inmate
309 Gentleman
310 Other non-occupational response
975 Have occupation, not classified
979 Unclassified
990 Enumerated as 'Formerly a slave" or equivalent
996 Mark for allocation
997 Illegible/uninterpretable
999 Blank

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