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YRIMMIG reports the year in which a foreign-born person entered the United States (or Puerto Rico, for the 1910 and 1920 Puerto Rico samples).

For the 1900-1930 samples and the 2000-2004 ACS, YRIMMIG reports the exact year of immigration. For 1970-1990, the respondent was asked to report the range of years that included their year of arrival. For the 2000 census and the ACS from 2005 onward, exact years are reported back to 1935; some years prior to 1935 are collapsed into categories (see the codes page for details). The codes for all such categories represent the latest possible year in which a respondent could have immigrated.

Other immigration variables are available; see the following table:

  USA Puerto Rico

Year immigrated

Number of years living in area (continuous; limited availability) YRSUSA1 YRSPR
Number of years living in area (intervalled; wide availability) YRSUSA2 YRSPR2