1930 Occupation Codes

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This page presents the 1930 census occupational classification system recorded in the IPUMS variables OCC and OCC1930. The original occupation codes containing both alphabetic and numeric characters are preserved in OCC1930, while OCC presents the occupation codes in fully numeric form without changing the occupational categorization. This table shows the relationship between the OCC and OCC1930 codes. In addition to this contemporary system, the IPUMS codes all census years into the 1950 occupation classification scheme, recording them in the variable OCC1950. This table is also available in Excel format. The OCC1950 classification has corresponding occupational standing measures recorded in the variables SEI, NPBOSS50, PRESGL, EDSCOR50, ERSCOR50, and OCCSCORE. Our essay on "Integrated Occupation and Industry codes and Occupational Standing Variables in the IPUMS" describes how we construct harmonized occupational variables as well as occupational standing variables.

Occupation Category
OCC OCC1930 Occupation
001 00V1 Farm laborers (wage workers)
002 00V0 Farm laborers (unpaid family workers)
Forestry and Fishing
003 86V0 Fishermen and oystermen
004 81V1 Foresters, forest rangers, and timber cruisers
005 89V1 Teamsters and haulers: lumbermen, raftsmen, and woodchoppers
006 0074 Foremen and overseers (bosses; lumber industries)
007 0075 Inspectors: forestry, extraction of minerals, transportation, trade
Manufacturing and Mechanical Occupations
008 00VX Foremen and overseers (manufacturing)
009 00V2 Blacksmiths' apprentices
010 00V3 Boiler makers' apprentices
011 00V4 Carpenters' apprentices
012 00V5 Electricians' apprentices
013 00V6 Machinists' apprentices
014 00V7 Plumbers' apprentices
015 00V8 Tinsmith's and coppersmith's apprentices
016 00V9 Apprentices to other building and hand trades
017 8064 Dressmakers' and milliners' apprentices
018 000V Jewelers', watchmakers', goldsmiths' and silversmiths' apprentices
019 000X Other apprentices in manufacturing
020 8349 Printers' and bookbinders' apprentices
021 8411 Bakers
022 0000 Blacksmiths
023 0001 Forgemen, hammermen
024 0002 Boiler makers
025 0003 Brick and stone masons and tile makers
026 0004 Builders and building contractors
027 0005 Cabinetmakers
028 0006 Carpenters
029 0007 Compositors, linotypers, and typesetters
030 0008 Coopers
031 8364 Dressmakers and seamstresses, not in factory
032 0009 Dyers
033 001V Electricians
034 8649 Electrotypers and stereotypers
035 8749 Lithographers
036 001X Engineers-stationary
037 0010 Cranemen, derrickmen, hostmen, etc.
038 0011 Engravers
039 0012 Buffers and polishers (metal)
040 0013 Filers (metal)
041 0014 Grinders (metal)
042 0015 Firemen, except locomotive and fire department
043 0016 Furnace men and smelter men and pourers (metal industries)
044 0017 Heaters (metal industries)
045 0018 Puddlers (metal industries)
046 8502 Glass blowers, glass factories
047 8563 Glass blowers, electrical supply factories
048 0019 Goldsmiths and silversmiths
049 002V Jewelers and labidaries-factory
050 8664 Jewelers and watchmakers, not in factory
051 0072 Owners, operators, and proprietors (manufacturers)
052 0076 Mechanics: not otherwise stated
053 002X Loom fixers
054 0020 Machinists
055 0021 Millwrights
056 0022 Toolmakers and die setters and sinkers
057 0073 Managers and officials (superintendent, president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, sales manager)
058 8864 Milliners and millinery dealers
059 0023 Brass molders, founders, and casters
060 0024 Iron molders, founders, and casters
061 0025 Other metal molders, founders, and casters
062 0026 Oliers of machinery
063 8415 Millers, flour, and grain mills
064 8419 Millers and other food factories
065 0027 Enamelers, lacquerers, and japanners
066 0028 Painters, glaziers, and varnishers-building
067 0029 Painters, glaziers, and varnishers-factory
068 86X1 Paper hangers
069 003V Pattern and model makers
070 8943 Piano and organ tuners in factories
071 8964 Piano and organ tuners not in factories
072 003X Cement finishers
073 87X1 Plasterers
074 0030 Plumbers and gas and steam fitters
075 9946 Pressmen: blank book, envelope, paper bags
076 9949 Pressmen: printing, publishing, engraving
077 0031 Rollers and roll hands-metal
078 89X1 Roofers and slaters
079 0032 Sawyers
080 9964 Shoemakers and cobblers, not in factory
081 0033 Skilled occupations, not elsewhere specified
082 0034 Stonecutters
083 0035 Structural iron workers-building
084 801V Tailors and tailoresses
085 0036 Coppersmiths
086 0037 Tinsmiths and sheet metal workers
087 0077 Operatives, not elsewhere specified
088 0078 Laborers, not elsewhere specified
089 0038 Upholsterers
Transportation and Communication
090 004X Motor truck and tractor drivers
091 8380 Boatmen, canalmen, and lock keepers
092 8680 Captains, masters, mates and pilots
093 8880 Longshoremen and stevedores
094 8980 Sailors and deck hands
095 868V Bus conductors
096 0039 Chauffeurs
097 004V Draymen, teamsters, and carriage drivers
098 8171 Street cleaning
099 8077 Baggagemen, steam railroad
100 8078 Baggagemen, street railroad
101 8377 Freight agents, steam railroad
102 8378 Freight agents, street railroad
103 8577 Boiler washers and engine hostlers
104 8677 Brakemen-steam railroad
105 8777 Conductors, steam railroad
106 8778 Conductors, street railroad
107 8977 Locomotive engineers
108 9077 Locomotive firemen
109 9377 Motormen, steam railroad
110 9378 Motormen, street railroad
111 9677 Switchmen and flagmen, steam railroad
112 9678 Switchmen and flagmen, street railroad
113 9877 Yardmen-steam railroad
114 9977 Ticket and station agents, steam railroad
115 9978 Ticket and station agents, street railroad
116 8672 Express companies communication agents
117 8272 Express messengers
118 8676 Railway mail clerks
119 8876 Mail carriers
120 9976 Postmasters
121 8679 Telegraph and telephone linemen
122 966V Radio operators
123 8479 Telegraph messengers
124 8979 Telegraph operators
125 9979 Telephone operators
126 0040 Apprentices-transportation and communication industries
127 8070 Aviators
128 0041 Advertising agents
129 8090 Apprentices, wholesale and retail trade
130 8583 Bankers and bank officials
131 8683 Commercial brokers and commission men
132 8783 Loan brokers and pawnbrokers
133 8983 Stockbrokers
134 9983 Brokers not specified and promoters
135 8391 Retail dealers and department stores
136 0042 Commercial travelers
137 8590 Decorators, drapers, and windows dressers
138 8690 Deliverymen for stores
139 8611 Bakeries deliverymen
140 8885 Insurance agents
141 8890 Newsboys
142 00VV Propietors, not elsewhere specified
143 8286 Real estate agents
144 8289 Retail dealers, automobiles and accessories
145 8V91 Retail dealers, books, music, news, and stationary
146 8X91 Retail dealers, buyers and shippers of livestock and other farm produce
147 8091 Retail dealers, candy and confectionery
148 8191 Retail dealers, cigars and tobacco
149 8291 Retail dealers, coal and wood
150 8390 Clerks in stores
151 8491 Retail dealers, dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes
152 8591 Retail dealers, drugs and medicines, including druggists and pharmacists
153 8691 Retail dealers, five and ten cent variety stores
154 8791 Retail dealers, flour and feed
155 8891 Retail dealers, food (except groceries and huckster's goods)
156 8991 Retail dealers, furniture, carpets, and rugs
157 8989 Retail dealers, gasoline and oil filling stations
158 9V91 Retail dealers, general stores
159 9X91 Groceries
160 9091 Retail dealers, hardware, implements, and wagons
161 9191 Retail dealers, hucksters and peddlers
162 9291 Retail dealers, ice
163 9391 Retail dealers, jewelry
164 9491 Retail dealers, junk and rags
165 9591 Retail dealers, lumber
166 9691 Retail dealers, opticians
167 9791 Retail dealers, other specified dealers
168 9891 Retail dealers, not specified dealers
169 9390 Salesmen and saleswomen: auctioneers
170 0043 Canvassers
171 9590 Sales demonstrators
172 0044 Sales agents
173 0045 Salesmen or saleswomen
174 9690 Undertakers
175 9991 Wholesale dealers, importers and exporters
176 9890 Fruit and vegetable graders and packers
177 9990 Meat cutters
Public Service
178 8093 Firemen-fire department
179 0046 Guards, watchmen, and doorkeepers
180 8393 Garbage men and scavengers
181 8593 Detectives
182 8693 Marshals and constables
183 8893 Probation and truan officers
184 8993 Sheriffs
185 9093 Officials and inspectors-city
186 9393 Officials and inspectors-county
187 9593 Officials and inspectors-state
188 9693 Officials and inspectors-United States
189 0047 Policemen
190 9893 Soldiers, sailors, and marines
191 9993 Other public service pursuits
Professional and Semi-Professional Services
192 807V Actors
193 817V Showmen
194 8294 Architects
195 8394 Artists, sculptors, and teachers of art
196 8494 Authors
197 8594 Editors and reporters
198 0048 Chemists, assayers, and metallurgists
199 8694 Clergymen
200 8794 College presidents and professors
201 8894 Dentists
202 0049 Designers
203 005V Draftsmen
204 8994 Inventors
205 005X Lawyers, judges, and justices
206 827V Musicians and teachers of music
207 9194 Osteopaths
208 0050 Photographers
209 9294 Physicians and surgeons
210 9394 Teachers, athletics and dancing
211 9494 Teachers, school
212 0051 Civil engineers and surveyors
213 0052 Electrical engineers
214 0053 Mechanical and technical engineers, not elsewhere cited
215 0054 Mining engineers
216 0055 Trained nurses
217 9594 Veterinary surgeons
218 9694 County agents, farm demonstrators, etc.
219 9794 Librarians
220 9994 Other professional occupations
221 0056 Social and welfare workers
222 8095 Abstractors, notaries, and justices of peace
223 0057 Architects', designers;, and draftsmen's apprentices
224 8295 Apprentices to other professional persons
225 837V Billiard room, dance hall, skating rink, etc., keepers
226 8395 Chiropractors
227 847V Directors, managers, and officials of motion picture production
228 8495 Healers (not elsewhere classified)
229 8595 Keepers of charitable and penal institutions
230 857V Keepers of pleasure resorts, race tracks, etc.
231 8795 Officials of lodges, societies, etc.
232 867V Radio announcers, directors, managers, and officials
233 8895 Religious workers
234 8995 Technicians and laboratory assistants
235 877V Theatrical owners, managers, and officials
236 9195 Other semiprofessional occupations
237 917V Other recreational occupations
238 927V Attendants, pool rooms, bowling alleys, golf clubs, etc.
239 9295 Dentists' assistants and attendants
240 9395 Librarians' assistants and attendants
241 9595 Physicians' and surgeons' attendants
242 967V Stage hands and circus helpers
243 977V Theater ushers
244 997V Other attendants and helpers, recreation and amusement
245 9995 Other attendants and helpers, professional service
Domestic and Personal Services
246 8096 Barbers, hairdressers, and manicurists
247 829V Boarding and lodging house keepers
248 8396 Bootblacks
249 0058 Charwomen and cleaners
250 0059 Elevator tenders
251 849V Hotel keepers and managers
251 949V Hotel keepers and managers
252 006V Housekeepers and stewards
253 006X Janitors
254 8596 Launderers and laundresses-not in laundry, other domestic and personal service
255 859V Launderers and laundresses-not in laundry, hotels, restaurants, boarding houses, etc.
256 8697 Laundry deliverymen
257 8696 Midwives
258 8796 Nurses (not trained)
259 0079 Porters (except in stores)
260 889V Restaurant, cafe, and lunch room keepers
261 0060 Cooks (except in Army or Navy)
262 959V Servants, hotels, restaurants, boarding houses, etc.
263 9596 Servants, other domestic and personal service
264 0061 Waiters (except in Army or Navy)
265 9796 Cemetery keepers
266 9896 Hunters, trappers, and guides
Clerical Occupations
267 0062 Agents (not elsewhere classified)
268 0063 Collectors
269 0064 Credit men
270 0065 Purchasing agents (except for railroads)
271 0066 Accountants and auditors
272 0067 Bookkeepers and cashiers
273 0068 Clerks: office appliance operators
274 0069 Clerks: shipping
275 007V Weigher clerks
276 007X Other clerks (except clerks in stores)
277 0070 Messenger, errand, and office boys and girls
278 0071 Stenographers and typists
279 8990 Employment office keepers
Not Specified Occupations
280 9996 Other occupations
998 9998 Implausible code
999 9999 Blank

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